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Job for Junior Research Fellow at GADVASU

Clinical research courses

Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU) was established at Ludhiana by an act of the Punjab Legislature No. 16 of 2005 notified in the Punjab Government Gazette on August 9, 2005 and it started functioning w.e.f. April 21, 2006 for promoting livestock production, health and prevention of the disease(s) through integrated teaching, research and extension programme(s).

Post : Junior Research Fellow

Applications are invited for the one post of Junior Research Fellow in the DST funded project entitled “SERB-15 BIOACTIVE BIODEGRADABLE COMPOSITE FILMS FOR THE EXTENSION OF SHELF LIFE OF LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS”, To evaluate storage quality of Livestock products and development of biodegradable film” at the following emoluments & qualifications.

Emoluments: Rs. 25,000 per month + 20% HRA

1) B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree or B.Sc. with minimum OCPA of 6.0/10.Odegree in any relevant branch of Life Sciences/ Biological Science with at least second class .
2) M.V.Sc. degree in Livestock Products Technology/ Animal Products Technology/ Meat Sci.Technology or M.V.Sc / M;Sc / M.Tech in food Science & Technology / Animal / Biotechnology / Microbiology / Biochemistry with a minimum OCPA of 6.5/10.0.

3) Knowledge of Punjabi up to Matric level. The condition of knowledge in Punjabi is however relaxable if the candidate is found otherwise deserving;
4) Any candidate with PhD qualification in relevant discipline will be preferred.

1. Research duties according to the objectives of the project.
2. Any other duties that may be assigned from time to time by the PI and Head, LPT.

The post is purely temporary and the services of the incumbent are liable to be terminated at any time without any prior notice. The initial appointment will be for six months and will be extended subject to satisfactory work or co-terminus with the project, whichever is earlier. The incumbent will have no right what-so-ever for absorption in the regular university service.

The last date for the receipt of applications (biodata with one recent photograph and attested photocopies of all the supporting documents/ certificates) in the office of the undersigned is 10.12.2019 up to 5.00 P.M. The interested candidates should appear for the interview on 11.12.2019 at 10.30 A.M. in the committee room of the department. No separate intimation for interview will be sent. The candidates must bring their original documents for verification at the time of interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

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