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Career for Pharmacists in Safdarjang Hospital - Government of India

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for filling up various posts of Group ‘C’, Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) on Direct recruitment basis in VMMC & Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi. Details of posts including number of vacancies, pay band and grade pay, category, age, requisite qualification, experience are as under.

Post: Pharmacist - Level 5  (29200 - 92300)

Mode of recruitment : By Direct Recruitment

No. of vacancies : 02-UR 01-OBC Out of these posts, 01 post will be filled by PWD i.e. OL (one leg), BL (Both leg)

Age limit : Between 18 and 25 years (Relaxable for Govt. servants upto 40 years in accordance with the direction issued by the Central Government)

Educational Qualification : (i) 10+2 (Science) with two years Diploma in Pharmacy, and (ii) Registration with State Pharmacy Council.

General Terms & Conditions :
1. Eligible candidates should submit their application through ordinary/speed post in the prescribed proforma along-with attested copies of the testimonials, mark-sheets, educational certificates, caste certificate (if applicable), experience certificate, date of birth certificate etc. to The Medical Superintendent, Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi-110029 within 30 days from the date of issue of advertisement in “Employment Newspaper”. (However, if last date for submission of applications falls on national holiday, Sunday or any other holiday declared by Government of India, the next working day will be assumed as closing date).
2. The envelope containing application form must be super-scribed in bold letter name of the post applied for.
3. Crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of application. Even if closing date will be extended due to national holiday or Sunday or any other holiday declared by Government of India crucial date for determining the age limit remain calculated from the date of issue of advertisement.
4. Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post should send separate application for each post.
5. Applications which are incomplete in any manner or not in prescribed format, would be summarily rejected. Candidates must ensure that application is complete in all respects and all the documents enclosed with application and photograph pasted on the application are attested by a Gazetted officer. No correspondence what so ever shall be entertained in this regard.
6. The hospital reserves the right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for written test. The hospital reserves the right not to fill up the posts, cancel the advertisement in whole or part without assigning any reason and its decision in this regard will be final.
7. There will be single stage of examination. The examination shall be objective type and there shall be Negative marking in objective type examination. The level of the paper will be consistent with the educational qualification prescribed for examination. The question paper will be printed in both English and Hindi languages.

8. Final merit list for the post shall be prepared on the basis of total marks obtained by the candidate in the examination which will determine their position. If two or more candidates secure equal marks, the candidate older in age shall be placed above. However, their eligibility will be determined as per requirement prescribed in the notified Recruitment Rules for the post. In case, candidate falls in merit list for the post is not fulfilling the eligibility criteria and other terms and conditions incorporated in this advertisement, he will be treated as rejected.
9. Date, time and venue of examination shall be intimated to the candidates.
10. The candidate should bring their admit card at the given centre while appearing for the examination.
11. Under no circumstances, the Centre once allotted shall be changed by the Competent Authority. Candidates are required to keep at least one photo identity proof and shall produce the same on demand at the time of examination at centre.
12. Candidates admission in examination is purely provisional.
13. Canvassing of any kind will lead to disqualification.
14. No travelling allowance will be paid for appearing for examination/interview.
15. The offer to the said post will be subject to verification of documents pertaining to eligibility criteria required for the post, caste certificate, character and antecedents and other relevant documents from the issuing authorities and also subject to physical fitness from the competent medical board for which he/she will be sent to the designated Medical Authority by the concerned institution before joining the post.16. Persons having 40% or more disability would be considered eligible for reservation under Physically Handicapped quota as per rule.
17. The candidate who is already in Govt. service should apply through proper channel and have to submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the employer.
18. Upper age limit for direct recruitment is relaxable for all the eligible reserved categories and Government Servants as per rule.
19. Candidate should note that the Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation Secondary Examination Certificate or an equivalent certificate available on the date of submission of application will only be accepted by this hospital for determining the age and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.

20. Central Government Civilian employees claiming age relaxation has to submit a certificate from their office, in respect of the length of continuous service which should be for not less than 3 years during the period immediately preceding the closing date for receipt of application. They should remain Central Government civilian employees till the time of appointment, in the event of their selection.
21. Candidates must ensure that they have requisite academic qualification and experience from a recognized institution for the post applied for on or before the date of issue of advertisement.
22. If a candidate produces false documents, he/she will not only be disqualified/dismissed from services, if already appointed but may also be liable for criminal proceedings.
23. Candidates trying to use any influence or adopt any unfair means would be disqualified from the selection.
24. Failure to comply with any of the instructions contained in this notification may entail rejection of candidature.
25. Application Fees: Application fees for General candidates is Rs. 200/-, fees for OBC candidates is Rs. 100/-. Persons with disabilities, SC & ST are exempted from payment of application fee subject to submission of necessary certificate from a competent authority in support of their claim. Amount of fees shall be transferred to Bank of Baroda, Safdarjang Hospital Branch, SJH and VMMC Exam. Fee Account No. 26400100023808 and transaction ID receipt must be enclosed with the application form. The application fees will be non-refundable.
26. Candidates are advised to go through the official website of Safdarjang Hospital, regularly for updation in the matter.
27. All disputes will be subject to the jurisdiction of Delhi Courts.

Last Date : 25th August, 2018

Government of India
Office of the Medical Superintendent
Safdarjang Hospital & VMMC
New Delhi-110029

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