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Recruitment for Assistant Professor (10 posts) at Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology

Clinical research courses

The Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, was established on October 20,1995 by an Act of the Legislature of the State of Haryana with the objectives 'to facilitate and promote studies and research in emerging areas of higher education with focus on new frontiers of technology, pharmacy, environmental studies, non-conventional energy sources and management studies and also to achieve excellence in these and connected fields'. It was formally inaugurated on November 1, 1995. It is named after Guru Jambheshwar Ji Maharaj, a saint environmentalist of 15th century. Keeping in view the nature of courses offered at the university and the mandate for which it had been established the name of the university has been changed as Guru Jambheshwar university of Science & Technology.

Applications on the prescribed form for the post(s) of Assistant Professor and Demonstrator/ Assistant Librarian in various University Teaching Departments/ University Library are invited on regular basis.

Pharmaceutical Sciences

No of post : 10 {Gen.-5(SFS-2),SC-2,BCA- 1,BCB-1, EBP-1}

1. Pharmaceutics-03
2. Pharmaceutical Chemistry-01
3. Pharmacology-04
4. Pharmacognosy-02

Pay Bands:
(i) Assistant Professor – Academic Pay Level-10
(ii) Assistant Librarian- Academic Pay Level-10
(iii) Demonstrator – Academic Pay Level-7

(i) First class B.Pharm. with Master’s Degree in Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) in appropriate Branch of specialisation in Pharmacy (qualification must be PCI recognized)
(ii) Two years of teaching experience in PCI approved/ recognized Pharmacy College.
(iii) The candidate should be registered in the register of pharmacists maintained by a State Pharmacy Council.
(iv) A PCI recognized Pharm.D degree holder shall also be eligible for the posts of Assistant Professor in the subjects of pathophysiology, pharmacology and pharmacy practice
(v) If a class or division is not awarded at Master level, a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate or equivalent cumulative grade point average shall be considered equivalent to first class or division, as the case may be.

Important Instructions:-
1. The UGC’s/ PCI qualifications will be applicable for the posts of Assistant Professor/ Assistant Librarian. 
2. The prescribed application form is available on the University website. The fee of Rs.800/- (Rs.200/- for SC/BC/EBP/ESM/PWD and Rs.400/- for female candidates) may be deposited in the University Account No.4674000100036542 of Punjab National Bank, Hisar IFSC Code No.PUNB 0467400. For the post of Demonstrator, the fee will be Rs.500/- (Rs.125/- for SC/BC/ EBP/ESM/PWD and Rs.250/- for female candidates). The requisite form for depositing the fee is available at page No.10. The candidate is required to mention his/ her name, father’s name, Adhaar No. and name of the post. If the candidate applies for more than one post, he/ she is required to deposit the fee separately for each post.
3. The application form duly filled-in and attested copies of certificates/ testimonials and all other documents, educational qualifications, research publications and experience etc. for all the posts mentioned below should reach the office of Deputy Registrar(Faculty) by 20.02.2019 positively. List of publications should include ISSN No., scopus index. Incomplete applications and those not on prescribed form or without fee and supporting documents will be summarily rejected. The candidates must be eligible on the last date for submission of application form. Those who have already applied in response to University Advt. No. 3/2016 for the posts of Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences need not apply again. However, they may update their bio-data alongwith supporting documents. The University reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of posts or it may not fill any of the posts advertised without assigning any reason. Those who are in service should send their application through proper channel. Benefit of reservation and concession in application fee is applicable to the candidates from Haryana only.
4. SFS stands for Self Financing Scheme. It may be clearly mentioned in the application whether applied for the posts under ‘SFS’ also.
5. The terms and conditions for the posts under SFS shall be governed by the SFS Rules framed/ to be framed by the University from time to time.
6. There will be no age bar for the posts mentioned from Sr.No.1 to 11 at page No.2. The age of superannuation for the above posts will be sixty years.
7. The criteria of shortlisting of candidates for the posts of Assistant Professor and Assistant Librarian is available at page No.8 and the selections shall be based only on the performance in the interview.
8. The selection criteria for the post of Demonstrator as well as syllabus for practical exam is available at page No.9.
9. The posts of Professor and Associate Professor in the aforesaid departments/ courses and for the post of Assistant Professor in Nano Science and Technology advertised vide earlier advertisements, for which the interviews have not been conducted, are withdrawn.

Last date for submission of application form complete in all respect is 20.02.2019. Detailed information with regard to number of posts, qualifications, specialisation, selection criteria, etc. may be seen on the University website

The prescribed application form for the posts of Assistant Professor/ Assistant Librarian alongwith a copy of qualifications can be downloaded from University website. However, the eligible candidates applying for the post of Demonstrator may apply online.


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