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PhD positions at King Georges Medical University

Clinical research courses

PhD positions at King Georges Medical University

In 1870 the Maharaja of Vijanagaram first floated the idea of starting a Medical College in Lucknow. But the idea was watered down due to paucity of funds. In 1905 the visit of King-Emperor, George V, then Prince of Wales, inspired the idea of establishing a college to commemorate the occasion. The originator of this fine ideal to commemorate the occasion was late Raja Sir Tassadnq Rasul Khan of Jehangirabad to whom Sir Harcourt Butler wrote on 1st December 1905. It must ever be a source of pride to you to think that the first suggestion of such a movement came from you absolutely spontaneously.

Applications are invited from eligible candidates (JRF) who have very high motivation to pursue Biomedical research, for the Two PhD positions under Prof. Shailendra Saxena, Head, Center for Advanced Research, Faculty of Medicine, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow.

Essential Qualification : A Master's degree in Life Sciences/Biotechnology/Biochemistry or equivalent (M.Tech, M.Pharma, M.Sc.) WITH A VALID NATIONAL LEVEL FELLOWSHIP (JRF/SRF of various funding agencies e.g. CSIR, UGC, DST, DBT, ICMR etc.) INSPIRE or other equivalent fellowship. 
Desirable : Experience in Stem Cell/ Cell Culture, Molecular Biology (NGS, Micoarray, RT-PCR etc.), Virology etc.

How to apply : Interested candidates can send their Resume including a passport size photograph with details of marks secured in all subjects from 10th class with proof, full postal address, Gender, date of birth, publications etc. by email (

Contact address :
Prof. Shailendra Saxena
Professor & Head,
Center for Advanced Research (CFAR),
King George's Medical University (KGMU),
Lucknow – 226003, India.

Note : After the preliminary scrutiny of the applications, the shortlisted candidates will be communicated for the further process through e-mail only.  No TA and DA will be paid for attending the interview.

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