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B.Pharm, Pharm.D Job as Aarogya Mithra in Dr. YSR Aarogyasri Health Care Trust, 19 vacancies

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B.Pharm, Pharm.D Job as Aarogya Mithra in Dr. YSR Aarogyasri Health Care Trust

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Dr.YSR Aarogya Sri Health Care Trust, Govt. of A.P., Mangalagiri has accorded permission to fill up all the vacant posts of Aarogya Mithras and Team Leaders on outsourcing basis at Dr.YSR Net Work Hospitals in Prakasam District on consolidated pay through District Selection Committee under the chairmanship of Collector and District Magistrate, Prakasam District, Ongole to provide better medical facilities to the BPL families.

Post : Aarogya Mithras, Team Leaders

Aarogya Mithras
No of posts : 17
Roaster points : 2/56-O.C, 2/58-S.T, 2/60-BC-B, 2/61-OC-EWS, 2/62-S.C, 2/63-O.C, 2/64-BC-D, 2/65-O.C, 2/66-S.C, 2/67-O.C, 2/68-BC-D, 2/69-BC-E, 2/70-BC-A, 2/71-OC, 2/72-S.C, 2/73-OC-EWS, 2/74-BC-B
Remuneration per month : Rs.15000/-
Required Qualification : (a) Qualification B.Sc (Nursing)/M.Sc (Nursing)/B.Pharmacy/Pharmacy-D/B.Sc (Medical Lab-technology with good academic record)
(b) Skills i. Excellent communication skills
ii. Should read, speak and write telugu and English
iii. Should have computer knowledge and efficient in M.S.Office. iv. Shall have basic under standing of Medical / Surgical specialities and Hospital administration.

Team Leaders
No of posts : 02
Roaster points : 1/11-O.C, 1/12-OC-EWS
Remuneration per month : Rs.18,500/-
Required Qualification : (a) Qualification B.Sc (Nursing)/M.Sc (Nursing)/B.Pharmacy / Pharmacy-D / B.Sc (Medical Lab-technology with good academic record)
(b) Experience : Minimum of 2 years of full time experience in hospital services.
(c) Skills i. Excellent communication skills and leadership qualities ii. Should read, speak and write telugu and English iii. able to handle difficult and complex situations.
iv. Demonstrated experiences with and knowledge of computerized data collection, management, reporting and analysis system and v. Shall have basic under standing of Medical / Surgical specialities and Hospital administration.
(d) Additional qualification Any PG, experience in hospital administration will be preferred.

Note :
1. The Notified posts may increase or decrease as per the instructions of the Government/ District Selection Committee.
2. The final approved merit lists as per the above notification is valid up to 31.12.2024 to fill up the posts now notified in Dr.YSR AHCT, Ongole, Prakasam District and that arise within the valid date of final approved merit list.

Selection Criteria : Selection shall be made as per the rules in force by the District Selection Committee under the chairmanship of Collector and District Magistrate, Prakasam District, Ongole.
1. Academic Qualification : 65 Marks
2. Computer skill through a test at 1:5 (category wise) : 15 Marks
3. Interview (Subject) at 1:2 : 20 Marks
Reservations :
i. Reservations are applicable as per Rule 22 of AP State and Subordinate Services Rules and instructions issued from time to time including BC, SC and ST reservations.
ii. Implementation of Horizontal reservation to women, persons with bench mark disabilities, Ex-Serviceman and meritorious sports persons in the matter of Direct recruitment and amendments to Rule – 22 as per G.O.Ms.No.77, GAD(Ser-D), Dept Dated:02.08.2023.
iii. Presidential order is applicable as per GO Ms No 674; GA (SPF.A) Dept, dated:28.10.1975, GO P No.763 GA.(SPF.A) Dept dated 15.11.1975 read with G.O.Ms.No.8 GA (SPF.A) Dept. dated.08.01.2002.
iv. Reservations to Differently abled persons is applicable as per G.O.Ms.No.2 Department for WCDA & SC (Prog.II) dt 19.02.2020.
v. Reservations for economically weaker sections will be as per G.O.Ms.No.73 GA (Services-D) dept. dt:04.08.2021.
vi. Reservations for ex-servicemen are applicable as per rules in force.

