CSIR- National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), Lucknow, a premier plant science research institute under Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), is involved in multidisciplinary R&D programmes of both basic and applied nature across scientific disciplines for economic, environmental and societal benefits for the people of India. CSIR-NBRI undertakes basic and applied research in strategically important areas of plant sciences including plant systematics and biodiversity, conservation biology, environmental biology, floriculture, plant-microbe interactions, plant biotechnology, genetic engineering and bioinformatics.
Applications are invited from enthusiastic, young Indian researchers having excellent academic record and proven scientific achievements along with requisite experience and a high degree of motivation and desire to take up research as career in the field of plant research to fill up the vacancy, including backlog vacancies, of following Scientific posts:-
Post: Principal Scientist, Senior Principal Scientist, Scientists, Senior Scientists
Post code & Area: S-01 Area: Plant Transformation/ Tissue culture
Pay Band / No. of post(s)/ reservation: PB-4 (Rs 37400-67000) / 01 post/ Unreserved
Principal Scientist
Age limit: not exceeding 45 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience: Ph.D. in Botany/Biotechnology/Plant Science/ Life Science in the area of Plant transformation/ Tissue culture, followed by 03 years research experience, supported and evident by high quality research publications
Desirable experience: Experience in the area of plant tissue culture, cell suspension culture and familiar with basic techniques in plant molecular biology
Job specification: To plan and execute research on conservation of economically important, elite and RET plant species, their mass propagation; in vivo genetic manipulation, screening and characterization of transgenics and application of biotechnological techniques for plant improvement
Senior Principal Scientist
Age limit: not exceeding 50 yrs
Essential educational qualifications & experience: Ph.D. in Botany/Biotechnology/Plant Science/ Life Science in the area of Plant transformation/ Tissue culture, followed by 06 years research experience, supported and evident by high quality research publications
Desirable experience: Experience in the area of plant tissue culture, cell suspension culture and familiar with basic techniques in plant molecular biology
Job specification: To plan and execute research on conservation of economically important, elite and RET plant species, their mass propagation; in vivo genetic manipulation, screening and characterization of transgenics and application of biotechnological techniques for plant improvement
Post code & Area: S-02 Area: Floriculture
Pay Band / No. of post(s)/ reservation: PB-3 (Rs 15600-39100) / 02 posts (UR-01,SC-01)
Age limit: not exceeding 32 years-UR, 37 years -SC
Essential educational qualifications & experience: Ph.D. ( Submitted / awarded) in Horticulture/ Floriculture/ Botany in the area of floriculture/ landscaping
Desirable experience: Research work in ornamental crops / floricultural crops in the area of development of new varieties, DUS testing. Experience in preparation and execution of landscape/ plant house plans with good publications in relevant subjects
Job specification: Germplasm collection & characterization, maintenance, development of new varieties of ornamental crops, field experiments, preparation & execution of landscape plans, drawings/ design etc., extension work for promoting floriculture
Senior Scientist
Age limit: not exceeding 37 years -UR 42 years - SC
Essential educational qualifications & experience: Ph. D. in Horticulture/ Floriculture/ Botany in the area of floriculture/ landscaping with 02 years research experience in Floriculture/ Ornamental Horticulture/Landscaping/ develop-ment of varieties of ornamental plants
Desirable experience: Research work in ornamental crops / floricultural crops in the area of development of new varieties, DUS testing. Experience in preparation and execution of landscape/ plant house plans with good publications in relevant subjects
Job specification: Germplasm collection & characterization, maintenance, development of new varieties of ornamental crops, field experiments, preparation & execution of landscape plans, drawings/ design etc., extension work for promoting floriculture
Post code & Area: S-03 Area : Ecology & Environment
Pay Band / No. of post(s)/ reservation: PB-3 (Rs 15600-39100) / 02 posts (UR-01,OBC-01)
Age limit: not exceeding 32 years -UR 35 years - OBC
Essential educational qualifications & experience: Ph. D. (Submitted /awarded) in Botany/Environmental Science/Plant Science/Life Science/ Chemistry/Biochemistry/Microbiology in the area of Soil and Plant Ecology/ Environmental remediation/assessment/management
Desirable experience: Research work in bio-remediation of soil, air and water pollution with molecular and chemical approaches
Job specification: To carry out assessment of environmental quality/remediation, microbe-assisted phytoremediation, green house gas emission, toxicity and tolerance responses of plants to pollutions
Senior Scientist
Age limit: not exceeding 37 years - UR 40 years - OBC
Essential educational qualifications & experience: Ph. D. in Botany/ Environmental Sci ence / Plant Science/Life Science/ Chemistry/Biochemistry/Microbiology in the area of Soil and Plant Ecology/ Environmental remediation/ assessment/management with 02 years research exper ience in the same area
Desirable experience: Research work in bio-remediation of soil, air and water pollution with molecular and chemical approaches
Job specification: To carry out assessment of environmental quality/remediation, microbe-assisted phytoremediation, green house gas emission, toxicity and tolerance responses of plants to pollutions
Post code & Area: S-04 Area : Phytochemistry
Pay Band / No. of post(s)/ reservation: PB-3 (Rs. 15600-39100) / 01 post /Unreserved
Age limit: not exceeding 32 years
Essential educational qualifications & experience: Ph. D. ( Submitted /awarded) in Organic Chemistry/ Biochemistry /Analytical Chemistry in the area of plant metabolites
Desirable experience: Research experience in bioprospection,separation and characterization of plant metabolites with knowledge of handling sophisticated analytical equipments
Job specification: To perform R&D activities in plant chemistry, isolation, purification and characterization of plant metabolites, bio-prospection for natural product development.
