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Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow at PGIMER

Clinical research courses

The PGIMER owes its inception to the vision of late Sardar Partap Singh Kairon, the then Chief Minister of Punjab and the distinguished medical educationists of the then combined state of Punjab, supported by the first Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru who considered the institutions of scientific knowledge as temples of learning and the places of pilgrimage. The institute started in 1962 and Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru inaugurated the hospital now named “Nehru Hospital” on 7th July 1963.

Post : Junior Research Fellow

Applications are invited for the following posts in ICMR funded project entitled "ICMR Centre of Innovation and Bio-Design (CIBioD)” under Dr. Varinder Garg. OSD to President PGIMI R cum Principal Investigator, Room No. 1021 Ground Floor, Advanced Cardiac Center. Deptot Cardiology.

Essential Qualification : M.Tech/ B.Tech in Biomedical Engineering  /lnstrumentation / Biotechnology, M.Sc Biotechnology / Biophysics / lnstrumentation / Bioinfortnatics

Upper Age limit: 35 Years (Relaxable in case of SC ST/QBC PH/Women candidate as per Gov ot India rules).

Remuneration : As per ICMR sanction.

Kindly note candidates who have applied earlier for junior research fellow operator advertisement dated 31st December 2019 need not apply fresh their applications will be considered automatically.

The engagement in the ICMR project is purely on temporary basis. The appointment can be terminated by either side by giving one month's notice or stipend thereof. Interested Candidates are required to submit their application along with detailed bio-data duly signed along with working phone no. and email, enclosing photocopies of certificates testimonials in support of date of birth, qualification/experience etc. to the undersigned office, i.e. OSD office Room no. 1021 ground floor department of cardiology advance cardiac centre PGIMER. Chandigarh latest by 10th  February 2020 till 02.00 pm. Only shortlisted listed candidates will be informed for the interview and list will displayed on PGIMER website. No separate letters will be sent for interview and no TA/ DA will be paid.

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