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Application are invited for the post of SRF at Banaras Hindu University

Clinical research courses

Banaras Hindu University ranks among the first few in the country in the field of academic and research output. This university has two campuses, 3 institutes, 16 faculties, 140 departments, 4 advanced centers and 4 interdisciplinary schools. The University is making its mark at the national and international levels in a number of frontier areas of Science, Social Science, Technology, Medicine and Agriculture etc.

Application are invited for the post of SRF (Senior Research Fellow) with a Salary/ Stipend/ Fellowship/ Fixed amount of Rs. 28000.00 P.M. +HRA @20% of fellowship in a Department of Biotechnology sponsored project entitled “Genomics of polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): Understanding molecular mechanism of disease pathophysiology in Indian patient and families” sanctioned up to 2021 (Three Years). The post is temporary and co-terminus with the project.

The candidates should be (Essential qualifications): M.Sc. in Human Genetics/Genetics/ Clinical Genetics/Life Sciences/Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/Zoology/Biosciences with at least 55% marks. Qualified NET/GATE or equivalent as per specifications of funding agency concerned.

The upper age limit : is 32 Years (relaxable for 5 years for SC/ST/Physically Handicapped/Female candidates; (in case of non-research positions, upper age limit may also be relaxed for a duration of earlier work in a project/scheme in B.H.U. subject to the University rules prevalent at that time). All things being equal, SC/ST candidates will be preferred as per GOl rules.

Desirable qualifications at least two years research experience in related field/project as JRF or Research/Project assistant or equivalent Research position.

Application on Plain paper giving Name, permanent and correspondence address, names of father and mother, telephone no. and e-mail address (if available), details of educational career (starting from High School or equivalent) along with attested copies of all mark-sheets & certificates and details of any research or other experience etc., if any, with recent passport size photograph, valid e-mail ID, and contact no, should reach within 21 days of the advertisement, to the P rof. Parimal Das ( P.I.), DBT Project (P-07/696), Centre for Genetic Disorders, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005. No TA/DA will be paid if called for interview.

Last Date : 15th January, 2018

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