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Vacancies for Pharmacists under National Health Mission, 04 vacancies

Clinical research courses

Vacancies for Pharmacists under National Health Mission

Applications are hereby invited by the District Selection Committee headed by the District Collector & District Magistrate Sanaareddy from the eligible applicants to the vacant posts.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 02
Program Name : NUHM
Unit Name : UPHC
Required Qualification
1. Intermediate
2. D-Pharmacy or B-Pharmacy
3. Registered with pharmacy Council Certificate.

No of posts : 02
Program Name : RBSK
Unit Name : MHT
Required Qualification
1. Intermediate
2. D-Pharmacy or B-Pharmacy
3. Registered with pharmacy Council Certificate.

The minimum age is 18 years and the maximum age is 46 years in terms of G.O.Ms.No.30 dated 08-02-2024 of General Administration (Services-A) Department, Government of Telangana. The minimum and maximum age shall be reckoned as on 01.07.2024 with the following relaxations allowed for reckoning the maximum age limit as per rules in force:
(1) For S.Cs., S.Ts& BCs & EWS Relaxation of (05) years.
(2) For Ex-service men relaxation of (3) years and length of service in armed forces (applicable only for the posts of Medical Officers)
(3) For NCC (who worked as Instructor in NCC) relaxation of (3) years and length of service in NCC
(4) For Physically challenged persons relaxation of 10 (ten) years.

Method of Recruitment
Recruitment shall be done by the District Selection Committee on behalf of the concerned District Health Society, for all the vacant positions. For the posts of MLHPs., the guidelines for recruitment issued by this Office in Lr.Rc.No.96/NUHM/HWC/NHM/2017, dated: 06.09.2022 shall be followed (For age the guidance issued at ”3)Age" shall be followed).

Selection will be done on Merit Basis and based on the following criteria
(i) Merit Lists shall be prepared separately for each of the categories of posts.
(ii) Total marks are 100 of which 90 marks will be allotted basing on the marks obtained in qualifying examination and 10 marks will be awarded for the age. Weight-age for age will be reckoned from 18 years of age of the candidate.
0.5 mark will be awarded for one completed year of age with a maximum of 10 marks. The age will be reckoned as on 01-07-2024. (Example 1. If a candidate completes 20 years as on 01-07-2024, he/she will be awarded 1.0 mark; Example 2. If a candidate completes 30 years of age as on 01-07-2021, he/she will be awarded 6.0 marks; Example 3. If a candidate completes 40 years of age as on 01-07-2024, he/she will be awarded 10.0 marks).
(iii) Merit list will be prepared based on the marks obtained with above criteria and displayed on Official website of the concerned District Collector, for transparency and also for calling objections.
(iv) Selections list will be prepared from the finalized merit list duly following the Rule of Reservation (ROR) and Presidential Orders.
(v) The Selected candidates shall maintain the Headquarters.
(vi) These positions are not transferable.

How to Apply
(i) Application forms along with instructions can be down loaded from the official web site of the Sangareddy District,
(ii) Filled in application form shall be submitted in person or through registered post to the respective District Medical & Health Officer Sangareddy District to which the candidate is applying. Applications which are received after due dates will be summarily rejected. District Selection Committee is not responsible for post delays.
(ii) Self attested copies of the following Certificates should be enclosed along with the application form
1. S.S.C /Dated of Birth Certificate issued by the Competent Authority of the Government, for proof of age.
2. Intermediate or 10+ 2 examination.
3. Qualifying Examination Pass Certificate.
4. Marks Memos of all the years (qualifying examination)
5. Registration Certificates of respective Councils
6. Latest Community Certificate/EWC Certificate/Ex-Servicemen/ NCC/Physically Handicapped, whichever is applicable, issued by the Competent Authority.
7. Study certificate for the years from 1sl class to 7thclass and in case of Private study residence certificate from the Tahsildhar /MRO concerned to be submitted.
8. PH certificate in respect of candidates claiming reservation under PH Quota.
9. Relevant certificates in respect of candidates claiming Ex-service Men Quota.
10. Registration Certificate from the concerned Medical Council / Nursing Council/ Para Medical Board / Other relevant authority
11. 1 Photograph duly pasted on the application form

General Information to the candidates
1) The District Collector reserves the right to change/modify/cancel the selection process at any time during the process and the decision of the District Collector will be final and binding.
2) The Mode of Appointment is on Outsourcing basis or Contract basis for a period of 1 year or till the actual need ceases whichever is earlier.
3) No TA,DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interviews.
4) Appointees will work under the overall administrative control of CH&FW and MD, NHM.
5) The termination notice shall be (30) days period from either side.
6) Candidates selected under Outsourcing mode shall be appointed through Outsourcing Agency.
7) The posts notified are not permanent/regular Government posts and purely temporary.
8) The Panel of Candidates will be utilized for future vacancies, until a period of one Year from the final date of Selection of Candidates, in this Notification.
9) The selected candidates will be intimated through email/official communication.
10) The selected candidates may have to perform tours.
11) Their performance will be evaluated from time to time and also the same will be considered for Extension Termination of their service, in case of future requirements.
12) The employment is subject to disciplinary/codal rules and in case of any deviation, employment is liable for termination.

Last Date of receipt applications : 01-03-2024
Scrutiny of applications : 10-03-2024
Display of provisional Merit List & Call for Objections : 12-03-2024
Last date of receipt of objections and reply to candidates : 15-03-2024
Display of final merit list and selection list : 18-03-2024

Application Form

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