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Openings for Pharmacists (29 posts) at Employees Insurance Services, Prison and Govt Medical Colleges

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Job Openings for Pharmacists under MPESB

The Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board (MPESB), previously the Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board and commonly known as Vyapam (an abbreviation of its Hindi name Madhya Pradesh Vyavsayik Pariksha Mandal), is a government agency of Madhya Pradesh, India. It conducts various tests for admission to professional courses and streams. It is the largest examination conducting body of Madhya Pradesh government and comes directly under the Directorate of Technical Education (Government of Madhya Pradesh). The Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board is a self-financed, autonomous incorporated body of State Govt.

Post : Pharmacist Grade - 2

Pharmacist  (Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Indore)
Post Code : 37 
No of posts : 04 (UR-01, EWS-01, SC-01, ST-01)
Pay Scale :  25,300-80,500/-
Minimum Educational Qualification (1) Passed 12th examination in 10+2 system in Biology, Chemistry and Physics 
(2) Degree/Diploma in Pharmacist. 
(3) Certificate of live registration of Pharmacist from Madhya Pradesh Pharmacy Council

Pharmacist [Shyamshah Medical College, Rewa (MP)]
Post Code : 47
No of posts : 04 (UR-03, OBC-01)
Pay Scale : 25300- 80500 (Level 6)
Minimum Educational Qualification 
(1) Passed 12th examination in 10+2 system with Biology, Chemistry and Physics
(2) Degree/Diploma in Pharmacist. 
(3) Live registration of Pharmacist from Madhya Pradesh Pharmacy Council.

Pharmacist [Shrimant Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Medical College, Shivpuri (MP)]
Post Code : 60
No of posts : 01 (UR-01)
Pay Scale : 25300- 80500 (Level 6)
Minimum Educational Qualification 
(1) Passed 12th examination in 10+2 system with Biology, Chemistry and Physics
(2) Degree/Diploma in Pharmacist. 
(3) Live registration of Pharmacist from Madhya Pradesh Pharmacy Council.

Pharmacist [Government Autonomous Medical College Ratlam (MP)]
Post Code : 76
No of posts : 03 (UR-01, OBC-2)
Pay Scale : 25300- 80500 (Level 6)
Minimum Educational Qualification 
(1) Passed 12th examination in 10+2 system with Biology, Chemistry and Physics
(2) Degree/Diploma in Pharmacist. 
(3) Live registration of Pharmacist from Madhya Pradesh Pharmacy Council.

Pharmacist [Office Director, Kamla Nehru Hospital, Gas Relief, Bhopal (M.P)]
Post Code : 106
No of posts : 01 (UR-01)
Pay Scale : 25300- 80500 (Level 6)
Minimum Educational Qualification 
(1) Passed 12th examination in 10+2 system with Biology, Chemistry and Physics
(2) Degree/Diploma in Pharmacist. 
(3) Live registration of Pharmacist from Madhya Pradesh Pharmacy Council.

Pharmacist [Prison Headquarters, Bhopal (M.P)]
Post Code : 114
No of posts : 10 (UR-03, EWS-03, ST-01, OBC-03)
Pay Scale : 19500-62000 (Level 4)
Minimum Educational Qualification : (1) Passed Higher Secondary Examination with Biology, Chemistry and Physics (in Biology, Chemistry and Physics) / Passed 12th Examination in 10+2 system of education. 
(2) Diploma in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (Pharmacy) or B.Ed. in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (Pharmacy) as approved by any University established by law or any other institution recognized by the State Government in this behalf.  Pharma degree or M-Pharma degree in drug manufacturing (pharmacy). 
(3) Live registration as Pharmacist in Madhya Pradesh Pharmacy Council.

Pharmacist [Directorate, Employees Insurance Service, Indore (M.P)]
Post Code : 115
No of posts : 06 (SC-06)
Pay Scale : 25300- 80500 (Level 6)
Minimum Educational Qualification 
(1) Passed 12th examination in 10+2 system with Biology, Chemistry and Physics
(2) Degree/Diploma in Pharmacist. 
(3) Live registration of Pharmacist from Madhya Pradesh Pharmacy Council.

Age limit for applicants who are permanent residents of Madhya Pradesh: – 
(i) The age of the candidate will be calculated from 01 January 2024
(ii) According to the letter No. C-3-11/12/1/3, dated 03.11.2012, letter No./C.3- 11/2012/3 Bhopal dated 13 January 2016, amended order No. C 3-8/2016/3-A Bhopal dated 12 May 2017 and C 3-8/2016/1/3 Bhopal dated 04 July 2019 of General Administration Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh, the age limit of the candidates falling under the following categories is calculated as follows:-
For posts to be filled through direct recruitment through open competition: 18 to 40
For SC, ST, OBC, Government/Corporation/Board/Owner Institution employees/Nagar Sainik/Divyangjan/Women (Unreserved/Reserved) etc. who are natives of M.P.: 18 to 45
(With relaxation of 05 years in maximum age limit)
For all posts, it will be mandatory for the candidates to have a live registration in the employment office of Madhya Pradesh State. The valid certificate required for reservation and relaxation in age limit must be issued by a valid/competent officer of Madhya Pradesh Government.

