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Opportunity for M.Pharm, MSc, B.Pharm to Join Government Food & Drugs Department, 29 vacancies

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Opportunity for M.Pharm, MSc, B.Pharm to Join Government Food & Drugs Department

Online applications are invited for direct recruitment to Group C posts from the Common Eligibility Test (CET) Group-C qualified candidates against Advt. No. 11/2024 through the URL address i.e. from 05.08.2024 to 15.08.2024 till 11.59 P.M. Thereafter, the website link will be disabled. The candidates who had applied against Advertisement no. 3/2023 dated 07.03.2023 have to apply afresh for these posts on the basis of their CET registration no.

Name of Department : Food & Drugs (Admn.)
Category No : 146
Post : Junior Analytical Assistant
No of posts : 6 (Gen-1, SC-1, BCA-2, BCB-1, ESM Gen-1)
Pay Scale : Level-6
Qualification : B.Pharmacy with minimum 50% marks or B.Sc. with Chemistry

Name of Department : Food & Drugs (Admn.)
Category No : 271 
Post : Analyst
No of posts : 3 (Gen-1, SC-1, BCA-1)
Pay Scale : Level-6
Qualification : M.Sc with minimum 50% marks in Chemistry or Bio-chemistry or Microbiology or Food Technology or Food and Drug Technology or post graduate degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry from a recognised University or possesses qualifications of the Institute of Chemists (India) by examination in the section of analysis of food or drugs conducted by the Institute of Chemists
Name of Department : Food & Drugs (Admn.)
Category No : 272
Post: Senior Analytical Assistant
No of posts : 2 (Gen-2)
Pay Scale : Level-6
Qualification : M.Sc. in Chemistry or Bio-chemistry or microbiology or Food Technology or Food and Drug Technology or post graduate degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry from a recognised University or possesses qualifications of the Institute of Chemists (India) by examination in the section of analysis of food or drugs conducted by the Institute of Chemists
Name of Department : Food & Drugs (Admn.)
Category No : 273
Post: Chemist 
No of posts : 16 (Gen-7, SC-3, BCA-1, BCB-1, EWS-2, ESM-SC-1, ESM- BCA-1)
Pay Scale : Level-6
Qualification : M.Sc. in Chemistry or Bio-chemistry or microbiology or Food Technology or Food and Drug Technology or post graduate degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry from a recognised University or possesses qualifications of the Institute of Chemists (India) by examination in the section of analysis of food or drugs conducted by the Institute of Chemists
Name of Department : Food & Drugs (Admn.)
Category No : 274
Post:  Junior Scientific Officer
No of posts : 2 (SC-1, BCA-1)
Pay Scale : Level-6
Qualification : M.Sc with minimum 50% marks in Chemistry or Bio-chemistry or Microbiology or Food Technology or Food and Drug Technology or post graduate degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry from a recognised University or possesses qualifications of the Institute of Chemists (India) by examination in the section of analysis of food or drugs conducted by the Institute of Chemists

Criteria for Selection, Examination & Syllabus.
(i). In view of Hon’ble High Court judgement dated 31.05.2024 in LPA No. 1037/2023, the weightage of socio-economic marks of 2.5% in the scheme of marks has been done away with. Acoordingly, the pattern of exam shall be as follows: 

Pattern of Examination:-All questions shall be compulsory. Question paper shall be Bilingual (English & Hindi). An Offline (OMR base) written examination will be held for recruitment of Group- C posts. There shall be no negative marking for wrong answer. The total no. of questions will be 100 with weightage of 0.975 marks for each question. A candidate has to fill one option compulsorily out of five options given. In case a candidate doesn’t mark any of the five options for a question then 0.975 marks for each un- attempted question shall be deducted. Extra five minutes shall be given to mark fifth option, if candidate does not know the answer. Total time allowed for the paper will be (100+5) =105 minutes including the five minutes.

Process of recruitment for Group C Posts 
(i) After receipt of application, the Commission shall hold offline written examination/or skill test from the eligible candidates based on the merit list of CET marks. Provided that the maximum number of eligible candidates for the skill and/or written examination who shall be eligible to appear in such examination based on number of posts advertised by the Commission as under:- 
(a) Candidates equal to five times the number of posts advertised if the number is less than 30; 
(b) 150 candidates if the number is between 30 and 40; 
(c) Candidates equal to four times the number of posts advertised if the number is greater than 40;
(ii) If the CET marks of the last candidate who has applied for the post in terms of sub- clause (i) above is achieved by more than one candidate, then all the candidates at the cut off CET marks who have applied for the post shall be entitled to be considered for appearing in the skill and/or written examination for the post(s) advertised by the Commission. 
(iii) Only those candidates, who fulfill the minimum educational qualifications and other eligibility conditions for a post advertised by the Commission on the last date specified in the advertisement issued by the Commission under sub-clause (i) above and who applied for the post for consideration shall be issued an Admit Card and be eligible to appear in the skill and/or written examination to be conducted by the Commission. 
(iv) On receipt of requisitions of the posts of different nomenclature but of similar educational qualifications, the Commission shall be competent to hold one common skill and/or written examination with the condition that the distribution/allocation shall be on merit-based option given by the successful candidates. 
(v) When the number of candidates applying under sub-clause (i) who are eligible is less than the number limit specified in the above said clause then the Commission may extend the date by publication on the website for enabling further eligible candidates to apply.
(vi) For consideration of a candidate against a post of general category, such candidate has to secure minimum 50% marks in the skill and/or written examination to be considered for selection/recruitment. In case of consideration against the reserved category post (whether vertical or horizontal) the candidate shall receive a concession @ 10% for the purpose of eligibility for the purpose of skill and/or written examination, i.e. the minimum cut off for such candidates shall be 40% because they have been given 10% concession in minimum marks.
(vii) The Commission shall on the basis of marks obtained in the written/skill examination shortlist the candidates for selection, recommendation or waiting list in the respective categories and publish on the website.