Educational (Academic, Professional, Technical) qualifications, nature of appointment and remuneration to various posts : The candidate should possess prescribed academic / technical / professional qualifications for the post they are applying for as on the date of this notification. If the applicant possesses an equivalent qualification to prescribed qualification in this notification, applicant shall enclose a copy of the Government orders to that effect to the application, failing which their application will be rejected.

Age : Upper age limit is 42 years. Age will be reckoned as on 01.12.2023 as per G.O.Ms.No.105 GA (Ser-A) dept., dated.27.09.2021 with relaxations as applicable.
Relaxations will be as follows:- a. For SC, ST, BC and EWS candidates : 05 (Five) years. b. For Ex-service Men: 03 (Three) years in addition to the length of service in armed forces. c. For differently abled persons: 10 (Ten) years. d. Maximum age limit is 52 years with all relaxations put together.
Fee : Applicant must enclose a demand draft towards application processing fee in favour of District Medical & Health Officer, Prakasam District, Ongole (if candidate is eligible for more than one post is required to enclose demand draft for each post and apply for each post separately) as given below;.
a) For OC, OC-EWS & BC candidates ......... =Rs.500/-
For SC/ST/Physically challenged candidates =Rs.300/-
The applications without demand draft of will not be accepted.

Tenure of appointment and important conditions : The tenure for the contract/outsourcing posts is initially one year from the date of joining in the post and may be extended for further period as per the instructions issued by the Government from time to time. The District Selection Committee reserves all the rights to terminate the contract / outsourcing services of any candidate / candidates at any time with one month notice or as per directions of the Government from time to time.

Self attested copies of the certificates to be enclosed to the filled in application :
a. SSC or its equivalent (for date of birth).
b. Pass certificates of qualifications prescribed for the posts concerned.
c. Proof of appearance for the qualifying examination where ever applicable.
d. Marks memos of all years of qualifying examination or its equivalent. In the absence of marks memos, marks will be calculated as per rules in force.
e. Valid certificate of registration in A.P.Para Medical Board/ Allied Health Care sciences / any other council constituted under the relevant rules for specific courses where ever applicable.
f. Study Certificates from class IV to X from the school where the candidate studied. In case of private study local candidature certificate for that particular 7 years period preceding to the year of passing X class from competent authority in Form Appendix I certificate of residence prescribed vide Sub clause (ii) of clause (a) of para 7 of the Presidential Order (proforma is herewith enclosed). Candidates migrated from Telangana shall submit certificate of Local candidature as per GO No 132 & 133 dt: 13.06.2017. In the absence of the suitable certificate, the candidate will be considered as non local and further action will be as per rules in force.
g. Copy of latest valid caste certificate. In case of non submission of valid caste certificate, the candidate will be considered as OC.
h. Latest EWS (Economically weaker sections) certificate for the valid year 2023- 24 issued by the competent authority in case of the EWS categories.
i. Certificate of disability issued in SADAREM
 j. Any other certificates as relevant and applicable.
Note : Candidates must submit clear, visible documents (a to k of para.9), failing which application will be summarily rejected. Applications without the above documents will be summarily rejected.

Important information to candidates :
a. if selected, he/she should stay at the bonafide Head Quarters compulsorily.
b. If selected and appointed he / she should be abide by the Government rules in force regularly from time to time.
c. Candidates are advised to follow official website of the District from time to time for further information.
d. Candidates are requested to follow district on regular basis as updates on recruitment process will be published from time to time.

Last date for submission of application : Applicants are instructed to submit their filled in application together with copies of self attested certificates, Demand Draft and submit the same in O/o the District Co- ordinator, Dr.YSR AHCT, Opposite Prakasam Bhavan, Old RIMS campus, Ongole, Prakasam District on or before 06.01.2024 before 5.00 PM under proper acknowledgement. The applications received in person or by post after the due date will summarily be rejected without any intimation.

Application Form

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