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Opportunity for Ph.D, M.Pharm, MS or MTech Pharm to Join DRDO - 13 vacancies

Clinical research courses

Opportunity for Ph.D, M.Pharm, MS or MTech Pharm to Join DRDO

DRDO is the R&D wing of Ministry of Defence, Govt of India, with a vision to empower India with cutting-edge defence technologies and a mission to achieve self-reliance in critical defence technologies and systems, while equipping our armed forces with state-of-the-art weapon systems and equipment in accordance with requirements laid down by the three Services. DRDO's pursuit of self-reliance and successful indigenous development and production of strategic systems and platforms such as Agni and Prithvi series of missiles; light combat aircraft, Tejas; multi-barrel rocket launcher, Pinaka; air defence system, Akash; a wide range of radars and electronic warfare systems; etc., have given quantum jump to India's military might, generating effective deterrence and providing crucial leverage.

Applications are invited from young and motivated candidates with desired qualification for the post of Junior Research Fellow and Research Associate to work in ongoing and future research activities at DRL (DRDO).

JRF : 01 post 
Qualification : M.Pharm / M.S(Pharm) / M.Tech (Pharm) / M.Tech in Pharmaceutics / Pharmacology & Toxicology / Pharmacology / Pharmaceutical Chemistry with GATE / GPAT / NET Qualification.

JRF : 01 post 
Qualification : M.Sc./ M.Tech. in Biotechnology / Microbiology / Env. Engineering / Life Sciences or related fields, with NET Qualification

JRF : 02 post
Qualification : MSc. in Chemistry/ Chemical Sciences or related fields, with NET Qualification

JRF : 02 post
Qualification : MSc. /M.Tech in Microbiology / Biotechnology, with NET Qualification

JRF Age limit : Age not exceeding 28 years as on the date of interview. Age relaxation is allowed up to 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates. 

Stipend : Rs. 37000/-per month + HRA 

Tenure / duration : The tenure of the fellowship will be initially for a period of two years and based on performance, it may be upgraded to SRF and extended for 3rd and 4th year based on performance and requirement.

RA : 02 post 
Qualification : (a) Ph.D. in Biotechnology/Microbiology/Life Sciences or related fields, 
Desirable : Specialization in microbial enzymes 
(b) Ph.D in Biotechnology/ Life Sciences or related fields 
Desirable : Specialization in Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics.

RA : 01 post 
Qualification : Ph.D in Chemistry/ Polymer chemistry/ Chemical Sciences. 
Desirable : Experience in synthesis of nanoparticles

RA : 04 post 
Qualification : (a) Ph.D in Biotechnology / Microbiology / Env. Engineering / Life Sciences or related fields, Desirable: Specialization in Bioremediation / Biodegradation 
(b) Ph.D in Horticulture, 
Desirable : Post harvest Technology (c) Ph.D in Botany/ Forestry, Desirable : Plant Taxonomy

RA Age limit : Age not exceeding 35years as on the date of interview. Age relaxation is allowed up to 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates. 
Stipend : Rs. 67000/-per month + HRA. 
Tenure/duration : The tenure of the associateship will be for a period of two years.

General Conditions : 
• "Mode of selection: Walk-in-interview at DRL, DRDO, Solmara Military Station, Dekargaon, Tezpur, Assam on 03.03.2025 
• The offer of fellowship does not confer on JRF/RA any right for absorption in DRDO. Appointment shall not be claimed by any candidate as a matter of right. The Appointment shall be entirely at the discretion of the Selection Committee of the Institute which may refuse to admit any candidate without assigning any reason therefore. 
• Candidates possessing degree/ provisional degree certificate are only eligible to apply. 
• Candidates are to produce original certificates/ testimonials at the time of interview. Candidates are required to produce copy of published research papers & thesis also at time of interview. One photocopy set of all documents with application must be carried during the interview. 
• Candidates presently employed in Government Department/ PSU's/ Autonomous Bodies should send their application through proper channel and are required to produce NOC from their employer at the time of interview. 
• Decision of the Director, DRL, (DRDO) Tezpur will be final in case of any discrepancy.
• No TA/DA will be paid for attending interview or for joining. 
• Number of fellowship/associateship as indicated above may vary depending upon laboratory requirement. 
• Reporting Time is 0900 hrs on 03.03.2025 for interview at DRL, DRDO, Solmara Military Station, Dekargaon, Tezpur-784 001, Assam.

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