Relaxation in Age:
 (A) In accordance with public notice dated 11.05.2022, age shall be relaxed for those posts only which were withdrawn by the Commission on 13.01.2022 and only for those candidates who had applied against the said cancelled posts and who have now qualified CET-2022 for Group-C (withdrawal notice dated 13.01.2022 and public notice dated 11.05.2022 are attached at Appendix-E&F). The maximum age limit shall be considered on the last day of submission of online application form, however, the candidates who were eligible to apply and applied under Advertisement No. 03/2023 and have now become overage, are also eligible for this advertisement.
(B) As per Haryana Govt. Instructions No. 22/06/2021-1GS-III, Dated 25th March, 2022, benefit of relaxation in upper age limit, applicable to various categories, is as follows: 
Where the upper age limit is 42 years without any relaxation in age the same shall not exceed 52 years for the applicants who are entitled to get the benefit of relaxation in age of one or more categories under various circumstances mentioned below :-
(i) Scheduled Castes. 5 years' relaxation in age
(ii) Backward Classes. 5 years' relaxation in age
(iii) Disabled persons who covered under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. 
(i) 10 years' relaxation in age (+5 years if PwD applicant belongs to S/Caste, S/Tribe, B/Classes, EWS Category) subject to maximum 52 years, for Group C & D Posts, and also for Group A & B Posts where recruitment is made otherwise than through open competitive examination. 
(ii) 5 years' relaxation in age (+5 years if PwDapplicant belongs to S/Caste, S/Tribe, B/Classes, EWS Category (subject to maximum 52 years) for Group A &B posts where recruitment is made through open competitive examination.
Note:-Relaxation in age limit shall be applicable irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved for PwD or not, provided the post is identified suitable for persons with disabilities.
 (iv) Group C posts of Police Personnel (e.g. Constable, ASI) where upper age limit is less than 42 years 5 years’ relaxation in age to S/Caste, B/Classes and applicants of Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) only. However, relaxation to Ex- servicemen as per rules of Police or Prisons Department, Haryana. 
(v) Wives of military personnel who are disabled while in military service; 5 years' relaxation in age
 (vi) Widowed or legally divorced women; 5 years' relaxation in age
 (vii) Judicially separated women residing separately for more than two years from the date as prescribed for the purpose of age for applicants of other categories. 5 years' relaxation in age
(viii) Unmarried women 5 years’ relaxation in age
(ix) Ex-serviceman including Short Service Commissioned Officers and Emergency Commissioned Officers. Relaxation in age to the extent of his military service added by three years provided-
 (a) he has rendered continuous military service for a period of not less than six months16 before his release; and 
(b) he was released otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency.
(x) Persons who have already worked or presently working on adhoc/contract/work-charged/ daily wages basis in any Department/ Board/Corporation of Haryana Government including Government-aided institutions under Haryana Government. Relaxation in age equal to the number of completed years only on equivalent post on adhoc/contract/work-charged/daily wages basis excluding the period of break, if any, including any other age relaxation admissible, if any, subject to maximum age of 52 years and also subject to the condition that if once a person has been appointed on regular basis in any Department/Board/Corporation etc. of Haryana Government with the benefit of relaxation in age he will not be entitled to avail the same again for any subsequent appointment. 

How to apply:
10.1. Please read the advertisement, instructions and procedure carefully before you start filling the online application form and check all the particulars filled up in application form after getting the printout to ensure the correctness of information and upload all documents before 17 finally submitting the application. 
10.2. Apply online well in advance without waiting for last date of submission of online application form. Before submission of the online application, candidates must check that they have filled correct details in each field of the form. A candidate may edit his/her application form till the last date of submission of application forms i.e. closing date. After closing date of application, no change/correction/modification will be allowed under any circumstances. Requests received in this regard in any form like Post, Fax, Email, by hand etc. shall not be entertained and shall be deemed to be rejected.
 10.3. After successful submission of application, candidates are advised to take final print out of application form for record alongwith uploaded documents.
10.4. The hard copy of application form along with all uploaded documents must be brought at the time when called upon to do so by Haryana Staff Selection Commission. Documents which have not been uploaded shall not be entertained. However, HSSC may ask an additional paper in support of already submitted document for more clarity, if required. 
10.5. No request for change of any particular on the application form shall be entertained by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission after final submission.
10.6. No offline application form or copy of downloaded application form will be accepted by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission.
10.7. Candidates who do not fulfill the qualifications/eligibility conditions on cutoff date, their application shall be liable to be rejected. All the Certificates/Documents relating to educational qualification/eligibility conditions & experience etc. will be determined with regard to last date fixed to apply online applications.
10.8. The Commission does not carry out the scrutiny of the physical documents at the time of submission of online application and the same are checked only at the time of Scrutiny of documents (offline/online).

