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Pharma and Life Sciences Recruitment at NIPER Ahmedabad - 40 vacancies | Salary upto Rs. 2,25,000 month

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Pharma and Life Sciences Recruitment at NIPER Ahmedabad

The National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER) - Ahmedabad is an Institute of National Importance established by an Act of Parliament under the aegis of Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India. The Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India has recognised NIPER- Ahmedabad as Centre of Excellence in Medical Devices through the gazette of India on 16th August 2023. This centre at NIPER-Ahmedabad will elucidate the objectives are aligned with the overarching goals of the Promotion of Research and Innovation in Pharma-MedTech (PRIP) scheme and the mandate of the Department of Pharmaceuticals. This centre will build specific research capacities in the field of medical devices and provide testing facilities in the field of therapeutic implants, diagnostics, and drug-device combinations. The centre will also provide need-based courses and skill development training programs for continuing education.

NIPER-Ahmedabad invites applications from dynamic, result-oriented and dedicated eligible candidates for the following positions at its Centre of Excellence on a purely contractual basis. These positions are temporarily created, based on requirement and liable to be increased/decreased/abolished as per the requirement of the project. The engagement shall initially be for one year and may be continued up to maximum duration of the project based on the performance assessment.

Scientist F (One post)
Essential Qualification : PhD in allied areas of life science/ medical device/ pharmaceuticals/ engineering / science with 10 years of relevant experience. 
Desirable : Experience in orthopedic/ cardiovascular/ neurological/ ocular and other implant design and development or Biosensor technology and development as wearable and point-of-care electronic devices or drug-device combinations. Candidate should have demonstrated technology development, patents and industry tie-up. 
Consolidated salary of Rs. 1,75,000/- - 2,25,000/- per month only   
Max. Age : Not exceeding 50 years

Business Development Officer (One post)
Essential Qualification: PhD in allied areas of medical device/ Pharmaceuticals/ life science/ engineering/ science and MBA/ Executive MBA with 10 years of relevant experience. Desirable: Experience in the area of implants or Biosensors or IVDs or therapeutic devices (Drug- device combinations) with strong connections with medical device industries. Candidate should demonstrate industry consultancy and have prior experience in medical device industries. 
Consolidated salary of : Rs. 1,30,000/- - 1,50,000/-per month only   
Max. Age :  Not exceeding 50 years    

Scientist E (Two posts)
Essential Qualification: PhD in allied areas of medical device/pharmaceuticals/ life science/ engineering/ science with 8 years of relevant experience. 
Desirable : Experience in the area of orthopedic/ neurological/ocular implants or Biosensors or IVDs or therapeutic devices (Drug-device combinations) with proven track record through published high-impact research papers, patents and product development. 
Consolidated salary of : Rs. 1,75,000/- - 2,00,000/-per month only
Max. Age : Not exceeding 45 years

Industry Liaison Officer (Testing) (One post)
Essential Qualification : PhD in allied areas of medical device/pharmaceuticals/ allied areas in life science/ engineering/ science / OR MBA/ Executive MBA with 8 years of relevant experience. 
Desirable : Experience / understanding of physical (mechanical) or chemical or biological testing of medical implants/ biosensors/ IVDs/ Drug-device combinations. Having work experience in medical device industry with good industry connect and having knowledge of compliance and guidelines. 
Consolidated salary of Rs. 1,00,000/- - 1,25,000/-per month only
Max. Age : Not exceeding 45 years

Scientist D (Two post)
Essential Qualification: PhD in allied areas of medical device/pharmaceuticals/ allied areas in life science/engineering/ science with 5 years of relevant experience. Desirable: Experience in the area of orthopedic/ neurological/ocular implants or Biosensors or IVDs or therapeutic devices (Drug-device combinations) with proven research record. 
Consolidated salary of Rs. 80,000/- - 1,00,000/-per month only
Max. Age : Not exceeding 40 years 

Scientist grade I (Four post)
Essential Qualification : M.Sc./ M.Pharma/ M.V.Sc. from a recognised University/ Institute. 
Experience : 4 (Four) years of experience of research/teaching in Central / State Govt. Organisations / University or Research Institution or Central / State autonomous or other recognised institute of repute. 
Desirable Qualification : Ph.D. in relevant field with 2(Two) years of post-qualification experience, Experience in the area of medical devices and pharmaceuticals. 
Consolidated salary of Rs. 75,000 - 80,000 per month only
Max. Age : Not exceeding : 40 years

Scientist Grade II (Four post)
Essential Qualification : M.Sc./ M.Pharma /M.V.Sc from recognised University / Institute. Experience: 2 (Two) years of experience of research/teaching in Central State Govt. Organisations / University or Research Institution or Central / State autonomous or other recognised institute of repute, 
Desirable : Experience in the area of medical devices and pharmaceuticals. 
Consolidated salary of Rs. 65,000 - 70,000 per month only] 
Max. Age : Not exceeding 35 years 

Post-Doctoral Fellow (Five post)
Essential Qualification: PhD in allied areas of Medical Device/ Biotechnology/ Life science / Pharmaceutical / Engineering / Chemistry / Physics.
Consolidated salary of Rs. 56,000/- per month only

