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Recruitment for Junior Pharmacist in Damodar Valley Corporation - Govt Job | 04 vacancies

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Damodar Valley Corporation is one of the premier power utilities in India engaged in Thermal / Hydel Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution, peripheral activities for a sustained and eco-friendly growth of the Valley Area with its Head Quarters in Kolkata and an annual turnover of 5284 crores (F.Y.2008-09) having an installed capacity of 2857.20 MW and it is likely to augment its capacity by addition of about 10427.20 MW in the XIth- XIIth Plan. Applications are invited from young and promising Indian citizens having good academic record to join the organization for the following posts for its various Power Plants, Sub-stations, offices, hospitals & dispensaries spread across the state of West Bengal and Jharkhand.

Post: Jr.Pharmacist Gr-II

Total Vacancies: 04

Scale of Pay: Consolidated Pay of Rs.14,697/- (Fixed).

Age Limit: Maximum 65 years of age as on 30.06.2016 for all categories (General/OBC/SC/ST/PWD) of candidates.

Higher Secondary (Science) or equivalent with 2 years Diploma course in Pharmacy from recognized Institution. Registration with Pharmacist Council of any State or Central. Candidate should have passed Dresser-ship examination or 2 years Post-Qualification experience in Dressing and working in a reputed Hospital/Nursing Home. In case of candidates holding B.Pharma Degree, the post qualification experience for one year in Dressing will be required.

Before appearing for the Walk-in-Interview/Skill Test, candidates need to fill up the Application Form ONLINE in DVC website on and from 13.06.2016 till 04.07.2016 and bring a print out of the Online Application Form duly filled in enclosing all supporting documents in ORIGINAL along with one set of self-attested Xerox copies of supporting documents at Interview venue for verification. Candidates are required to bring all documents in ORIGINAL as well as XEROX COPIES as mentioned at Sl. No. 5 (Page-8).

Before applying, candidates should keep a scanned copy of photograph, ready to be uploaded while applying ONLINE.

OPENING DATE: 13.06.2016 (From 11:00 A.M)
CLOSING DATE: 04.07.2016 (Till 24:00 hrs)
Date, Time, Venue for    Will be notified on DVC website Walk-in-Interview/Skill Test only

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(i)  Before applying /appearing for the interview/Skill test, the candidate must ensure that he / she fulfils the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in the advertisement hoisted on the website Candidature of the candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the Notification. The decision of DVC in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate at any stage of the process of recruitment shall be final and binding on the candidate. If any shortcoming is detected after appointment, the services of such candidates are liable to be terminated.
(ii) DVC reserves the right to cancel the Notification, modify the Qualification Requirement without assigning any reason thereof and any decision of DVC in respect of the selection process throughout is final & binding.
(iii) The candidate claiming to belong to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/PWD/Ex-Servicemen category has to submit attested copy of Caste /PWD certificate in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority specified by GOI Rules/Orders. In case of OBC (Non Creamy Layer) candidates, latest caste certificate (not older than six months) needs to be submitted. (Please refer to FORMAT-2 to 4 in DVC website for prescribed GOI format of Caste Certificate).
(iv) Candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the Advertisement. The decision of DVC in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, penalty for false information, mode of selection & interviews, selection and allotment of posts and places of postings to the selected candidates shall be final and binding on the candidate. No enquiry/ correspondence or telephonic discussion will be entertained in this regard. If any shortcoming is detected after appointment, the services of such candidates are liable to be terminated.
(v) It is brought to the knowledge of the candidates that if the situation so demands due to unforeseen reasons or otherwise, the interview/skill test may continue even on the next working day(s) beyond the fixed dates, candidates should make their own arrangements for stay for attending the interview/skill test.
(vi) Candidates are required to sign in the prescribed place provided in the Form in running hand and not in Block Capital or disjointed letter. During physical verification, all signatures should be identical. Different styled Signature at various occasions during Recruitment activities may lead to the rejection of the candidature.
(vii)  Any subsequent amendment/notice/clarification etc., if any, will be made available in DVC website only. As such, candidates are advised to keep visiting DVC website from time to time till completion of recruitment process of the posts.
(viii) Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
(ix)  Services to be utilized in remote areas. However, DVC reserves the right to transfer them to any other field formations of DVC.
(x) Only Xerox copy of documents will be retained. However, records of other than selected candidates are not maintained after completion of the recruitment process.

Note: Any Corrigendum and subsequent changes, Date of Interview/Skill Test, venue, etc. will be notified on DVC website only. Therefore, all applicants are requested to visit DVC website (Recruitment->Careers) regularly.

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