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Job openings for Pharmacists under Government Prisons Department, 27 posts

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Job openings for Pharmacists under Government Prisons Department

Under the Prisons Department of the Government of Maharashtra for direct service recruitment of a total of 255 posts of Clerk, Senior Clerk, Stenographer Lower Grade and Technical Cadre (Group-C) as mentioned below from the office of Additional Director General of Police and Inspector General, Prisons and Correctional Service, Maharashtra State, Pune at the center of total 36 districts of Maharashtra. (Computer Based Test) examination will be conducted.

Post : Compounder (Pharmacist)

No of posts : 27
Pay Scale : S-10: 29200- 92300
Educational qualification : SSC/HSC or equivalent and passed Diploma or Degree in Pharmacy and registration with Bombay state Pharmacy council as Registered Pharmacist required, (Experience preferred)

Applying for the specified posts in the advertisement Educational qualification indicated against each post Advertisement Publication dt. 1.1.2024 Candidate must hold in full.
• Government Decision, Information Technology (S.Pv) no. Matans-2012/Pro.No.277/39 dated 04.02.2013 must have passed Computer / Information Technology Examination. If not, Government Decision, General Administration Department no. As per Training 2000 /P.No.61/2001/39, dated 19.03.2003, it will be mandatory to obtain computer qualification within 2 (two) years from the date of appointment.
• For the post of Clerk, it will be mandatory to pass typing test in Marathi-30 words per minute and English 40 words per minute within two years from the date of appointment.
• Knowledge of Marathi language is required.
• If Marathi/Hindi subject is not included in secondary school examination, it will be compulsory for the selected candidates to pass the Marathi/Hindi Language Examination of the Etdarth Mandal.

Procedure for Selection of Posts, Required Documents and Important Terms and Conditions (For All Candidates)
1. The candidate applying for the said sample post should be a resident of Maharashtra State and should possess Maharashtra State Domicile Certificate.
2. Applying or possessing the prescribed qualification does not mean that the candidate has acquired the right to call the examination or to be appointed.
3. Candidates claiming reserved backward category are required to submit Cast Certificate issued by the competent authority and Validity Certificate if available at the end of selection.
4. If caste medical certificate is not available, Government Decision General Administration Department No.BCC-2011/Pro.No.1064/2011/16 dated 12.012.2011 as per the provision of Petition No.2136/2011 and other petitions Hon. Against the order passed by Aurangabad Bench of Bombay High Court dated 25.8.2011 Hon. Subject to the order in the LSP filed in the Supreme Court, New Delhi, it is mandatory to submit the caste medical certificate within 06 months from the date of issuance of temporary appointment order. Otherwise their appointment will be canceled with retrospective effect. But candidates claiming Scheduled Tribe category are required to submit caste validity certificate before selection.
5. Candidates will have to appear for the examination at their own expense. Attend the examination at the designated examination center 1 hour before the allotted time.
6. The New Defined Contributory Pension Scheme implemented as per Government Decision dated 21.10.2005 will continue to apply to the appointed candidate. Maharashtra Civil Services (Retirement Pay Rationing) Rules 1984 and Provident Fund Scheme will not apply to them. However, if there is any future change in the said rule, the scheme will remain applicable.
7. Although the said recruitment process is being implemented from the state level collectively, while preparing the list of the said cadre, instead of selecting each district separately, a single selection list will be prepared from all the districts together.
8. All Jails in Maharashtra will be the jurisdiction for appointment of the candidates. Candidates in the shortlist who fulfill the necessary qualifications will be given the appointment letter after completing medical and character verification after document verification. All powers of appointment shall vest with the Hon'ble Additional Director General of Police and Inspector General, Prisons and Correctional Services, State of Maharashtra, Pune-1.
9. The attested copies of various certificates submitted by the eligible candidates in the final selection list will be checked on the basis of the original certificates at the time of document verification. It will be mandatory for the candidates to provide the attested copies of the said certificate based on the original certificate at the time of document verification. If the certificates are found to be false or incorrect, the candidate concerned will be disqualified.
10. As per Government of Maharashtra Circular No. SRV-2000/P No. 17/2000/12, dated 1.7.2005 as well as Notification dated 28 March 2005, it is mandatory for every candidate to submit Form A (Rule 4) along with the application.

General Instructions
1) Applications will be accepted through online application system only.
2) Website for submission of application:-
3) Detailed instructions for submission of application are available on the official website
4) The application will not be considered unless the examination fee is paid within the time limit after submission of the application.
5) As the last date of application submission and examination fee payment is fixed through computer, the payment gateway will be closed on the given date and time. Therefore, it is mandatory for the candidates to pay the application and examination fee within the time limit.

Application Submission Procedure / Duration
Period for submission of application : From 1.1.2024 to 21.1.2024 upto 23.55 hrs
Last date for payment of prescribed examination fee through online mode : 21.1.2024 till 23.55 hrs
Date and duration of examination : It will be made available on the website It will also be informed through the admit card of the candidates.

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