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Job for Research Associate at Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited -Government of India | Salary upto Rs. 85,000/- per month

Clinical research courses

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) is a leading oil & gas conglomerate featuring  in the Forbes 2000 and Fortune 500. We are a  Government of India enterprise with Navratna Status,  ranked  48  in  the  list  of  Platts,  Top  384  Global  Energy  Companies  in  the  year  2017.  In  the  past  financial  year  HPCL  scaled  new  heights  and  record ed its  best  ever  performance,  significantly  surpassing the  highest ever profit and sales recorded during the previous year. HPCL has recorded  profit of  Rs 6357 Crore on standalone basis with Gross sales of Rs. 243227 Crores.


• To prepare Project proposal including work plan on the specific research topic assigned to the candidate
• To carryout research activities on the specific topic including literature search, set up experimental facilities, if required, carryout experimental/ pilot/ simulation studies.
• Interpret results and undertake studies for further development/ improvement.
• Prepare technical reports.
• Carryout any other activities that are assigned from time to time.

Education Qualification and Work Experience:
Candidates with research experience in microbial bioprocesses with some experience of working on yeast or bacterial molecular biology will be preferred. In addition, candidates with research experience of working on bio-fuels such as 2G Ethanol and Algal Biofuels are desirable.

• At the time of application, the candidate should have proof of award of Degree. In case of candidates with PhD degree, applicants should have been awarded PhD degree at the time of application OR candidate must have the Proof of submission of PhD thesis.
• Candidates (belonging to General and OBC-NC category) should have secured minimum 60% marks (taking aggregate marks of all semesters/years i.e., taking average of all the semesters/years, irrespective of weightage given to any particular subject (including languages)/semester/year of the Institute/University) in all graduate and post graduate degree examinations, relaxed to 50% (taking aggregate marks of all semesters/years i.e., taking average of all the semesters/years, irrespective of weightage given to any particular subject (including languages)/semester/year of the Institute/University) for SC/ST/PWD
• Candidates with Integrated Courses can also apply.
• Candidates should have passed the relevant qualifying degree examinations / awarded degree in PhD in the above mentioned disciplines. All Degree/Diploma qualifications should be full time regular course/s from AICTE approved / UGC recognized University/Deemed University.
• The courses offered by Autonomous Institutions should be equivalent to the relevant courses approved / recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU)/UGC/AICTE. Candidates with Integrated Degrees should have done a Full Time Course.
• Wherever CGPA/DGPA or letter grade in a Degree is awarded, equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application as per norms adopted by University/ Institution. Higher Qualifications, if any to be mentioned. Candidate should produce their degree conversion certificate issued by competent authority of the University/ Institute in support of the conversion at the time of interview.
• In case of Ph.D. candidates, experience will be counted from the date of successful defense of Ph.D. Dissertation/Thesis. It is mandatory for candidates possessing Ph.D. qualification to mention the date of successful defense of Ph.D. in their application.
• In case of candidates with Ph.D. after B Tech experience will be reckoned after Ph.D.
• Research Work carried out during course of acquiring Ph.D. will not be considered as work experience.
• Soft copy of the detailed CV including brief description of Ph.D. topic to be uploaded along with the Application Form.

32 Years or below as on 30 July, 2018. Age relaxation for OBC (Non Creamy Layer) SC / ST /PWD candidates will be applicable as per the Government Directives.

Relaxation & Reservation of Post
The upper age limit is relaxable by
• 5 years for SC/ST candidates
• 3 years relaxation for OBC (Non-creamy layer)
• 10 years relaxation for PWD (Persons with disability) candidate. (Provided the percentage of disability for PH candidate is 40% or more)
Reservation of posts- As per presidential directives for SC/ST/OBC- NC/PWD will apply

Duration of Assignment:
The engagement is initially for a period of one year, which may be extended by one more year at a time based on the project requirement and performance of the candidate subject to a maximum of 4 years.

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Selection will be made on the basis of screening of applications and Testimonials as per the eligibility norms of eligible candidates followed by personal interview by the Selection Committee. In the event of number of applications being large, corporation will adopt shortlisting criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable number by any one or more of the following methods:
• On the basis of higher educational qualifications than minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
• On the basis of higher experience in the relevant fields than minimum prescribed in the advertisement
• On the basis of number of patents/high impact factor publications
• By holding a written test. Candidates shortlisted after initial scrutiny will be intimated thru portal.

Candidates are advised to visit the portal from time to time for completing this exercise.

Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.

STIPEND : An all-inclusive stipend of Rs. 65,000/- to Rs. 85,000/- per month depending on qualification & experience, is payable. This includes HRA, Accident Insurance, Medical Insurance, etc. The company does not provide any transport facility for commuting to office. However, there is a sharing bus facility which has to be availed by the Research Associates on pay and use basis. Breakfast and lunch facilities are provided at the office premises for which a nominal monthly lumpsum amount will be deducted. The premium towards Insurances will be deducted from the stipend. As part of the discharge of their duties they may be required to travel to other locations. Work related travel expenses will be separately reimbursed as per the entitlements.

