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Life Sciences recruitment at National Rice Research Institute | Pay Rs. 47,000 pm

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Life Sciences recruitment at National Rice Research Institute

Government decided to establish a Central Institute for Rice Research and this led to establishment of the Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI) on April 23, 1946 at Bidyadharpur, Cuttack, Odisha with an experimental farm land of 60 hectares provided by the Government of Odisha. Dr. K Ramiah, an eminent rice breeder, was its founder Director. Subsequently, in 1966, the administrative control of the Institute was transferred to the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The Institute was renamed as ICAR-National Rice Research Institute (NRRI) in the year 2015.

Post : Research Associate-I (RA-I)

Name of the Project : “Decrypting the chemical interaction of rice and its specialist herbivore, Scirpophaga incertulas” (EAP-352)

Rate of remuneration : Rs. 47,000/- p.m. + HRA as per rule

Essential Qualification : Ph.D. in any branch of Biological Sciences (e.g. Agricultural Science, Life Sciences, etc.) / Environmental Science / Chemistry

Age as on date of interview : Max. 40 years for men and 45 years for women

Duration of the project : Up to 14.12.2024 or till completion of the project whichever is earlier

Place of posting : NRRI, Cuttack

Terms & Conditions :-
1. The above position is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the scheme/project. The service of appointed candidate will stand terminated automatically after expiry of the scheme/project or completion of period indicated in the selection offer, whichever is earlier and the candidate will not have any right for absorption in NRRI/ICAR. The above age limits are relaxable for SC, ST and OBC candidates as per Govt. of India norms.
2. Director, NRRI reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of position and also to cancel the recruitment process for the position mentioned above. Director’s decision will be final and binding in all aspects.
3. No TA and DA for appearing in the interview are admissible.
4. Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the position.
5. If currently employed, then the candidate will have to furnish no-objection certificate from the current employer for appearing in the interview.

Owing to the prevailing COVID-19 crisis, eligible & interested candidates are requested to send their biodata through email to latest by 07/02/2022, strictly in our prescribed pdf format which is available in our website. After screening, only shortlisted candidates will be informed for further details regarding interview by mail or over phone for attending online interview. Candidates who do not send their biodata in our latest prescribed pdf format, his/her biodata will not be acceptable.

Date of Interview : 11/02/2022

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