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Recruitment for Associate Professor and Assistant Professors at National Forensic Sciences University

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Recruitment for Associate Professor and Assistant Professors at National Forensic Sciences University

National Forensic Sciences University, an Institution of National Importance is the world's first and only University dedicated solely in the domain of forensic and allied sciences. It was established by the Government of India through the Act, 2020 (32 of 2020) with the objective of fulfilling the acute shortage against the increasing demand for forensic experts in the country and around the world.

The University invites application for the positions of Assistant Professors & Associate Professor purely on contractual basis for its Dharwad Campus from exceptionally motivated candidates who has a passion for teaching and research for following positions.

Associate Professor (Contract)
Method of Recruitment : Contractual
Department : Department of Forensic Sciences
Domain Forensic Physics, Ballistics, DNA, Forensic Chemistry, General Chemistry, Biotechnology, Fingerprint and Questioned Documents, Forensic Journalism, Forensic Multimedia
No. of vacancies : 01
Maximum Age : 50 years
Tenure of engagement : 11 months
Essential Qualification : 1. A good academic record.
2. Ph.D. in relevant discipline with minimum first class or 60% or equivalent at the preceding degree i.e. M. Sc. in Forensic Science with specialization in the appropriate branch or equivalent Master Degree in Biology/Biotechnology/ Zoology/ Life Sciences/ Microbiology / Genetics / Molecular Biology / Fingerprint Science/ Questioned Document from recognized university with very good academic record throughout.
3. Minimum five publications in the UGC-CARE listed Journals.
4. A minimum eight years of experience in teaching and/or research in an academic/research position equivalent to that of an Assistant Professor in a University, College, or Accredited Research Institution/industry.
5. Experience with Ph.D. Guidance.
Explanation: Experience of Ph.D. guidance means that registration of Ph.D. Student as such should have been completed, where in the candidate is a sole/principal supervisor(guide)
Desirable: Candidate having experience in the field of forensic biology / biotechnology / finger print science / questioned document will be preferred.

Assistant Professor (Contract)
Method of Recruitment : Contractual
Department : Department of Forensic Sciences
Domain : Forensic Chemistry
No. of vacancies : 01
Maximum Age : 45 years
Tenure of engagement : 11 months
Essential Qualification : Ph.D. in relevant discipline with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree (minimum 60 % or equivalent) i.e. Master Degree in Chemistry / Forensic Chemistry/ Applied Chemistry or relevant discipline from recognized university or equivalent with very good academic record throughout.
Desirable : Candidate having specialization/experience in the field of Forensic chemistry and relevant field.
Assistant Professor (Contract)
Department : Department of Forensic Sciences
Domain : Physics
No. of vacancies : 01
Maximum Age : 45 years
Tenure of engagement : 11 months
Essential Qualification : Ph.D. in relevant discipline with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree (minimum 60 % or equivalent) i.e. Master degree in Physics or equivalent Master Degree Forensic Physics or relevant discipline from recognized university with very good academic record throughout.
Desirable : Candidate having experience in the field of Forensic Physics or relevant field.

Assistant Professor (Contract)
Method of Recruitment : Contractual
Department : Department of Pharmacy
Domain : Pharmacology
No. of vacancies : 01
Maximum Age : 45 years
Tenure of engagement : 11 months
Essential Qualification : Ph.D. in relevant discipline with first class or equivalent (minimum 60 % or equivalent) at the preceding degree i.e. Master Degree in Pharmacy /Forensic Pharmacy with specialization in Pharmacology or relevant discipline with very good academic record throughout.
*For faculty in Pharmacy, the Registration as Pharmacist under Pharmacy Act is mandatory.
Desirable : Candidate having experience in the field of Pharmacy/ Forensic Pharmacy or relevant field.

