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Student Internship at Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

GPAT courses

Student Internship at Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CSIR-CIMAP) is a premier multidisciplinary research institute of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India with its major focus on exploiting the potential of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) by cultivation, bioprospection, chemical characterization, extraction, and formulation of bioactive phytomolecules.

Post : Student Internship

Student Internship positions (One number) are available at CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow in a SERB- sponsored project (GAP-462) under the Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) policy, for two months starting from 8 Jan, 2024. The intern must be undergoing post-graduation in science from a recognized university in India. The intern will be entitled to receive a consolidated student assistantship of Rupees Five thousand (Rs. 5000/-) per month for two months. The intern would have to bear their TA/DA and accommodation cost on their own
Number of Internship position : 01
Related field : Plant molecular Biology / Plant Biotechnology / Plant physiology
Educational Qualification : The student should be undergoing post-graduation in science (Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Life Sciences / Molecular Biology / Botany / Plant sciences / Plant biotechnology

Students fulfilling the required criteria may apply in the prescribed format and a letter of interest (LoI), which includes a brief half page (within 250 words) description of their research interest, through email along with a No Objection Letter from the Head of the Department (in a letter head) to undergo the internship for the mentioned period to the Principal Investigator Dr. Pradipto Mukhopadhyay, Principal Scientist,,
latest by 25th Dec, 2023.

The selection will be on the basis of the interest shown by the candidate vis-à-vis the project requirements/objectives. The academic performances of the student may also be considered. The selected students will be informed through email.

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