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Advertisement for the post of doctoral scientist at NIBMG

National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG) Kalyani is an Institute of Government of India, Ministry of  Science & Technology, Department of Biotechnology. The Institute has created necessary physical infrastructure and critical platform technologies to support research, translation, and training in biomedical genomics. NIBMG is looking for motivated and bright individuals interested in exploring career opportunities in this multi-organization national initiative, of which NIBMG has a lead role to perform.

Post : Post - doctoral scientist (01 Post)

National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) Platform for Genomics and Drug Discovery : Development of a fast, flexible, high performance computing framework to accelerate NGS omics-data analysis Massively Parallel Sequencing or Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) has taken the scientific community by storm. After commercial availability of the technology from last decade onwards, even modest sized laboratories and institutions all over the world can effectively produce petabytes of data in weeks. This revolution in data generation technology, warrants an array of statistical and computational advancement to translate information into knowledge. The stumbling blocks in translating the large volume of data (information) to biologically relevant inferences (knowledge) range from (a) information storage, retrieval of the raw data as-is generated from the sequencing machine - (b) large-scale fast computation and processing that is essential for the data to be useable by the general scientific community – (c) sophisticated analysis that is required in transforming the enormous information to knowledge. The objective of this project was to make available an easy and extremely flexible supercomputing analysis framework, preferably web-based, to the basic scientist. This would enable them to exercise their choice of programs sequentially in a seamless fashion to process the raw sequence data in accordance with their need and choice. It will also provide the research a wide array of tools for sophisticated data-analysis. The project is in a stage where we now require a specialist who can work with large scale genetic data and has familiarity with the data analysis and handling programs.

Looking for motivated and bright individuals interested to explore short-term career opportunities in this innovative multi-organization initiative in National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) at NIBMG in the positions mentioned as below :

Name of Project : NSM
Consolidated remuneration [INR] per month : 50000/-

Essential Qualifications : (1) PhD in Computer Science, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics or related discipline with application of the above-mentioned skills 
(2) Demonstrated experience in development of software tools and data analysis pipelines. 
(3) Demonstrated knowledge of computer programming. 
(4) Strong Unix Skills

Desirable Qualifications : (1) Published scientific papers in reputed journals. 
(2) Development of analysis tools and pipelines. 
(3) Handling large scale genomic data

Nature of Duty : (1) Management and coordination (including hands on work) of computational facilities, execution of data analysis for projects in time bound manner, 
(2) Development of software analysis pipelines and tools for genomics application 
(3) Report writing

1. This position is contractual, and appointments will be initially for three months, which is extendable depending upon performance and requirements of the project. 
2. Interested candidates should send their detailed CV to within 13-01-2025 
3. Microsoft Teams link will be shared only with those candidates for the interview who will send the CV and fulfil the eligibility criteria. 
4. If selected, you will be asked to produce all documents in the original. If the documents don’t truly reflect what is mentioned in the advertisement, your candidature will be cancelled. 
5. Please visit our website for further information. 
6. The decision of NIBMG in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of application, mode of selection, and conduct of interviews will be final and binding on the candidates.

Online interview : Date 15-01-2025 from 11.00 AM onwards

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