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Walk in interview for Junior Research Fellow in Tezpur University

Clinical research courses

A walk-in interview will be held on 29 June, 2016 at 11.00 a.m. at Department  of  Food  Engineering and Technology, Tezpur University,
for 01 (one) temporary position of Junior Research Fellow under DRDO sponsored  research  project  entitled  “ Quality  Improvement  of  a  Traditional  Prob iotic  Beverage of North East India as Combat Food ” under  Professor Sankar Chandra Deka, Principal Investigator  at the Department of Food Engineering and Technology, Tezpur University.

Post: Junior Research Fellow

Educational Qualification: First class master’s degree in life science/food related subjects. Those having qualified  UGC/CSIR - NET/GATE examination o r with related work experience shall be preferred.

Fellowship: Rs.  25,000 / - (Rupees  twenty  five  thousand) only  per  month  will  be  applicable  to  UGC/CSIR - NET/GATE  qualified candidate  or  Post  Graduate  degree  in  professional  course.    Rs.  12,000 / - (Rupees  twelve  thousand) only per month for other candidate.

Duration: Up to  26/05/2017 or till completion of the project, whichever is earlier.

Age: Candidate should not be more that  28 years  of age on  the date of interview . Upper age limit may be relaxed  up to 5 years in the cas e of candidate belonging to SC/ ST /OBC / Women / Physically Challenged applicants

interested candidates may appear before the Selection Committee with original documents and photocopies of age  proof,  marks  sheets  and  certificates  of  exa minations  from  12 th standard  onwards,  certificates  of  NET/GATE  or  similar  examination  qualifications,  recent  bio - data  and  any  other  testimonials  on  the  day  of  interview.  Advance  copy   of   their   CV   may   be   sent   to  Professor   Sankar   Chandra   Deka,  Principal   Inves tigator   via   email:

1.   No  TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview .
2.  Candidates  appearing  for  the  walk - in - interview  should  fill  up  the  application  in  prescribed  form  enclos ed as  Annexure - I .

For further details please contact:
Professor  Sankar  Chandra  Deka ,  Principle  Investigator,  Department  of  Food  Engineering  and  Technology, Tezpur University, Napaam, Tezpur - 784028 (Assam) ,  Email:


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