Exam Fee
For Direct Recruitment / Contract Recruitment Posts
For Unreserved Candidates : Rs. 500/- per Question Paper
For SC/ST/OBC/EWS/Divyangjan Candidates who are native of Madhya Pradesh only : Rs. 250/- per Question Paper
Only for Direct Recruitment - Backlog : No Fee
Online application - For candidates filling online through kiosk, MP Online portal fee of Rs. 60/- will be payable. Apart from this, portal fee of Rs. 20/- will be payable if the form is filled by logging in through registered citizen user.

1. Aadhaar registration of the candidate is mandatory.
2. It will be mandatory to bring the original photo identity card in the examinations conducted by the Board. The candidate can choose any one of the voter ID card, PAN card, Aadhaar card, driving license, and passport as the original photo identity card. E-Aadhaar will be valid only after it is verified by UIDAI. In the absence of original photo identity card, the candidate will be denied from appearing in the examination.
3. Apart from the original identity card prescribed in the rule book, it is mandatory for the candidate to bring his Aadhaar card / e-Aadhaar card / photocopy of Aadhaar card, Aadhaar number / Aadhaar VID information.
4. Multi-level biometric verification is mandatory at the time of entry into the examination and during the examination.
5. Multi-level biometric verification is mandatory at the time of entry into the examination and during the examination. Aadhaar should be unlocked at the time of biometric verification.
6. Candidates will be allowed to enter the examination center till the reporting time of the examination. After this, candidates arriving late will not be eligible for admission.
7. Use of electronic devices such as mobile phones, calculators, log tables, digital watches, sunglasses and cheating papers etc. is completely prohibited in the examination hall.
8. Candidates can obtain their admit card for online examination only through online application form number. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the application form number safely, the entire responsibility of which will be of the applicant.
9. It is mandatory for the applicant to bring a black wall point pen and the admit card downloaded from the Board's website to the examination centre for entry into the examination hall.
10. No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall after the commencement of the examination till the end of the examination.  While filling the application form, the verification of any certificate of the candidates is not done by the Board but is done by the concerned department during the appointment process. Hence, the eligibility of candidates for the computer based online examination will be completely provisional.
11. For all the above posts, it will be mandatory for the candidates to have a live registration in the employment office of Madhya Pradesh State. 
12. Candidates from the special primitive tribal communities of Madhya Pradesh such as Vaiga, Sahariya/Sahariya and Bharia Scheduled Tribes will have to send their application forms for non-executive posts separately to the concerned department directly, by attaching all the necessary certificates in hard copy (in the prescribed format-2 of the rule book) and not to ESB by the last date of filling the application form. Applications sent to ESB will be considered invalid.
13. In case the post of the department is executive, there will be no provision of exemption from examination for the candidates of primitive tribe (Vaiga, Sahariya/Sahariya and Bharia). Those candidates should apply online for the examination as candidates of scheduled tribe. (In such a situation, all the clauses related to Vaiga, Sahariya and Bharia of the rule book will be considered deleted.