Senior Scientist
Age limit: not exceeding 37 years
Essential educational qualifications & experience: Ph. D. in Organic Chemistry/ Biochemistry/Analytical Chemistry in the area of plant metabolites with 02 years research experience in isolation and characterisation of plant metabolites
Desirable experience: Research experience in bioprospection,separation and characterization of plant metabolites with knowledge of handling sophisticated analytical equipments
Job specification: To perform R&D activities in plant chemistry, isolation, purification and characterization of plant metabolites, bio-prospection for natural product development.
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Post code & Area: S-05 Area : Plant Breeding
Pay Band / No. of post(s)/ reservation: PB-3 (Rs 15600-39100 ) / 01 post reserved for OBC
Age limit: not exceeding 35 years
Essential educational qualifications & experience: Ph. D. ( Submitted /awarded) in Genetics and Plant Breeding/Plant Science /Botany in the area of plant breeding
Desirable experience: Experience in the area of marker assisted breeding / QTL mapping /mutation breeding/genetic manipulation for economically important plants
Job specification: To undertake trait specific breeding for genetic improvement of economically important non-traditional and floriculture crop plants
Senior Scientist
Age limit: not exceeding 40 years
Essential educational qualifications & experience: Ph. D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding /Plant Science /Botany in the area of plant breeding with 02 years research experience in improvement of economically important plants
Desirable experience: Experience in the area of marker assisted breeding / QTL mapping /mutation breeding/genetic manipulation for economically important plants
Job specification: To undertake trait specific breeding for genetic improvement of economically important non-traditional and floriculture crop plants
Post code & Area: S-06 Area : Cryptogamic Botany
Pay Band / No. of post(s)/ reservation: PB-3 (Rs 15600-39100) / 02 posts (UR-01,ST-01)
Age limit: not exceeding 32 years - UR 37 years - ST
Essential educational qualifications & experience: Ph. D. ( Submitted /awarded) in Botany/Plant Science/Life science/Environmental Science in the area of assessment/charecterization and biodiversity studies of lower group of plants
Desirable experience: Germplasm collection, documentation, conservation, bioprospection and characterization of plant wealth, experience of handling the modern biological tools for lower group of plant taxonomy, resource mapping using RS/GIS techniques/statistical analysis
Job specification: Field surveys for collection and identification, bioprospection, conservation, characterization of related biodiversity using RS/GIS techniquies etc.
Senior Scientist
Age limit: not exceeding 37 years - UR 42 years - ST
Essential educational qualifications & experience: Ph. D. ( Submitted /awarded) in Botany/Plant Science/Life science/Environmental Science in the area of assessment/charecterization and biodiversity studies of lower group of plants with 02 years research experience in the same area
Desirable experience: Germplasm collection, documentation, conservation, bioprospection and characterization of plant wealth, experience of handling the modern biological tools for lower group of plant taxonomy, resource mapping using RS/GIS techniques/statistical analysis
Job specification: Field surveys for collection and identification, bioprospection, conservation, characterization of related biodiversity using RS/GIS techniquies etc.
How to apply:
a) Candidates have to apply online on visiting our website: nbri.res.in. Candidates may apply online from 14.11.2014 till 12.12.2014. No other mode of application will be accepted.
b) Candidates are requested to keep a copy of application print out for their record.
c) All the instructions for filing online applications is available at our website. Candidates are requested to read and follow instructions carefully for applying online.
d) To avoid any technical difficulty, candidates are advised to submit online application well in advance of the date of closing of online application.
e) The duly signed print out of computer generated application form ( Hard copy) accompanied by DD of Rs. 100/- drawn on a nationalized bank in favour of "The Director, CSIR-NBRI" and payable at Lucknow alongwith self attested copies of certificates, marksheets, testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications, experience, caste certificate and re-prints of publications should be sent in an envelope superscribed "Application for the post of _______, Post Code _____, Area ______" addressed to Administrative Officer, CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001 by Speed Post till 19.12.2014.
f) Mere submission of online application without hardcopy (vice-e- versa) will not be considered.
g) Candidates should specifically note that the hardcopy of application(s) received after the closing date for any reason whatsoever (such as envelopes wrongly addressed, delivered elsewhere, postal delay etc.) will not be entertained by NBRI.
h) Candidates applying for more than one post code should submit separate online applications alongwith separate application fee (if applicable) and hardcopy(s) of applications with a complete separate set of enclosures including separate Demand Draft should be sent to aforementioned address.
i) In case of Universities/Institutes awarding CGPA/SGPA/OGPA Grades etc., candidates are requested to convert the same into percentage based on the formula as per their University/Institute.
j) The candidates belonging to SC/ST/Women/PWD/abroad candidates and regular employees of CSIR are exempted from payment of application fee.
k) Candidates of Indian origin settled abroad who are of proven merit as evidenced by their research work, if found suitable for the post may be considered by the Selection Committee, in absentia, on written request.
l) Applications from employees of Government Departments will be considered only if forwarded through proper channel, certified by the employer that the applicant, if selected will be relieved within one month of the receipt of the appointment orders. Also, vigilance clearance should also be recorded. However, advance copy of the print out of online application (Hard copy) may be submitted before the last date. Applications routed through proper channel should reach CSIR-NBRI at the earliest.
m) Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fees once paid will not be refunded on any count nor can it be held in reserve for any other recruitment or selection process.
n) The number of vacancies may vary.
o) The decision of the NBRI/CSIR in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, and conduct of interview will be final and binding on the candidates and no interim enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual or agency on behalf of candidate.
Date of closing of online application : 12.12.2014
Last date of receipt of duly completed hard copy of online application at NBRI, Lucknow: 19.12.2014
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