Qualifications : Ph.D. in the appropriate branch with first class at the preceding degree or equivalent in the appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout. Remuneration for Asst Professor: Consolidated fixed monthly remuneration of Rs. 90,000/- only.
Consolidated Monthly Remuneration : Associate Professor : 1,94,000/-
Assistant Professor (Regular remuneration) : 90,000/-
Assistant Professor (Lower remuneration) : 75,000/-
Lecturer : 68,000/-
Note : Candidates having Ph.D. degree in relevant discipline with minimum first class or 60 % or equivalent at the preceding degree in relevant discipline from recognized university with very good academic record throughout shall be considered for the post of Assistant Professor (contractual) and will be paid consolidated remuneration of Rs 90000/- per month.
In case, qualified & suitable candidate does not found for the Assistant Professor position in any of the disciplines, the University may appoint contractual faculty member at lower remuneration either Assistant Professor or lecturer's position. The details of the same are as under:
1.  Candidates having Master degree with minimum first class or 60% or equivalent in relevant discipline from recognized university with very good academic record throughout and qualified NET Exam in relevant branch shall be considered for the post of Assistant Professor (contractual) and will be paid consolidated remuneration of Rs. 75000/- per month.
2.  In case the NET exam is not conducted by UGC in the particular desired subject, then the candidates having Master degree with minimum first class or 60% or equivalent at masters' level in relevant discipline from recognized university with very good academic record throughout shall be considered for the post of Assistant Professor (contractual) and will be paid consolidated remuneration of Rs 68000/- per month.
3.  Candidates having minimum qualifying degree i.e. master degree with minimum first class or 60% or equivalent at master’s level in relevant discipline from recognized university with very good academic record throughout shall be considered for the post of Lecturer (contractual) and will be paid consolidated remuneration of Rs 68000/- per month.

General Terms / Instructions
1.  The filling up of the above posts shall be on need basis and purely temporary.
2.  The engagement of the candidates in these posts does not confer any right or title to claim a permanent appointment at this University.
3.  The posts listed above are temporaiy positions on contractual basis for a period of 11 months which can be further extended on the basis of performance or till the recruitment of regular incumbent is done or whichever is earlier.
4.  The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all the posts, without assigning any reason and no notice will be issued in this regard.
5.  The University reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reasons.
6.  The University shall verify the antecedents and documents submitted by candidates at the time of appointment. In case it is detected at any time, even during the service, that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has clandestine antecedents background and have suppressed, the said information, his / her services shall be liable to be terminated.
7.  Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the NFSU Dharwad campus reserves the right to;
a.  Offer the post at a level lower than that advertised depending upon the qualifications, experience, and performance of the candidates, by relaxing any of the requirements;
b.  draw reserve panel (s) against the possible vacancies in the future;
c.  Consider “in- absentia” the candidature of those who may or may not have applied, or may have applied for higher positions;
d.  Relax any of the qualifications /experience at its discretion and not to fill- up any or all of the advertised positions.
8.  The NFSU Dharwad Campus reserves the right:
a.  To withdraw the advertisement either partly or wholly at any time without assigning any reason to this effect.
b.  To fill or not to fill up some or all the posts advertised for any reasons whatsoever.
c.  To increase/decrease the number of posts after the due procedure.
9.  The interview will be conducted in offline mode only. Online interview request will not be entertained.
10.  In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issuance of the appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify/with draw/cancel the candidature and any communication made to the candidates.

11.  Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post.
12.  The NFSU Dharwad Campus will not be responsible for any loss of any communication due to the wrong address/email id provided by the candidates. 
13. In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the University in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, the conduct of examination/interview will be final and no query or Correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual or his/ her agency.
14.  No  person shall be recruited unless he/she is in good mental and physically fit and free from any physical defect that is likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his official duties. If selected and appointed, he/she shall be required to produce a medical fitness certificate.
15.  The  terms and conditions of appointment shall be communicated in the form of an “Offer of Appointment" to selected candidates. If the candidate does not accept the terms and conditions mentioned in the offer of appointment within the stipulated time, the offer shall be treated as withdrawn.
16. No TA / DA will be paid for attending the interview.
17. The  appointment of the selected candidates is subject to being found medically fit as per the requirements of the University.
18. These recruitment shall be made in compliance with Reservation Policy of Government of India.
19. Candidates  in their own interest are advised to check regularly the University website They should also regularly check their email account for updates.
20. The  upper age limit will be reckoned as on the last date prescribed for receipt of applications.
21. Candidate applying for more than one post should pay the application fee separate and submit separate application for each post. Otherwise the application will be summarily rejected.
22.  The  application received in response to the advertisement will be scrutinized and only shortlisted candidates will be considered for the further selection process.
23.  Mode of Selection: Personal interview shall be conducted and details will be notified in the NFSU website. Further, the shortlisted candidates will be informed in due course as per the recommendation of the screening committee.
24.  In case of any dispute, suit, or legal proceeding against the NFSU Dharwad Campus, the jurisdiction shall be restricted to the Honble High Court Dharwad.

