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Vacancy for Ph.D, M.Pharm, M.S Pharm as JRF at Central University of Punjab

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Vacancy for Ph.D, M.Pharm, M.S Pharm as JRF at Central University of Punjab

The Central University of Punjab, has been established in 2009 along with other new Central Universities by an Act of Parliament (No 25, of 2009). Central University has completed a remarkable journey of 12 years. University is accredited ‘A’ grade in 2016 in first accreditation cycle by NAAC and has secured 95th, 87th and 84th rank in the year 2019, 2020 and 2021 respectively in the University category of NIRF. It is credited with highest per capita research funding. The university has a mission of providing a wide range of instructional and research facilities across integrated and cross-disciplines, promote innovation in teaching, learning and research, and cross-pollinate new ideas, new technologies and new world-views.

Post : Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Project Title : “Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidine derivatives as thymidylate synthase inhibitors” 
File Number : CRG/2023/000749.
Investigator : 
Dr. Pradeep Kumar (PI) Dr. Uma Shanker (co-PI) 
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Natural products and  Department of Pharmacology, Central University of Punjab, Village Ghudda, Bathinda, PUNJAB-151401
Project duration : Three years
No. of Post : 01

Age : Upto 35 years as on date of interview (Relaxation in age is permissible for SC/ST/OBC candidates as per Government of India rules)
Fellowship : Rs. 42,000/- per month + HRA 
Essential Qualification : 1. First / Second class M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry)/M.S.Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry); Ph.D. (Pharmaceutical Sciences/Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry)
2. At least one year research experience 
3. At least one publication in SCI journal
Desirable Qualification : 1. Experience in synthesis of medicinally potent compounds.
2. Experience in designing of novel compounds using in silico approaches.
3. Experience in biological experiments including cell culture, enzymatic assays, western blotting, MTT assays, animal handling, and execution of animal study protocols in models.
4. Experience in scientific manuscripts and patent drafting.
5. Good communication skills
Engagement Period : Initially for a period of one year, further extendable based on extension of project, satisfactory work, conduct and availability of funds in the project head.

Terms and Conditions 
• Candidates should bring duly filled application form at the time of interview. 
• Candidates should bring the original and self-attested copies of all the supporting documents/experience certificate(s) and reprint(s) of publication(s) at the time of interview. 
• No canvassing in any form will be entertained.
• For more details/clarification, please contact Project Investigator co-investigator 
• No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Date of Interview : 05th August 2024, 10:00 AM onwards at IQAC Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Aryabhata Academic Block, Central University of Punjab 

Application Form

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