PHARMACEUTICS :- Introduction to different dosage forms, their classification with examples—their relative applications. Familiarization with new drug delivery systems. Introduction to Pharmacopoeias with special reference to the Indian Pharmacopoeia. Size reduction, Size separation, Metrology—system of weights and measures. Calculations including conversion from one to another system. Percentage calculations and adjustment of products. Use of alligation method in calculations. Isotonic solutions. Mixing and homogenization. Packaging of pharmaceuticals Extraction and galenicals, Clarification and filtration, Heat processes, Introduction to drying processes, Distillation, Sterilization—concept of sterilization and its differences from disinfection—thermal resistance of microorganisms. Detailed study different sterilization processes. Study of immunological products like sera, vaccines, toxoids and their preparations., Processing of tablets, Processing of capsules 
PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY :- Acids, bases and buffers, Gastrointestinal agents, Acidifying agents, Antacids, Protectives and adsorbents, Saline cathartics. Antioxidants, Topical agents — (i) Protectives (ii) Antimicrobials and astringents (iii) Sulphur and its compounds (iv) Astringents— alum and zinc sulphate. Dental product, Inhalants, Respiratory stimulants, Expectorants and emetics, Antidotes. Major intra and extracellular electrolytes, Inorganic official compounds of iron, iodine and calcium; ferrous sulfate and calcium gluconate. Radio pharmaceuticals and contrast media radioactivity, Identification tests for cations and anions as per Indian Pharmacopoeia. Quality control of drugs and pharmaceuticals 
PHARMACOGNOSY :- Definition, history and scope of pharmacognosy including indigenous system of medicine. Various systems of classification of drugs of natural origin. Adulteration and drug evaluation; significance of pharmacopoeial standards. therapeutic effects and pharmaceutical applications of alkaloids, terpenoids, glycosides, volatile oils, tannins and resins. Occurrence, distribution, organoleptic evaluation, chemical constituents including tests wherever applicable and therapeutic efficacy of (a) Laxatives (b) Cardiotonics (c) Carminatives & G.I. regulators catechu. hyoscyamus, belladonna, aconite, ashwagandha, ephedra, opium, cannabis, nux vomica. rauwolfia. vasaka, tolu balsam, tulsi. guggal, colchicum, vinca. chaulmoogra oil. pterocarpus, gymnema sylvestro. gokhru, punarnava. ipecacuanha. benzoin, myrrh, neem, curcuma. cinchona. ergot. shark liver oil and amla. papaya, diastase, yeast. Collection and preparation of crude drugs from the market as exemplified by ergot, opium, rauwolfia, digitalis, senna. Study of source, preparation and identification of fibres used in sutures and surgical dressings—cotton, silk, wool and regenerated fibres. BIOCHEMISTRY AND CLINICAL PATHOLOGY :- Introduction to biochemistry. Brief chemistry and role of carbohydrates, proteins , lipids, their classification and related diseases. Role of minerals and water in life processes. Brief chemistry and role of vitamins and coenzymes. brief concept of enzymatic, Introduction to pathology of blood and urine. 
HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY :- Definition of various terms used in anatomy, physiology, Structure of cell, unction of its components with special reference to mitochondria and microsomes. Elementary tissues of the body, Composition of blood, blood group and coagulation of blood, Name and functions of lymph glands. Anatomy and physiology of different body systems in Brief . HEALTH EDUCATION & COMMUNITY PHARMACY :- Concept of health—definition, indicators of health, concept of disease, prevention of diseases. Environment and health. First aid—emergency treatment in shock, snake bite, burns, poisoning, heart disease, fractures and resuscitation methods. Elements of minor surgery and dressings. Fundamental principles of microbiology, organisms of common diseases. Non-communicable diseases—causative agents, prevention, care and control. Cancer, diabetes, blindness, cardiovascular diseases. Communicable disease—causative agents, modes of transmission and prevention. (a) Respiratory infections—chicken pox, measles, influenza, diptheria, whooping cough and tuberculosis. (b) Intestinal infections—poliomyelitis, hepatitis, cholera, typhoid, food poisoning, hookworm infection. (c) Arthropod borne infections—plague, malaria, filariasis. (d) Surface infections—rabies, trachoma, tetanus, leprosy. (e) Sexually transmitted diseases—syphilis, gonorrhoea, AIDS. Nutrition and health, vitamins and minerals. Demography and family planning, natural family planning methods, chemical methods, mechanical methods, hormonal, contraceptives, population problem of India. Epidemiology —I mmunity and immunisation, immunological products and their dose schedule. Principles of disease control and prevention, hospital acquired infection, prevention and control. DISPENSING PHARMACY :- Prescriptions : Reading and understanding of prescription; Incompatibilities in prescriptions, Posology: Dose and dosage of drugs, Dispensed Medications: (i) Powders (ii) Liquid oral dosage (b) Biphasic liquid dosage forms: • Suspensions • Emulsions (iii) Dental and cosmetic preparations: (iv) Semi-solid dosage forms: (a) Ointments (iv) emulsification. (v) Sterile dosage forms: (a) Parenteral dosage forms (b) Sterility testing, (c) Ophthalmic products— study of essential characteristics of different ophthalmic preparations. 
PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY II :- chemistry of pharmaceutical organic compounds covering their nomenclature, chemical structure, uses and the important physical and chemical properties. The stability and storage conditions and the different types of pharmaceutical formulations of the drugs. Pharmacology and Toxicology :- Introduction to pharmacology, scope of pharmacology. Routes of administration of drugs, their advantages and disadvantages. Various processes of absorption of drugs and the factors affecting them. Metabolism, distribution and excretion of drugs. General mechanism of drugs action and the factors which modify drugs action. 
Pharmacological classification of drugs. (i) Drugs acting on the central nervous system: (a) General anaesthetics, intravenous anesthetics. (b) Analgesic, antipyritic, sedatives and hypnotics, anti-convulsants, (ii) Local anaesthetics. (iii) Drugs acting on autonomic nervous system. (iv) Drugs acting one eye, (v) Drugs acting on respiratory system (vi) Antacids, (vii) Cardiovascular drugs, (viii) Drugs acting on the blood and blood forming organs. (ix) Drugs affecting renal function (x) Hormones and hormone antagonists (xi) Drugs acting on digestive system
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence

Online Application Form
Starting date for filling application form: 30-12-2024
Last date for filling application form: 13-01-2024
Starting date for making corrections in application form : 30-12-2024
Last date for making corrections in application form : 18-01-2024

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