Other Information
1. The Experience and Qualification will be reckoned as on the closing/last date of application.
2. It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure his/her eligibility for the post before appearing for the Interview. Candidate will be only allowed to appear before the interview panel, subject to his/her eligibility.
3. The qualifications prescribed should have been obtained through recognized Universities/Institutions.
4. All qualifications must be from UGC recognized University/ Deemed University or RCI/BCI/PCI/AICTE approved autonomous institution (wherever applicable). The courses offered by autonomous institutions should be equivalent to the relevant course approved/recognized by Association of Indian University (AIU).
5. The prescribed Essential Qualifications are a bare minimum and mere possession of it, will not entitle the candidates to be considered for the post. The candidates should furnish all the Qualifications and Experience possessed in the relevant field, over and above the minimum qualifications prescribed for consideration of their candidature.
6. In case the candidates who do not possess Ph.D. Degree but are pursuing Ph.D. in Forensic science or its allied branches or other relevant disciplines at any INI or reputed University / Institute, or NET qualified in relevant subject and have good academic record throughout may be considered.
7. Papers published ONLY in UGC Care approved list, SCOPUS, Thomson Reuter, Emerald, ABDC Journals or any other internationally renowned journals will be considered.
8. Wherever grading or any other system than the percentage is followed, the result of the candidate should be converted into a percentage on the basis of the percentage conversion table declared by the concerned university.
9. Mere fulfilment of the above-mentioned qualifications and experience does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview.
10. Applicants are advised to submit the documents related to their Change of Name (if applicable) (i e., Marriage Certificate, Gazette for Name Change, Aadhar Card).

11. Candidates, who have obtained degrees or diplomas or certificates for various courses from any Institution declared fake/derecognized by the University Grant Commission, New Delhi shall not be eligible for being considered for recruitment to the posts advertised.
12. The medium of instruction in respect of all courses conducted in the School, Centers and Department, admitted to the privileges of the University shall be English.
13. The University may conduct screening test before the interview on the same day or one day prior to interview date, if the number of applications are more.
14. Depending on the number of candidates for the post, interviews may go till late in the day or may require to be conducted on the subsequent day. The candidates are required to make their arrangement accordingly.
15.  No correspondence, whatsoever, will be entertained from candidates regarding, conduct, Change of date, Venue and result of interview and reasons for not being called for interview or selection.
16.  Candidate pursuing Ph.D. or in service of Government/ Semi-Government/PSUs should have to submit No Objection Certificate (NOC) obtained from his/her Head of Institution/ employer at the time of interview.
17.  All documents to be submitted by the candidates should be serially numbered and indexed
18.  Candidates appeared for interview, may be considered for lower post if they are otherwise found suitable.
19.  The candidate will be required to produce all the original documents relating to educational qualifications, experience, and other essential requirements, etc. in original at the time of the interview, failing which, his candidature stands cancelled.
20.  One set of all relevant documents and certificates must be submitted at the time of interview.

Application fee :
a. For General category, OBC and EWS candidate : 500/-
b. For SC/ST Candidate : 250/-
c. For women and FwD candidates : Exempted from payment of application fee Copy of transaction receipt should be uploaded with the application form.
Method of payment :
Payment thro' NEFT
Name of Account : National Forensic Sciences University Dharwad
Account No : 4601000100071752
Bank Name : Punjab National Bank
IFSC Code : PUNB0208710

Last Date of Submission of Online Application is : 25/07/2024 5.00 Pm
Application received after the last date would not be considered.
Schedule of interview may be 1st or 2nd week of August 2024
The candidates will be shortlisted for interviews based on the eligibility criteria. The information in this regard will be placed on the university website & also will be forwarded to the candidate's registered email.
All Communication to the eligible candidate by email only.

Application Form

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