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Job for in Pharmacists in Govt. Medical Colleges, 9 vacancies

GPAT courses

Job for in Pharmacists in Govt. Medical Colleges

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment to various posts in health institutions of Ongole under the control of the DME, AP, Vijayawada, in Govt. Medical Colleges, Ongole/Markapur and Government General Hospitals, Ongole / Markapur and Govt. College of Nursing Ongole and Govt, school of Nursing, Ongole on Contract / Outsourcing basis.

Post : Pharmacist Gr-II

No of posts : 9
Remuneration : As per Govt, norms
Qualification : (i) Must possess Intermediate or its equivalent examination recognized by Govt, of A. P.
(ii) Pass in D.Pharma/ B.Pharma(or)
(iii) Intermediate vocational course in Pharmacy recognized by Government of AP with Apprenticeship / Clinical training.
(iv) Must be registered with the A P Pharmacy Council.
(v) In case of candidate possess both D.Pharma and B.Pharma, the maximum percentage secured in any one of the above shall be considered

Fee :
Applicant must enclose a demand draft towards application processing fee in favor of Principal, Government Medical College, Ongole (if candidate is eligible for more than one post is required to enclose demand draft for each post and apply for eachpost separately) as given below:
For OC candidates = Rs. 300/-
For /SC/ST/BC/Physically Challenged candidates = 200/-

Age Limit
Upper age limit is 42years. Age will be reckoned as on 01.11.2023 date of issue of notification as per G O Ms No. 105 GA (Ser-A) dept., dated.27.09.2021 with relaxations as applicable
Relaxations will be as follows :-
a. For SC, ST, BC and EWS candidates: 05 (Five) years.
b. For Ex-service Men: 03 (Three) years in addition to the length of service in armed forces
c. For differently abled persons: 10 (Ten) years.
d. Maximum age limit is 52 years with all relaxations put together.

Method Of Selection
Total Marks : 100
a. 75% will be allocated for aggregate of marks obtained in all the years in qualifying examination or any other equivalent qualification.
b. Up to 10 marks @ 1.0 mark per completed year after acquiring requisite Qualification as mentioned in the pass certificate. Weight age will be reckoned up date of notification as per Govt. Memo no.4274/Dl/2013, HM&FW (Dl) Dept., dt. 10.07.2014.
c. In respect of CGPA Marks holders Marks is calculated as CGPA X 9.5 (Multiplying Factor) X 75%.
d. Weight age up to 15% will be given to the candidates working on Contract/Outsourcing/Honorarium basis including COVID-19 service as shown below subject to their Satisfactory service certified by the competent authority, as per GO Ms No. 211, HM&FW (B2) Dept., Dt:08.05.2021, G.O. Rt No.573 HM&FW (B2) dept.
Dt.01.11.2021 and G.O.Rt No.07 HM&FW (B2) dept. Dt.06.01.2022. 3740784/B2/2020 of HM&FW (B2) Dept., dt.14.02.2022, Circular No.03/CHFW/2022, of CHFW, AP, dated.11.02.2022. If any individual work less than 6 months for Covid, the weight age shall be 0.8 marks per completed month will be awarded.
e. Weightage to contract employment based on working area:
1. @ 2.5 marks per six months in Tribal Area.
2. @ 2.0 marks per six months in Rural Area.
3. @ 1.0 marks per six months in urban areas
4. No weight age will be given for the services less than six months for Non- COVID service.

f. The COVID-19 weight age shall be applicable only to the persons who have appointed and rendered their services exclusively far COVID-19 on Contract/Outsourcing/ Honorarium basis and
are appointed by the District Collector based on orders issued by Government from time to time and certified by the controlling officers (Principal of GMC/ Superintendent of GGH/Principal Government College of Nursing) to that effect.
(Not e: Certificates taken earlier are valid. If additional period of service is there, fresh certificate to that effect shall be obtained andenclosed)
g. The candidates claiming service weight age shall submit original contract / Outsourcing/ Honorarium service certificate in the enclosed proforma issued by competent authority along with copyof appointment orders. Applications without the service certificates as prescribed above will not be considered for service weightage.
(Note : Certificates taken earlier are valid. If additional period of service is there, fresh certificate to that effect shall be obtained andenclosed)
h. Contract service will be reckoned up to the date of notification asper Govt. Memo no. 4274/D1/2013, HM&FW (Dl) Dept., dt.10.07.2014.
i. The Service Certificate should be submitted for the service rendered by the candidate for the same post for which He/She is applying now. The service certificate belongs to others service, other than the post for which the candidate is applying now, will not be considered.

Tenure of appointment and important conditions
The tenure for the contract/outsourcing posts is initially one year from the date of joining in the post and may be extended for further period as per the instructions issued by the Government from time to time. The District Selection Committee reserves all the rights to terminate the contract / outsourcing services of any candidate / candidates at any time with one month notice or as per directions of the Government from time to time.

Important Information to Candidates
a. If selected, he/she should stay at the bonafide Head Quarters compulsorily.
b. If selected and appointed he / she should be abide by the Government rules in force regularly from time to time.
c. Candidates are advised to follow official website of the District from time to time for further information.
d. Regarding remuneration amount in respect of certain posts there is no appropriate confirmation as on the day. Hence, it will be rectified later after receiving a clarification from the higher authorities.

Last date for submission of filled-in applications was extended upto 10/01/2024 by 5 00 P M
Scrutiny of applications : From 08.01.2024 to 17.01.2024.
Publication of provisional merit list :  18.01.2024
Last date for receipt of grievances : 22.01.2024 by 5.00 PM.
Publication of final merit list : 24-01-2024.
Verification of original certificates and issue of appointment orders : 30-01-2024.

Application Form & More Info


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