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Job openings for freshers B.Pharm, D.Pharm as Pharmacist (121 posts) in Central Government Health Scheme - Last date extended

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Central Government Health Scheme is providing comprehensive medical care to the Central Government employees and pensioners enrolled under the scheme. In fact CGHS caters to the healthcare needs of eligible beneficiaries covering all four pillars of democratic set up in India namely Legislature, Judiciary, Executive and Press. CGHS is the model Health care facility provider for Central Government employees & Pensioners and is unique of its kind due to the large volume of beneficiary base, and open ended generous approach of providing health care.

Online recruitment applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up following vacancies at Central Government Health Scheme, Delhi.

Pharmacist Entry Grade (Allopathic)

Pay Scale  :  Rs. 5200 - 20200 + GP  Rs. 2800/ -

No of Posts : 97 (UR-49, SC-05, ST-09, OBC-34 {ESM-03 PWD (OH)-04})

Eligibility Criteria:
i) 12th Class pass with Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) or equivalent from a recognized Board or University;
ii)  Diploma in Pharmacy from recognized institution and registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 and;
iii)  Two years’ experience as Pharmacist in any recognized Hospital or Pharmacy after duly registered as Pharmacist under Pharmacy Act. 1948
i)  Bachelor degree in Pharmacy (B.Pharma) from a recognized University and
ii)  Registered as a Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act. 1948.

Pharmacist Entry Grade (Homeopathic)

Pay Scale  : Rs. 5200-20200 + GP Rs. 2800/-

No of Posts : 09 (UR-04, SC-02, ST-01, OBC-02)

Eligibility Criteria:
(i)  12 th class pass with Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) or equivalent from a recognised Board or  University and;
(ii) Diploma or Certificate Course in Homeopathic  Pharmacy of at least one year duration  from a recognised  institution.

Pharmacist Entry Grade (Ayurvedic)

Pay Scale  : Rs. 5200-20200 + GP Rs. 2800/-

No of Posts : 10 (UR-04, SC-02, ST-02, OBC-02)

Eligibility Criteria:
(i)  12th class pass with Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) or equivalent from a recognized Board or University and;
(ii)  Degree in Ayurvedic Pharmacy or Diploma in Ayurvedic Pharmacy course, duration of which should not be less than two years from any Government Organization or recognised private institute or by any University and registered with respective State Government Ayurvedic Regulatory Boards or Councils; and
(iii)  Two years experience in the field of Ayurvedic Pharmacist from any recognized Ayurvedic Dispensary or Hospital or Pharmacy or Wellness Centre.

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Pharmacist (Unani)

Pay Scale  : Rs. 5200-20200 + GP Rs. 2800/-

No of Posts : 05 (UR-02, SC-01, OBC-02)

Eligibility Criteria:
i) 12th class pass with Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) from a recognised board or university;
(ii) Diploma in Unani Pharmacy from recognised University or Institute
(iii) Two years' experience as Unani Pharmacist in recognised Unani Hospital or Pharmacy ; OR (i) Degree in Unani pharmacy from a recognized University or Institute. Candidates who have applied for the post of Pharmacist (Unani) earlier vide advertisement no. 49/84 dated 3-9th March, 2018 published in the Employment News need not apply again.

1. Age as applicable to all categories of posts — 18-25 years (Relaxable for Government servants upto the age of 40 years in case of general candidates and upto 45 years in the case of candidates belonging to SC/ST in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government from time to time)
The upper age limit prescribed will be relaxable as given below:
1.  Upto a maximum of 5 years if a candidate belongs to SC/ST (for reserved posts only)
2.  Upto a maximum of 3 years if a candidate belongs to OBC category (for reserved posts only)
3.  Relaxation in Upper age limit is admissible to Persons with Disabilities as detailed below, subject to Production of certificate from the Govt. Hospital/Medical Board consisting of at least one specialist in the particular field, in support of their claim of disability, at the time of document verification:

Relaxation in Upper Age Limit (in years)*
UR : 10 years
SC : 15 years
ST : 15 years
OBC : 13 years
Persons with disabilities (PWD): 10 years
Ex - Servicemen    : Maximum Age criteria of Unreserved candidate + number of years of service in defence+3yr (e.g. If service is 10yr- age relaxation allowed is 13yr in addition to Maximum age criteria of Regular candidate)

1. Applicable only for posts reserved for PWD
2. Date on which applicable age to be calculated - Application Closing Date
3. Probation Period - 02 (two) years (As per the instructions /orders of Government of India for the said post).
4. Application Start Date - Will be the date of publication of the advertisement in Employment News.
5. Application Closing Date - 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement.
6. The selection will be made on the basis of merit of COMPUTER BASED examination.
7. The offer of appointment will be given to the candidates as per the merit list after the verification of original documents and having found it in order.
8. Applicant already in service should submit NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from present employer at the time of document verification.
9 . Fees of Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five Hundred Only) is applicable to male candidates belonging to Un-reserved and OBC Category only. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD and Women categories are exempted from submitting the fees.
10. No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in examination.

Last Date : 9th September, 2018


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