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BIRAC is inviting application for post of Chief Manager, Technical Officer, Investment Officer, Technology Transfer Officer | Salary upto Rs 2,30,000

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Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) is a Public Sector Section 25 ‘Not-for-Profit Company’ recently set up by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India to promote and nurture innovation research and growth of the biotech enterprise. BIRAC as an Interface agency serves the emerging biotech industries through gap filling interventions that facilitate high risk research, innovation and product development and also facilitates industry academia interaction. BIRAC’s focus is on empowering and enabling the biotech innovation ecosystem for affordable product development.

Chief Manager (Specialized Services) – Level E 5 – E6 (Position Code IP-01)

Scale of Pay:
Rs. 80,000/- - 2,10,000/- plus 35% perks and 24% HRA for Level E5.
Rs. 90,000/- - 2,30,000/- plus 35% perks and 24% HRA for Level E6.

Job Description: To develop strategy, operations & process and for providing specialized services for empowering and enabling the biotech innovation ecosystem such as IP management, technology transfer, technology acquisition, product commercialization, etc and to ensure their execution assuring highest quality. To facilitate revenue generation activities in BIRAC. The job involves domestic travels.

Key Responsibilities:
i. Leading the Team on IP and Technology Transfer.
ii. Develop a framework for BIRAC as knowledge partner, IP and Technology Management providing specific specialized services that would outline BIRAC’s role.
iii. Opportunities mapping of technology gaps and intellectual property sector wise.
iv. Provide advisory services for licensing, acquisition and technology transfer
v. Facilitate networking for Technology Transfer / Acquisition vi. Providing advisory services / training in patent filing and registration.
vii. Leads analysis of patent policy of India in comparison to other countries.
viii. To coordinate and facilitate revenue generation activities in BIRAC.

Essential Qualification: PhD in Life Sciences/ Biotechnology/ Pharma/ Agri/ Plant Sciences from a recognized institute.

Desirable Qualification: Excellent Communication & Networking skills and Experience in Business Development

Experience: 13 to 16 years with minimum 5 to 6 years of experience in a Senior Management position in a reputed organization. Should have minimum 4 to 6 years experience in IPR / Patent analysis / technology licensing and acquisition / technology transfer / public private partnership activities in a reputed organization / managing in lead role services in a CRO Biotech.

Age Limit: 48 years

Officer (Technology Transfer and Commercialization) - Level E1 Band 1 (Position Code SPED-01)

Scale of Pay:
Rs. 40,000/- - 1,20,000/- plus 35% perks and 24% HRA.

Job Description: To be responsible for facilitating transfer / commercialization of Technologies / Products Developed through the BIRAC projects. The job involves domestic travels.

Key Responsibilities:
i. Provide assistance in developing the commercialization plan for all BIRAC generated technologies / products.
ii. Create showcasing and branding opportunities for BIRAC products / technologies.
iii. Arrange Innovation Market Place and other Investor forums for Technology / Product commercialization. iv. Responsible for all corporate branding, communication, exhibitors.
v. Identify, create opportunities to facilitate commercialization, investment, scaling, private / government procurement.
vi. Create a biotech angel investor network / integrate international investor forum vii. Direct mapping of technologies in research organizations at national and international level.
viii. Evaluate the technology on the basis of its potential for commercialization. ix. Assure sourcing of technology from research academia.
x. Facilitate the process of transfer from lab to small biotech to large biotech to market. xi. Determine technology pricing based on market demand, growth potential, innovativeness of the technology, etc
xii. Provide assistance in drafting technology transfer agreements with assistance from legal cell.
xiii. Facilitate discussions on technology transfer at various platforms
xiv. Build, maintain and utilize network of client relationships.

Essential Qualifications : B.Tech/M.Sc in life sciences/bio technology from a recognized institute.

Desirable Qualifications : M.Tech/Ph.D / PG Diploma in IPR, Communication or Marketing or Business Administration. Business Development Experience, Excellent Communication & Networking skills and Technology In - Licensing and Out – Licensing direct experience.

Experience : Minimum 2 years of work experience in technology licencing and acquisition and facilitating technology transfer and commercialization of technologies / products.

Age Limit : 30 years

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Officer (Technical) - Level E 1 Band 1 (Position Code TG-01) Reserved for OBC

Scale of Pay: Rs. 40,000/- - 1,20,000/- plus 35% perks and 24% HRA.

Key Responsibilities:
i. Work closely with experts to identify priorities and need based project
ii. Assist Head Technical for project appraisal and technical due diligence.
iii. Make detailed technical reports, analyze data and interpret results.
iv. Technical monitoring of all projects.
v. Evaluate the project specific technologies, project results, products and processes and define future strategies.
vi. Contribute to scientific analysis and understanding of the problem, gaps and required scientific intervention
vii. Supports the projects for product development regulatory approval process.
viii. Understand team objectives and cooperate and collaborate with others to achieve them
ix.Adhere to internal and externalcompliance responsibilities in a timelymanner.

Essential Qualification: B.Tech / M.Sc in Life Sciences / Biotechnology / Pharma / Agri / Plant Sciences from a recognized and reputed institute.

Desirable Qualification: Ph.D in Life Sciences / Biotechnology / Pharma / Agri / Plant Sciences / M.Tech from a recognized and reputed institute.

Experience: Minimum 2 years of work experience.

Age Limit: 30 years

Officer (Investment) - Level E 1 Band 1 (Position Code IG-01) Reserved for OBC

Scale of Pay: Rs. 40,000/- - 1,20,000/- plus 35% perks and 24% HRA.

Key Responsibilities:
i. Work closely with experts to identifypriorities and need based project
ii. Assist Head Technical for projectappraisal and technical due diligence.
iii. Make detailed technical reports,analyze data and interpret results.
iv.Technical monitoring and grantmanagement of assigned projects /scheme.
v. Evaluate the project specifictechnologies, project results, productsand processes and define futurestrategies.
vi. Contribute to scientific analysis andunderstanding of the problem, gaps andrequired scientific intervention
vii. Supports the projects for productdevelopment regulatory approvalprocess.
viii. Understand team objectives andcooperate and collaborate with others toachieve them
ix. Adhere to internal and externalcompliance responsibilities in a timelymanner.

Essential Qualification: M.Sc in Life Sciences / Biotechnology / Agri / Plant Sciences from a recognized and reputed institute.

Desirable Qualification: Ph.D in Life Sciences / Biotechnology / Pharma / Agri / Plant Sciences / M.Tech from a recognized and reputed institute.

Experience: Minimun 2years of work experience

Age Limit: 30 years

Interested candidates should apply at the prescribed format. Applications received by post and not on the prescribed format will not be considered. Details are also requested to be filled in the excel format BIRAC-doc3.

Head (Admin. & HR)
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council
1st Floor, MTNL Building
9, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi-110003

Last Date for Application is 8th March, 2019.


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