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Applications are invited for Principles of Pharmaceutical Operations at Panjab University

GPAT courses

The University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Panjab University is a premier institution of Pharmaceutical Education and Research in the country. The institute has covered a long and glorious journey of 76 years starting from Lahore in 1944 and finally settling to the present campus in Chandigarh at the foothills of Himachal. In its travelogue, the institute crossed multiple milestones and continue to head ahead towards the well-defined goals. The elevation of the status from department to the level of an institute i.e. University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 1994, and hosting of Indian Pharmaceutical Congress in the same year, two presidential honors of the Indian Pharmaceutical Congresses to its faculty members, a special recognition by the UGC by granting SAP in 1993 and COSIST in 1981 establishment of ICMR Advanced Centre for standardization of Drugs of Indian System of Medicine are some of the major hallmarks on the path treaded so far.

Post : Principles of Pharmaceutical Operations

Applications are invited for the position of Guest Faculty in University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the following subject for the period from February to May 2018 (Even Semester).

Essential Qualifications : First class M.Tech. (Chemical/ Mechanical) Degree

Rs. 1000/- (for Ph.D/NET) per Theory lecture/Practical of 2/3 hours with a ceiling on maximum monthly payment (i.e. not more than Rs 25,000/- per month).
Rs. 500 (for first class M.Tech. in Chemical/Mechanical) per Theory lecture / Practical of 2/3 hours with a ceiling on maximum monthly payment (i.e. not more than Rs 15,000/- per month).

Walk in interview will be held on Thursday i.e., February 15th 2018 at 04:00 p.m., in the office of the undersigned. No separate intimation letter will be sent.

Applicants are advised to reach at 03:30 p.m. and bring the application on plain paper giving the following details alongwith the complete documents, at the time of the interview:
(i) Name
(ii) Date of Birth
(iii) Educational Qualifications (attach attested photocopies of the certificates/degrees)
(iv) Ph.D/UGC-NET qualified proof
(v) Teaching Experience, if any (attach details)
(vi) Correspondence Address
(vii) Contact No. /Mobile No. & E-mail Id

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