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Recruitment for Pharmacists at Municipal Corporation, 7 vacancies

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Recruitment for Pharmacists at Municipal Corporation

Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation under National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) is recruiting interested and qualified candidates to fill the vacant posts for a period of 11 months on contract basis on contract basis on contract basis for a period of 11 months.  Walk in Interview for the posts of this cadre has been conducted on 20/12/2023.  Also, the recruitment process for the posts of pharmacist, laboratory technician will be done on merit basis without direct interview.  However, candidates possessing the educational qualifications and qualifications mentioned before the respective post should submit the application in the prescribed format along with self-attested copies of required mark sheets and certificates.  Also, if the application is received by post, such application will not be considered.  It should also be noted that applications received after the prescribed deadline will not be accepted or applications received will not be considered for the recruitment process.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 7
Min Qualification : D.Pharma with MPC Registration
Maximum Age Limit : 65 years
Fixed Remuneration : 20,800/-
Age limit
1. The age of the candidate must be within the age limit prescribed in the advertisement as on the last date of application. 
2. Hon.  According to the letter dated 25 May 2019 from the Commissioner, Health Services and Mission Director, National Civil Health Mission, Mumbai, the age limit for the posts of super specialist, specialist and full time medical officer is 70 years and for other posts related to patient care viz.  Laboratory technician, drug maker etc. The age limit of the posts will remain 65 years. Candidates aged 60 or above will be required to attach physical and mental fitness certificate obtained from the District Surgeon along with the application form.

1) Only experience in Government, Semi-Government and Private Institutions after obtaining educational qualification and required additional educational qualification will be considered. Accordingly experience prior to educational qualification should not be recorded.  That experience will not be considered.  
2) While mentioning the details of experience, the experience certificate of the Government, Semi-Government and Private organization is obtained.  Details of such government, semi-government and private organizations should be mentioned in the form.  Without experience certificate, the said experience will not be considered.  The experience certificate should clearly mention the period of experience.  
3) While mentioning the details in the experience certificate, the date and date of discharge should be mentioned correctly.  Care should be taken to register the said period as per the experience certificate.  If any discrepancy is found, the said certificate will be declared invalid.
4) Only the experience required for the post applied for will be considered.  Experience other than this will not be considered.

Instructions regarding filling of application form
1.  The candidate himself/herself should enter the full name correctly as in the Secondary School Certificate.  Copy of Secondary School Examination Certificate should be attached with the application.
2.  Only the date of birth mentioned in the secondary school examination certificate should be mentioned in the application form.
3.  The age (days, months and years) of the candidate as on the date of advertisement should be mentioned correctly.
4.  If the applicant who is applying is married, marriage registration certificate and gazette in case of change of name must be attached with the application.
5.  Candidate is required to mention his/her valid e-mail id/alternative e-mail id, current mobile number/alternative mobile number in the application form.  The list of eligible candidates will be published on the website of the Municipal Corporation.  It will be the candidate's responsibility to check the e-mail ID mentioned in the application form from time to time till the recruitment process is completed.
6.  Candidate should mention his caste details correctly.
7.  Applicant should mention his current address and permanent address correctly in the application.

Instructions regarding application
1) Detailed and accurate details regarding educational qualification should be recorded.  
2) Candidates must possess the educational qualification mentioned in the advertisement as on the last date of submission of application.  
3) Marks obtained in the final year and percentage of marks should be mentioned accurately while filling the application form.  It is mandatory to mention marks and percentage of marks without mentioning grade or other category.  
4) The application will be scrutinized according to the information provided by the candidates in the form.  
5) Eligible candidates will be disqualified if they do not submit the original mark sheet and certificate of required educational qualification during recruitment.  
6) The educational qualification/qualification required for the post must be obtained from a government recognized university. 
7) Certificate prescribed vide Government Resolution General Administration Department No.RAADHO-4019/P.No.31/16/A, dated 12/02/2019 and dated 31/05/2019 for candidates belonging to Economically Weaker Sections (EWS).  It will be necessary to submit.

Certificate of family
1) Condition of small family It has been implemented from date 23/07/2020 and Candidates having more than two children with effect from 23/07/2020 will not be eligible to apply for National Health Mission Recruitment.  
2) It is mandatory for the eligible candidate to submit the certificate in the prescribed format before joining.  

Selection Process
1) The selection process will be carried out based on the merit/scoring system of the applications of the candidates received in accordance with the said recruitment.  All rights in this regard Hon.  Reserved with the President, Selection Committee.  
2) If the candidate is to be selected, with the approval of the committee formed as per the guidelines of the government, Mr.  According to the letter dated 17/03/2022 from the Additional Mission Director, National Civil Health Mission Mumbai, 1:3 and 1:5 candidates will be selected by scoring method.  While selecting the candidate, the marks of the candidate in the final year degree/diploma examination will be taken into consideration additional qualification as follows.

General Instructions
1) All necessary instructions and information regarding the said recruitment process will be published from time to time on the official website of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation.  For this it will be mandatory for the candidates to visit the website and get the information.  No candidate will be contacted personally in connection with the recruitment  
2) The above mentioned posts are being filled on contract basis for a period of 11 months.  If the said posts are not approved in the action plan for the year 2023-24, the service of the above post will automatically terminate.
3) The above mentioned posts are not state government posts but purely contractual posts.  There will be no right or claim regarding the rules and conditions of the government service on the said posts and the government service rules are not applicable for these posts, the candidate cannot demand adjustment to the regular post of the state government.  Consolidated remuneration will be paid per month for the above contractual posts.  Preference will be given to experienced and higher educational qualification holders. 
4 ) The emoluments of the post mentioned in the advertisement are the combined lump sum emoluments.  
5) It will be compulsory for the selected candidates to attend the place of appointment with the original document within 7 days after the appointment order is issued.  If there is any discrepancy between the documents submitted by the candidate and the original documents at the time of verification and if the candidate uses any pressure technique, the selection of the said candidate will be cancelled, otherwise their appointment order will be terminated and the next candidates in the waiting list will be appointed.

Place, date and time of submission of application
From 20/12/2023 to 22/12/2023 from 11.00 AM to 3.00 PM (excluding Government Holidays)
Applications should be submitted here : Medical Health Department, Municipal Corporation Multipurpose Building, Ward Committee "C" Office, 4th Floor, Virar  (P)

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