1. Login to and click on Career Opportunities. Visit Engagement of Fixed Term Research Associates at HP Green R&D Centre Bengaluru under ‘Currently open Job advertisements’. Read all the instructions given on the website carefully. Candidates should keep scanned copy of Passport size photo (in jpg/gif format less than 500 kb) and Soft copy of the detailed CV (including brief description of PhD topic in case of PhD candidates) ready before filling online application form.
2. Fill in the online application form with all the relevant details carefully (details once submitted cannot be modified). Upload Scan copy of your latest passport size photograph and Detailed CV.
3. Upon completion, submit the online application by clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the page You will get a system generated unique 12 Digit Application / Reference No. Please note that this Application / Reference No. is important and will be required for all future references throughout the selection process.
4. Candidates are advised to take a Printout of the Online Application Form, affix his/her recent passport size photograph, put his/her signature at the space provided and keep with him/ her safely for future reference. Candidates are not required to submit hard copy of the application form to HPCL.
5. Candidates with multiple applications for same discipline are liable to be rejected.
6. The details filled in the online application form will be considered final and no changes will be entertained w.r.t. personal/ any other details, later on.

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1. The post of RESEARCH ASSOCIATE is a fixed term post. As such the post will be named/called/designated as Fixed Term Research Associate. If selected, initial engagement will be for a period of one year which is extendable by one year at a time based on the project requirement and performance of the candidate, subject to a maximum of 4 years.
2. The candidates must have an active e-mail id and Cell phone/land line number, which must remain valid for at least next one year. All future communication with the candidates will take place through e-mail / cell phone /landline number only.
3. The candidates should have the relevant documents like percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying examination, caste/sub-caste certificate, date of issue, name of issuing authority, state of origin, etc. readily available with them before they commence application process. This information will be required at the time of filling in the on- line application.
4. Wherever CGPA/OGPA/DGPA or Letter Grade in a degree/ diploma is awarded, its equivalent percentage of marks must be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by University/ Institute. Candidates should produce their degree conversion certificate issued by Competent Authority of the University/ Institute in support of the conversion.
5. Candidates not found to be meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria shall be rejected at any stage of the selection process.
6. All the details given in the online form will be treated as final and no changes will be entertained.
7. HPCL will not be responsible for any loss/ non-delivery of email/any other communication sent, due to invalid/wrong email id or due to any other reason.
8. Furnishing of wrong/false information will lead to disqualification and HPCL will not be responsible for any of the consequences of furnishing such wrong/false information. Since all the applications will be initially screened without documentary evidence, the candidates must satisfy themselves of the suitability for the position to which they are applying. If at any stage during the recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, it is found that the candidates have furnished false or wrong information, their candidature will be rejected.
9. Only short listed candidates who are found eligible based on the details given in the application form will be called for the written test and / or personal interview as the case may be. Candidates are required to bring original and copies of the certificates/Testimonials during the interviews along with the printed application form. One set of the copies of Certificates/Testimonials and the printed application form has to be attested. Such Testimonials will be verified in detail with the originals and if found not meeting the norms, the candidate will be summarily rejected. Such rejected candidates will not qualify for appearing for interview.
10. Category (SC/ST/OBC-NC/PWD) once mentioned in the application form will not be changed and no benefit of other category will be admissible later on.
11. HPCL reserves the right to raise/relax the minimum eligibility standards and / or relax age, experience criteria in otherwise suitable cases. The Management reserves the right to fill or not to fill all or any of the above positions without assigning any reason whatsoever.
12. Any canvassing directly or indirectly by the applicant will disqualify his/her candidature. Any dispute with regard to recruitment against this advertisement will be settled within the jurisdiction of Bengaluru Court only.
13. The candidates should write their correct mobile number and correct e-mail address neatly. Please note that the intimation for interview will be given through e-mail addresses/cell phone/landline only. Candidates shortlisted for interview would be reimbursed II Class Sleeper train fare by the shortest applicable route from their normal place of residence to the interview venue. Candidates will be required to produce all relevant documents as proof of travel to and fro for claiming reimbursement.
14. Candidates are advised to visit corporation website- under Career Opportunities section regularly for latest updates as no separate communication will be sent.
15. Interested candidates should only apply online on our website under Career Opportunities section. Any further corrigendum / addendum would be uploaded only on our website
16. It may please be noted that submission of online applications under fictitious/ pseudo names/ email ids /cell phone / landline numbers is strictly prohibited. Any candidate resorting to such practices will be liable for suitable action under the provisions of IT Act 2000.
17. Candidates may write to e-mail: fixedtermrecruitment.r& for any further queries and information.

Commencement of online application : 30 July 2018

Last date of online application by candidates : 31 August 2018

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