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Job for Pharmacists at Staff Selection Commission - Government Jobs

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Job for Pharmacists at Staff Selection Commission


Post : Pharmacist

No of Post : 02

Remuneration & Condition of Service
The appointment will be initially on contractual basis carrying a consolidated remuneration as Odisha Group-C & Group- D posts (Contractual Appointment) Rules, 2013 notified vide G.A. Department Notification No. GAD-SC-Rules-0009-2013-32010/Gen dt. 12.11.2013 and as amended up to date.

Eligibility Criteria

The minimum age for the above posts is 18 years and the maximum age is 32 years as on 01.01.2019. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates belonging to SEBC, SC, ST & all Women candidates, 10 years for candidates belonging to PwD category & the total period of service rendered in defence service in case of Ex¬servicemen. PwD candidates in the ST & SC category shall be entitled to cumulative age relaxation of ten years over & above the normal age relaxation specified for the category. However, a candidate can only avail one type of age relaxation as per rule in addition to additional age relaxation for different type of posts as per Apex Court Judgment in AIR 1995 SC1115 as indicated against each post in the table given below. To be eligible, candidates not enjoying any relaxation of upper age limit must not have been born earlier than 2 January, 1987 and not later than 1st January 2001.
Border Security Force, Indian Coast Guard, CRPF and other Para Military Forces am not within the definition of Ex-Servicemen.
Note : There is no post reserved for ex-serviceman category. However, an Ex-SM candidate they can avail age relaxation to apply for the post.

Educational Qualification & Experience required : HSC with Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognised institution.

Scale of Pay : Level-7

Additional Age Relaxation : No additional age relaxation allowed

General Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible for appearing in the examination a candidate must satisfy the following conditions.
(i) The candidate must be a citizen of India.
(ii) Be able to speak, read & write Odia.
(iii) Be of good moral character & conduct.
(iv) Be of good mental condition and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the discharge of his duties in the service.
(v) If married, must not have more than one spouse living.
Not fulfilling any of the eligibility criteria shall render the applicant’s candidature invalid & rejected.

Examination Fee :
i. The candidates other than SC, ST category shall have to pay a non-refundable examination fee of Rs.200/-(Rupees Two Hundred Only). The fees can be deposited through online mode using Internet Banking/ Debit Card/Credit card/UPI or any other available payment methods linked with the online application form. The candidates should keep with them a copy of the payment slip showing successful transaction of the fees for future reference.
ii. Applications without payment of examination fee (except SC/ST category candidates) will be taken as incomplete and shall be liable for rejection.

How to apply
a. The applicants have to go through the Detailed Advertisement before filling up the online application form.
b. Aspirants have to apply online using the official website of the Commission
c. All eligible candidates have to register themselves by clicking on “APPLY ONLINE” button in the Home page of the Commission’s website
d. Those candidates who are applying for the first time have to register for the post by clicking on “NEW USER” button shown on the screen. On submitting the registration form a User Id and Password will be generated.
e. On clicking “New user” or “Registered User” instruction for filling up the Online Registration/ Re-registration and Application Forms shall appear on the computer screen. These instructions are to be read carefully before proceeding for filling up the Application Form.
f. Step by step procedure for registration/re-registration can be viewed by clicking on “Instruction to fill up Online Application Form”.

Pre-requisites for filling up online Application Form
a) Applicant should possess and maintain an E-mail Id and Mobile Number for accessing the OSSC web-portal and to make online Registration/ Re-registration and Application Form. Candidates should keep those E-mail Id and Mobile Number active to receive all important communication from Commission till publication of the final result of this recruitment examination.
b) Recent Passport size colour photograph of the Applicant, scanned in "jpg/jpeg" format between ranges of 20 kbs to lOOkbs shall be kept handy for uploading during Registration for the post.
c) Full Specimen signature of the Applicant, scanned in "jpg/jpeg" format between range of 20kbs to 50kbs shall be kept handy for uploading during Registration.
d) Applicant shall keep their required certificates and Mark sheets and all other documents as per Col.8 of this advertisement ready while filling in the details of the educational qualification during filling of Online Application Form.
e) The candidate must upload the scan copy of H.S.C. /10,h standard pass certificate & mark sheet, ITI/NTC pass certificate & mark sheet in respective trade, Apprentice certificate, +2 pass certificate mark sheet for the post of DTP Operator, Bachelor Degree pass certificates mark sheet for the post of Copy holder, Diploma in Pharmacy & mark sheet for the post of Pharmacist and other required certificates & mark sheets for eligibility of the candidate for the particular post he is applying. The scanned document must be in "Pdf" format between ranges of lOOkb to 500 kb.
f) Candidates claiming reservation/age relaxation under SC/ST/SEBC category need to submit detail information of online Caste Certificate issued by competent Authority in the online application form. But if the valid online Caste Certificate issued by the competent Authority is not in possession with the candidate at the time of submission of the online application form, he/she must give a self-declaration in the format as
Annexure-A" appended to the online application form.
g) Candidates claiming age relaxation/reservation under "Ex-Serviceman" category need to upload a scan copy of any one of the Ex-Servicemen Documents i.e. Discharge Certificate/ Identity card/ PPO (indicating therein the date of entry, date of discharge and period of service rendered in Defence Forces). The candidates who will be discharged from the Defence Services within next six month from the last date of registration of this online application form must upload the scan copy of the required certificate from authorised officer indicating there in the details of the date of entry, date of discharge and period of service rendered in Defence Forces. The scanned document must be in "Pdf" format between ranges of lOOkb to 500 kb.
h) Candidates Claiming age relaxation & reservation under "PwD (Persons with Disabilities)" category need to upload a valid PwD certificate issued by UDID (Unique disability identification). The scanned document must be in "Pdf" format between ranges of 100kb to 500 kb.
i) In-service contractual employees in Government Offices claiming age relaxation up to 45 years (as on 01.01.2019) as per Govt, in G.A. Department Notification No.GAD-SC- Rules-0061-2013-1147/Gen dtd.17.01.2014 & Notification No.GADSC-Rules-0009- 2013/32010/Gen dtd.12.11.2013 and who have completed minimum one year of continuous service prior to commencement of Odisha Group- B/ Group-C& D posts Contractual Appointment Rules, 2013 must possess the required certificate issued by the concerned employer in the proforma prescribed by the Commission vide Advisory Notice No.3568/OSSC dated 01.11.2019 available in the website of the Commission . They shall have to fill the detail information like Name of the Employer, Scheme of appointment, date of appointment, whether covered under Category-l/Category-ll (as per clause-8 of Odisha Group-B/Group-C & D Contractual Appointment Rules-2013), FD Approval/Concurrence No. in the online application form and candidate has to produce the originals during Certificate Verification for consideration of his/her claim under Contractual in-service benefits.

Online Registration Last Date : 11.01.2022
Online Payment of Examination Fees  Last Date : 11.01.2022
Submission of Online Application Form Last Date : 19.01.2022

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