SRF (Ten post)
Master Degree in allied areas of Medical Device /Biotechnology / Life science/ Pharmaceutical/ Engineering/ Chemistry/ Physics with minimum 55% marks and 2 years of relevant research experience. 
Consolidated salary of Rs. 42,000/- per month only

JRF (Ten post)
Master Degree in allied areas of Medical Device/ Biotechnology/ Life science/ Pharmaceutical/ Engineering/ Chemistry/ Physics with minimum 55% marks. 
Consolidated salary of Rs. 37,000/- per month only

General Instructions :
• Candidates of Indian nationality can only apply for these posts.
• All these positions are specifically for the Centre of Excellence (CoE) at NIPER-Ahmedabad and are strictly on a contractual and project basis, with no provisions for transitioning into permanent roles at the institute. The duration of these posts is project based and will conclude upon the project's completion. These roles are contingent on the continued funding and scope of the project, and it will not extend beyond the project's tenure. The number of vacancies indicated above may increase/decrease as per requirement and at the discretion of the Competent Authority.
• The selected candidate shall have no claim for regularization against the post.
• The positions are subject to periodic evaluation [every six months] of the performance of the incumbent and if, on such evaluation the performance is not found to be satisfactory, the contract will be terminated with one-month notice.
• No hard copies of applications should be sent to this office.
• No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained.
• The exact date and time for holding physical/virtual interviews of the shortlisted candidates will be intimated through e-mail.
• The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. The duly constituted Screening Committee will adopt its own criteria for short-listing the candidates. The candidate should therefore, mention in the application all the qualifications and experiences in the relevant area over and above the minimum prescribed qualification, supported with documents. Completion of Ph.D. degree will be reckoned from the date of issue of provisional certificate/notification
• The period of experience rendered by a candidate on part time basis, daily wages, visiting/ guest faculty will not be counted while calculating the valid experience for short listing the candidates for interview.
• In respect of equivalent clause in Essential Qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular qualification as equivalent qualification as per the requirement of advertisement, then the candidate is required to produce order/letter in this regard, indicating the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated otherwise the Application is liable to be rejected.

• Any discrepancy found between the information given in application and as evident in original documents will make the candidate ineligible for appearing in interview.
• The appointment will be on full-time basis and he/she will not be permitted to take up any other assignment during the period of contract. The contract will be terminated by either party by giving one-month advance notice in writing.
• The consolidated emoluments are only indicative and shall be decided by the Selection Committee for the selected candidate based on his/her relevant experience and qualification. No other perks or allowances are admissible.
• The incumbent will be required to conform to the rules and regulations of NIPER-A in force from time to time and follow the discipline rules of the Centre failing which the contract may be withdrawn at any point of time.
• All educational, professional and technical qualifications should be from a recognized Board/University. Experience shall be counted for work done after the qualifying degree for the relevant position.
• Candidates must ensure that he / she fulfils all the eligibility criteria as stipulated in the advertisement. If it is found that he / she does not fulfil the stipulated criteria during the recruitment process, the candidature of the candidate will be cancelled. If the same is noticed after the appointment, the candidate will be terminated following due process.
• The incumbent will be entitled for leave as admissible to the contractual staff of the Centre.
• Competent authority has the discretion to relax eligibility for exceptional candidates.
• Candidates canvassing/giving incorrect information/violating norms in any kind, detected at any stage, before or after the selection will be disqualified with immediate/retrospective effect, as the case may be.
• Any dispute arising out of this advertisement including the recruitment process shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
• The decisions of the Competent Authority, NIPER-A will be final and binding in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, and conduct of examination/interview will be final and binding on the candidates
• The candidates should submit separate application for separate posts.
• In case a large number of candidates apply for the position, Selection/Screening Committee will have discretion to shortlist the candidates for interview based on written exam or percentage of marks or desirable qualification/experience or higher qualification or any other criteria deemed fit.
• The selected candidates are expected to join within fifteen days from the date of receiving offer of appointment, after completion of pre-appointment formalities like medical examination and character verification etc.
• Receiving a call for interview does not reserve a right for selection.
• No TA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview
• Other terms & conditions will be governed as per guidelines issued by the funding agency/ NIPER-A for the engagement of above Project Staff as amended from time to time.
• The positions are purely contractual only with consolidated emoluments and shall not be eligible for any pay level salary, perks & allowances.

• Self-attested copies of following documents must be enclosed with the application form to send on
• Self-attested photocopy of Date of Birth Certificate.
• Self-attested photocopies of educational qualification certificates.
• Attested photocopies of experience certificates, if any.
• List of publications, copies of reprints if any.
• Synopsis sheet duly filled in the prescribed format.

How to apply
Eligible candidates who fulfill the above requirements may send their application in the prescribed format along with self-attested copies of certificates of essential qualifications starting from matriculation, date of birth, professional experience and passport size photograph, etc., to The Registrar, NIPER, Ahmedabad on on or before 5th February, 2025. Please write “an Application for the Post of [name of the post]” the subject line of the email. Applications received after the last date will NOT be considered. The shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview.

Application Form & More Info

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