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Opening for B.Pharm in Food and Drug Administration - 15 posts

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Opening for B.Pharm in Food and Drug Administration

Maharashtra Public Service Commission is an Autonomous Body constituted and set up under Article 315 of the Constitution of India to discharge the duties and functions as assigned under Article 320 of the Constitution. The Commission accordingly recommends suitable candidates for the various posts under the Government and advises Government on various service matters like formulation of recruitment rules, on promotions, transfers, and disciplinary proceedings, etc.

Post : Assistant Commissioner (Medicines)

Online Application are being invited for the post of Assistant Commissioner (Medicines), Food and Drug Administrative Services, Group-A, under the auspices of the Food and Drug Administration, State of Maharashtra, Mumbai, headed by the Department of Medical Education and Drugs, Government of Maharashtra. 

No of Posts : 15

Education Qualification
Possess a degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or Degree in Pharmacology with specialisation in Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology from a recognised University established in India by Law; AND
Experience : Possess experience, gained after acquiring above qualification, in the manufacture or testing of drugs or enforcement of the provisions of the Act for a minimum period of five years; AND Have adequate knowledge of Marathi so as to be able to speak, read, write Marathi with facility.

Age Limit : 18-38, 43 year for reserved
1. Higher age limit is not applicable to the employees of the Government of Maharashtra.  
2. Exemption from age limit relaxation for backward class candidates, disabled and sportspersons.  
3. In case of candidates with exceptional educational qualification or experience or both, the upper age limit shall be relaxed.  However, as per the provisions of the Commission's Rules of Procedure, this provision will be considered only when there are not enough candidates for the interview.  
4. In each such case only two levels of higher educational qualification of the available candidates will be considered for age limit concession only highly qualified candidates.
5. In the context of experience, experience in a senior position will be considered for relaxing the age limit rather than the minimum experience required in the post.

Selection Process
• Educational Qualification, Experience etc. mentioned in the advertisement is minimum and the candidate will not be eligible to be called for interview as he has minimum qualification.  
• If the number of applications received in accordance with the advertisement is more than reasonable as per the provisions of the Commission's rules of procedure and it is not convenient to interview all the eligible candidates who have submitted the application, more educational qualification / experience or other appropriate criteria  The number of candidates eligible for interview will be limited on the basis of these or through screening examination.  
• If it is decided to take the screening test, the qualification and / or experience will not be relaxed.  
• The syllabus of the screening examination, medium of examination and other matters (if applicable) will be published on the website of the Commission.  
• In case of sifting examination, the marks of sifting test and interview marks will be taken into consideration together.  
• Only those candidates who get at least 41% and above marks in the interview will be considered for recommendation.  
• The selection process for the post will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Pharmacist, Group-B (Admission Rules) 1992 and the rules of procedure of the Commission.

How to apply
1. Steps to submit application
2. Update if the account has been created and it needs to be updated.  
3. To submit the application by uploading the required documents within the prescribed period as well as in the prescribed manner. 

Payment of examination fee in prescribed manner.  
(A) Open - Rs.719 /
(B) Backward Class / Financially Weak / Orphans : Rs.449 / (Three)
(C) In addition to the above examination fee, bank charges and taxes payable thereon will be additional.  
(D) Examination fee is non-refundable. 

Use the following methods to pay the examination fee :
(a) Click on the link 'My Account' on the main page to pay the fee.   
(b) After clicking on the link 'My Account', the list of posts applied for will appear along with the record of payment / non-payment of fees.  The link 'Pay Now' will be available in front of the advertisement / post / exam written 'Unpaid'.  
(c) After clicking on the link 'Pay Now', two options will be available: - (1) Online Payment (2) Currency (4) Credit Card, Debit Card, UPI or Netbanking.   
(d)  After paying the examination fee online, the candidate will immediately know the status of the payment of the examination fee in his / her profile.  
(e) To ensure that the examination fee is paid online before logout  or if the status of payment of examination fee is not available, the procedure for re-payment or receipt of challan must be done before the last date of submission of the submitted examination application.
(f) It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that the transaction is completed by the bank while paying the examination fee online.  If the transaction fails for any reason, the complaint will not be entertained by the Commission.  
(g)  If you choose to pay the examination fee by challan, the fee can be paid at any branch of State Bank of India during the office hours of the bank by taking a copy of the challan available.  
(h) If you choose to pay the fee by challan at State Bank of India, the examination fee must be paid within two hours after the submission of application or on the last working day of the next working day of the bank.  

Last date for payment of prescribed examination fee through online mode : Dated 23rd December, 2022 till 23.59.
Date of taking copy of challan for payment of examination fee by challan in State Bank of India : Dated 25th December, 2022 23.59
Last date for payment of examination fee by currency : Dated 26th December, 2022 during bank office hours

Last Date : 23rd December, 2022 till 23.59

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