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Vacancy for Pharmacy, Life Sciences to work in DBT funded project at INST

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Vacancy for Pharmacy, Life Sciences to work in DBT funded project at INST

Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Mohali, Punjab, an autonomous institution of Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, has been established under the umbrella of NANO MISSION, initiated by DST to boost research and development in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in India. INST started its activities on 3rd January 2013, the date on which its first Director was appointed.

Post : Project Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Applications are invited from highly motivated and bright candidates for engagement of Project Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the research project funded by ‘DBT’, Government of India at Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Mohali.

Title of the Research Project : Hierarchically organized amino acid/protein core-shell nanobowls with 2 photon responsive off-on switchable lids for light activable delivery of an array of anti miRNA therapeutics in glioblastoma
Principal Investigator : Dr. Jiban Jyoti Panda, Scientist-E

Qualifications : Essential : Post Graduate Degree in Life Sciences / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Zoology / Microbiology / Chemistry / Physics / Biophysics / Pharmacy or Graduate / Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course selected through a process described through any one of the following :
(a) Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE.
(b) The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MoE, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER, NISER etc.
Desirable : Prior experience in animal handling ; Research experience in the field of neurobiology / molecular biology / peptide chemistry / drug delivery / biosensing.

Age limit : Must not be over 28 years as 17.01.2024, which is relaxable for certain reserved categories as per rules of Government of India.
Fellowship : Rs. 31,000/- (pm) + 16% HRA
Project duration : Initially six months and may be extended based on performance of the candidate and availability of funds.

General Terms and Conditions :
• The position is purely temporary and on contractual basis and renewable subject to satisfactory performance till the project duration. The position is co-terminus with the project. Candidate selected for this position can also apply for the regular PhD program of INST provided they satisfy eligibility criteria.
• No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
• Original documents of age proof/certificates/degrees/mark sheets and other testimonials must be presented along with the self-attested photocopies of these documents at the time of interview (when interview will take in person). Only shortlisted candidates will be communicated through email to appear in the interview and no other communication in this regard will be entertained.

Completed applications in the prescribed format as annexed should reach to the following address by 17th January, 2024 via email attachment (complete one combined PDF) addressed to :
Name and Designation of PI
Dr. Jiban Jyoti Panda, Scientist-E
Institute of Nanoscience and Technology (INST) Knowledge City, Sector 81
Mohali-140306, Punjab

Last date of receipt of application : 17th January, 2024

Application Form

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