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Life Sciences Recruitment as Research Scientist at National Institute of Pathology

Clinical research courses

Life Sciences Recruitment as Research Scientist at National Institute of Pathology

National Institute of Pathology (NIP) has emerged as one of the premier research institutes of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), with the commitment to contribute through excellence in scientific research. The Institute was recognized as an Institute of Excellence by Ministry of Health & FW for running courses for short-term training for technicians and pathologists for WHO. The primary focus of the NIP is to address the various aspects of both communicable and non-communicable diseases with attempt to translate the knowledge generated in lab to medical practice. The NIP aims at generation of new knowledge by engaging in cutting-edge research in basic and applied biology as individual and collaborative efforts in order to address various complex questions in the area of human health and disease. The thrust areas of research at NIP include tumour biology, leishmaniasis, tuberculosis, chlamydial infection, environmental toxicology and bioengineering of skin for clinical applications. The Institute has made pioneering contributions in understanding disease processes, development of preventive interventions, new diagnostic tools and establishment of novel therapeutic strategies.

Post : Project Research Scientist I (Non medical), One post

The Institute intends to engage following project human resource position for its ICMR funded research project entitled “Development of blood-based molecular test for early detection of gallbladder cancer’’ PI Dr. Poonam Gautam, Scientist E. The post is to be filled on purely temporary basis at ICMR-NIP for one-year, extendable up to two years or till the completion of project. The details of the post, the required qualifications and other details are given below.

Place of posting : ICMR-National Institute of Pathology, Safdarjung Hospital Campus New Delhi
No. of Post(s) : 01 (One)
Monthly Emoluments : Rs. 56000/- + 27% HRA
Age Limit : Not exceeding 35 years of age
Minimum Essential Qualification : First class post- graduate degree including the integrated PG degree in Life Sciences or related discipline OR
Second class post- graduate degree, including the integrated PG degree with PhD in Life Sciences or related discipline
Desirable : Two years research experience in protein-based cancer biomarker discovery post essential qualification and research publication in the similar area.

Terms and conditions
1. The contractual appointment will be made initially for one year and extendable till the completion of project based on performance.
2. The recruited project staff are eligible for leave as per project rules and will have to give an undertaking at the time of joining.
3. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee the selection. The applications received will be screened and the shortlisted candidates will be intimated through e-mail provided and the interview will be held through video conferencing e.g. zoom meeting. The information regarding the interview will be shared with the shortlisted candidates on the e-mail id provided by the candidate. Candidate selected against the post will be intimated via email.
4. The conditions for employment will be same as that of the ICMR project staff on contract basis.
5. Age, qualification, experience etc. will be reckoned as on the last date of submission of application form. Age relaxation will be applicable as per GOl rules.
6. Hostel accommodation of any kind is not available with the Institute.
7. Number of positions may vary. The selected candidates are also expected to/may be required to travel to Delhi or other centres for training.
8. These positions are meant for temporary projects and co-terminus with the project.
9. Engagement of the above advertised Project Human Resource Positions will depend upon availability of funds, functional requirements, and approval of the Competent Authority. Therefore, we are not committed to fill up all the advertised Project Human Resource Positions and the process in liable to be withdrawn/ cancelled/ modified at any time,
10. Qualification & Experience should be in relevant discipline/ field and from an Institution of repute.
Experience should have been gained after acquiring minimum essential qualification.

11. Persons already in regular time scale service under any Government Department/ Organizations are not eligible to apply.
12. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the Interview/ Personal discussion and candidates must arrange transport/ accommodation themselves.
13. ICMR-NiP reserves rights to consider or reject any application/ candidature, without assigning any reason.
14. Submission of false or wrong information during the process of selection shall disqualify the candidature at any stage.
15. The persons engaged on Project Human Resource Positions will normally be posted at the study site; however, they can be posted to any other site in the interest of research work. They are liable to serve in any part of the country.
16. The persons engaged on Project Human Resource Positions shall not have any claim on a regular post
in ICMR or in any of its institutes/ Centres or in any Department of Government of India and their project term with breaks or without breaks in any of the multiple projects will not confer any right for further assignment or transfer to any other project or appointment/ absorption/ regularization of service in funding agency or in ICMR-NIP.
17. Benefits of Provident Fund, Pension Scheme, Leave Travel Concession, Medical claim, Staff Quarters, and other facilities applicable to regular staff of ICMR etc. are not admissible to the Project Human Resource Positions.
18. Successful candidates will normally be engaged on Project Human Resource Positions initially for a period of one year or less, depending upon the tenure of the project and functional requirements.
19. Continuation/ Extension to engagement of Project Human Resource Positions will be depending upon evaluation of performance, tenure of the project, availability of funds, functional requirements, and approval of competent authority.
20. ICMR-NIP reserves the right to terminate the Project Human Resource Position even during the agreed contract period or extended contract period without assigning any reason.
21. Corrigendum / addendum/ further information; if any; in respect of this advertisement, will be published on our website only. Hence, the candidates are advised to visit our websites: and regularly for further updates related to this advertisement.

Applicants should upload their biodata and scanned copies of the birth certificate/proof of birth, final mark statements of B.Sc. and M.Sc., or any other relevant document(s) in a single PDF file. Only duly filled online applications will be considered. Incomplete applications and applications received after the closing date will not be entertained. Candidates must ensure that the information details furnished in the online application.

Last date : 26th February 2024 upto 5 pm

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