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Work as District Nutrition Coordinator at AIIMS

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Work as District Nutrition Coordinator at AIIMS

State Centre of Excellence for Nutrition Interventions (SCoE4N) is established at AIIMS Raipur with the objective to assist State government departments in their goal of Malnutrition free Chhattisgarh and Anemia free Chhattisgarh by improving IYCF practices, skilled management of children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) through the facility and community care including growth faltering in under 6 months infants.

Post : District Nutrition Coordinator (DNC)

No of posts : 15 (UR)
Essential qualification : Masters in nutrition, public health, nutritional epidemiology, nutrition, health / nutrition research, health sciences, Master’s in social work
Experience, Skills and Competences
• Minimum 3 years of experience in the field of health and nutrition. Preference can be given to those who has experience on management of children with SAM or any government programs
• Experience of CMAM programme implementation at least for a year is must
• Should have good communication and skills
• Ability to monitor and review data and share with stakeholders
• Should be a person of good repute/ character, ethics & without any criminal record. No political affiliations
• Should be willing to abide by the code of conduct and child protection policy of the organization during their tenure of providing services
• Good interpersonal communication skills along with computer skill
• Should have a personal laptop /computer and working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and Power point presentation
• Familiar with survey tools e.g., Kobotoolbox, google forms etc.
• Physically able to move around the project area
• Able to facilitate meeting with different stakeholders
• Should have coordination and networking skills
• Should be willing to abide by the code of conduct and child protection policy of the organization during their tenure of providing services
• Excellent oral and writing skills both in Hindi and English is essential, knowledge of local language is an asset.
Professional Fees : Rs. 40,000 /-per month
Estimated Travel : As per the requirement
(Note: Subsistence, Mobility and Contingency support shall be separately provided, to address field travel and related cost incurred by the candidate)

Age limit : Maximum 40 years
Location : At district Head quarter All districts of Chhattisgarh  Headquarter stay is mandatory .
Duration : The project duration is from 01st January 2025 to 30th June 2025 (6 Months). The selected candidate shall be issued an contract till 30th June 2025, which may be extended based on performance, funds availability from the funding agency, and continuing requirement for the position.

Terms and Conditions
1. It is candidate’s responsibility to ascertain and ensure their eligibility as per the prescribed qualification and experience. Any misinformation detected at any stage will make the candidate disqualified and liable or legal action. Permission to appear in the selection process does not approve the eligibility of the candidate. Even after qualifying the selection process the candidate may be rendered disqualified at the time of document verification if he / she does not fulfil essential eligibility criteria.
2. The selection will not be an employment on AIIMS Raipur or NHM/UNTCFF pay-roll. Employment will automatically terminate upon completion of the tenure mentioned, from the any of joining of duties and there is no liability for permanent employment in AIIMS, Raipur 01 Programme Director. Also, the candidates have no right to claim permanent employment in AIIMS Raipur or NHM/UNICEF based on this job.
3. Employment of selected candidates will automatically terminate upon completion of contract i e till 30th June 2025.
4. Selected candidates have to complete their probation period of 1 month initially from the date of joining and after completion of probation period, candidates’ tenure will be extended for further period. Extension of tenure after probation period will purely depend upon the candidate satisfactory performance which will be scrutinized by the Programme Director.
5. The candidate who is already in Government service shall submit 'No Objection Certificate" from the present employer at the time of interview.
6. Record of this recruitment will be preserved for the period of six months from the date of declaration of
the result after the completion of the above period all documents related to this recruitment will stand destroyed.
7. Tenure: The assignments are purely on contract basis for the period starting from or early based on selection process date of joining to 30 June 2025 (6 Months) after completion of probation period. This appointment will not vest any right to claim by the candidate for regular appointment or Permanent absorption in AIIMS Raipur or UNICEF or for continued contractual appointment.
8. Candidate has to join within 15 days of declaration of result.
9. Selected Candidates have to submit the “Medical fitness Certificate” from gazetted officer at the time of joining.
10. Experience certificate will only be issued after completion of three months of tenure.
11. Expiry of Contract: The contract will automatically expire on completion of period specified above until it is renewed with mutual consent for the decided period. The contractual appointment can be terminated at any time by either side by giving 30 days’ notice or salary in lieu thereof. In case of any reported misconduct, the contract will be terminated with immediate effect.
12. Accommodation : No hostel or any other accommodation will be provided by the Institute for attending the interview at any stage of recruitment.

1. Candidates will have to share the scan filled scanned copy of “Application form (Annexure-VI)’ and all certificates related to their eligibility initially to programme e-mail id i.e Candidates filled “Application form (Annexure-VII’ will be scrutinized according to the eligibility/work experience mentioned in advertisement and only those candidates will be called for appearing in the interview who found suitable for the respective post. Application form (Annexure-V) will be scrutinized by programme panel members and their decision will be final.
2 Last date for sharing the filled Application form (Annexure-VIIwill be till 14th December 2024 5 P.M (Phase 1 Posts) and 20th December 2024 till 5 P.M (Phase 2 posts). No further communication will be entertained after above mention date and time.
3. Shortlisted candidates will be intimated for appearing in the interview via mail after “Application form (Annexure-VII’ and certificates scrutinizing process.
4. Shortlisted candidates have to download and print the Application form attached (Annexure-V) below the advertisement and bring the same with self -attested Xerox copy of the marksheet/certificates at the time of Interview also.
5. The candidate needs to submit the application at the time of Interview as per the format. No change in serial no. order and the heading of column to be made. Annexure may be added as separate sheets, if required.
6. Two recent self- signed passport sized color photographs are to be attached with stapled/pinned on first page of the performa format.
7. Candidate should bring one set of self- attested xerox copy of all relevant marksheet/certificates photocopies of duly filled application form (As per the prescribed performa) and all original certificates of educational qualifications, and experience certificate, identity proof, along with two photographs and set of self-attested photocopies of all certificates and relevant documents at the time of interview.
8. All information / updates pertaining to this advertisement including list of shortlisted candidates, result, joining etc. will be displayed on the AIIMS , Raipur website which is
9. No individual intimation will be sent by the AIIMS Raipur to applicants. It will be the responsibility of applicants to keep abreast of the developments by visiting institute website.
10. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Date of Interview : 19/12/2024
Time: - 9.00 am (the candidates are requested to reach the venue before 8.30 am for scrutiny of documents)
Place of Interview : - Room No. 431,Faculty room, Department of Pediatrics Office, D-l Block, Fourth Floor, New hospital building, Gate No.4, AIIMS, Raipur, C.G.

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