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Job for Pharmacists under District health Society

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Job for Pharmacists under District health Society

Applications are invited on behalf of District health Society Kupwara for below mentioned posts lying vacant in different health institutions of District Kupwara under National Health Mission (NHM).

Post : Jr. Pharmacist

Qualification : 10+2 with diploma in pharmacy training course from SMF or any other recognized institute.
Age : upto 45 Years
No of posts : 03 (Tangdai-01, Zachaldara=01, Langate=01)
Selection Criteria : i. Screening Test=60 points.
ii.    10+2= 10 Points
iii. diploma in pharmacy training course from SMF or any other recognized instituted 5 points
iv. viva voce= 15 points Total 100 points tem (I) to (iii) on prorata basis

List of documents to be uploaded with the application form
i. Domicile Certificate.
ii. Date of Birth Certificate (Matriculation Certificate).
iii. Degree/Diploma certificate of requisite Qualification from recognised University.
iv. Marks sheet of all years/ one consolidated marks sheet indicating marks of all the years of the requisite qualification for the post applied for.
v. Diploma/ Degree recognized from medical council of India/State Medical Council/J&K state Nursing and Paramedical Council.
vi. Experience Certificate duly attested by Head of the institution/department (if applicable).
vii. Under ANM category for various Sub Centres of the District, application forms should be enclosed with Revenue village Certificate duly issued by competent authority (Tehsildar). In case unmarried Female candidates, Form should be accompanied with Unmarried Certificate duly issued by competent authority (Tehsildar).

Instructions for applying Online
1. Candidates are required to apply online through which is available on NIC Kupwara Website ( No other means/ mode of application will be accepted.
2. Candidates are required to have a valid Email ID.
3. The requisite original documents including domicile certificate issued by the competent authority (Tehsildar) on the prescribed format should be uploaded along with application form.
4. The candidate needs to ensure that all the required fields are filled up with correct information, before final submission of the application.
5. Candidate shall be personally responsible for filling the details in the online application form and the information/details furnished by the candidate shall be treated as final for the purpose of determining the eligibility/claims of the candidates. No claim on account of wrong/non-filling of information shall be entertained subsequently.
6. Once submitted, the Application Form cannot be edited by the candidates.
7. Candidates should not submit a printout of the application till it is actually sought for verification/clarification purpose.
8. Any person who finds difficulty in submission of application form due to technical issue or for any other reasons, shall be required to send a self-explanatory mail at for seeking guidance, clarification, etc. No other mode of grievance submission in this context would be taken into consideration.

Terms & Conditions
1. Candidates are informed to submit the online application forms viz link which is available on NIC Kupwara Website ( along with the self-attested photocopies of the requisite eligibility documents mentioned against each category within a period of 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement notification and no application form shall be entertained after the cut-off date.
2. Candidates should be resident of District Kupwara Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir.
3. Hiring shall be purely on contractual basis, initial contract for hiring shall be valid for a period of one year and further yearly extension will be subject to satisfactory performance of the candidate/ approval of the post by the Ministry' of Health & Family Welfare, Govt, of India.
4. NIC Kupwara Website ( is the only authentic source of information with respect to District Health Society Kupwara. District health Society Kupwara shall not be responsible for any inconvenience caused due to any misleading/ false information made available by any other source Website(s) purportedly claiming to be associated with District Health Society Kupwara, in any manner whatsoever. Candidates are advised to keep themselves updated through the website (, no individual communication to the candidates shall be made in this regard.
5. Applications not falling in the prescribed criteria or without aforesaid documents shall be rejected out rightly.
6. In case of ANM category, the selection shall be made on village level basis (village means revenue Village) and the area which is catered by the said sub centre where post/ position exists. If the candidate is not available in the said revenue village and in the area catered by the said sub- centre where the post/ position exists, then the selection shall be made on the basis of Block level merit. In case of unmarried Female candidates. Form should be accompanied with duly issued Unmarried Certificate by competent authority. One position of ANM (FMPHW) for RBSK team Tangdar, Block Tnngdar, and three posts of Jr. pharmacists are vacant for RBSK teams in block Langate, Zaclialdara and Tangdar where preference for selection shall be given to the candidate from said medical blocks (Tangdar, Zaclialdara & Langate) subject to their availability and merit. In case the non-availability of the candidates within the blocks, candidates within the district shall be considered.
7. As per the letter vide No: SHS/NHM/J&K/HR/55-86 dated: 25-07-2022, there is separate weightage of points for Covid Experience for Categories listed at S. No 01 & 02 (Jr. Staff Nurse & MP\V(M/F) and Covid experience of those applicants shall be considered valid who were hired by the government during the covid-19 Pandemic.
S. The performance of the appointee should be reviewed after every three months. He/she has to work at the place against which lie/she has been engaged and shall not be eligible for transfer from original place of posting in any case. He/she shall not be entitled to any allowance or monetary benefit except whatsoever admissible under the scheme.
9. The candidature of the appointed candidates shall be cancelled without any notice in case it is found lie/she has concealed any fact or submitted any fraudulent certificate/document or misrepresented the facts to avail the candidature.
10. Numbers of Posts mentioned are indicative in number and may increase or decrease, keeping in view availability of posts at the time of selection.

11. The finally selected candidates shall have to sign a contract with the District Health Society, Kupwara duly authenticated by Is' Class Judicial Magistrate and should be available at the time of joining.
12. All Engagements shall be made as per the standing guidelines of NIIM presently in vogue.
13. Only those candidates can apply, who have valid registration of degree/diploma with medical council of India/State Medical Council/J&K state Nursing and Paramedical Council (except Adolescent Health Councillor category)
14. The requisite original documents including domicile certificate issued by the competent authority on the prescribed format must be produced at the time of document verification or as and when sought by the selection committee.
15. In case more than 05 applications arc received for any individual post, the shortlisting of the candidates in the ratio 1:5 will be made on the basis of the merit obtained in the screening test as well as academic/ technical qualification of the candidate. For the category of Adolescent Health Councillor shortlisting of the candidates shall be made on the basis of desired academic qualification.
16. Candidates may note that their candidature will remain provisional till the completion of CID verification and authentication of documents verification by competent authority.
17. No TA/DA is admissible/payable for appearing in the Examination to test skills.

Last Date : 29th February, 2024

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