Documents to be uploaded with Application Form (MANDATORY)
17.1. Scanned Copy of Essential Academic Qualifications and Matriculation Certificate showing Date of Birth and other relevant details.
17.2. Scanned Copy of SC/BCA/BCB/EWS/ESM certificate, eligibility certificate for family member of ESM and children/grandchildren of Freedom Fighters.
17.3. Scanned Photograph.
17.4. Scanned signatures of the Candidate.
17.5. Scanned copy of all documents showing higher qualification, experience etc. as per criteria if applicable
17.6. Haryana Bonafide Resident certificate if applicable.
17.7. Equivalence certificate, if applicable.
17.8. EWS certificate as per Annexure-V.
17.9. Discharge Certificate/Book, if discharged from the Armed Forces For (ESM)
17.10. Eligibility certificate for family members of ESM.
17.11. Eligibility certificate and Disability certificate for Dependent of Disabled ESM.
17.12. Certificate for children/grandchildren of Freedom Fighter

Important Instructions: 
18.1. Commission reserves right to increase or decrease the number or break up of already advertised posts anytime till the date of recommendation on the basis of change in requisition from the indenting department. 
18.2. Mere short listing/selection of a candidate does not confer any right of appointment unless the Government is satisfied that the candidate is suitable for appointment to the service/post in all respects after conducting necessary enquiry, if so required.
18.3. OMR sheets will have three folios- Original OMR, Commission copy and Candidate copy. The candidate shall not mark anything on Commission copy. The impression of Original OMR sheet will be automatically marked on all the three folios. Pencil should not be used for darkening the circle. If, more than one circle is found darkened, that answer will not be evaluated. However, if a candidate smudges/scratches/erases any place on the OMR sheet in any manner with Eraser, Nail, Blade, White Fluid/Whitener etc. then in such circumstances OMR Sheet/Answer Sheet and candidature of the candidate shall be cancelled. The candidate himself/herself will be solely responsible for rejection of OMR/answer sheet on these grounds. 
18.4. Candidates will be considered in Open/General or parent vertical category on the basis of merit in the final result only and not at any preliminary stage provided they have not taken any benefit/relaxation. 
18.5. Read the complete advertisement very carefully as all the applicants are bound by the terms and conditions mentioned in the advertisement. 
18.6. The commission advertises posts under different categories of reservations requiring different eligibility conditions as per roaster points maintained by concerned department, as per applicable Government Instructions and Service Rules, wherein Commission has no role to play
18.7. ESM Category candidates are governed by Instructions issued by Haryana Government. Other reserved category candidates are governed by instructions issued by Chief Secretary Office, Social Justice Department, Sports Department etc. and are available on the websites of concerned departments and may be downloaded and perused before filling-up application form. Service Rules of the concerned department can be downloaded from the website of the concerned department in case of any dispute regarding eligibility.The provisions of the Act shall prevail over the rules and that of rules shall prevail over the instructions.
18.8. All rules/instructions prevailing on cut-off date shall be applicable.
18.9. Candidates are advised to fill-up the online application form himself/herself very carefully, upload the documents after scanning the same from original documents while ensuring that whole documents are scanned and if any, certificate is printed on both sides then both sides should be scanned and uploaded. Documents should be uploaded at the proper place.
18.10. Scanned documents uploaded with application form shall only be considered for deciding the qualification criteria for the post. Document(s) which is/are not uploaded at the time of filling application form shall not be considered at subsequent stage.
18.11. Any candidate who claimed reservation in the CET application form (on One Time Registration Portal viz. OTR) but his/her data does not match with his/her data in Parivar Pehchan Patra or document attach by him/her as verified online by the Commission in view of the documents submitted by the candidate; shall be considered under General category, provided such a candidate fulfills age/qualification and other criteria required to be fulfilled by a general category candidate.
18.12. All notice pertaining to recruitment shall be displayed on official website of HSSC. Therefore, all applicants are advised to visit the website regularly for information and updation as no individual information shall be given to a candidate separately. 18.13. Evaluation of OMR answer sheets of the candidate is done through computer software. No manual evaluation is done and there is no process of re-evaluation of OMR sheet.
18.14. All candidates are advised to retain copy of advertisement, application form filled by him/her along with uploaded documents, admit card, notices, copy of question paper, OMR sheet (candidate’s copy) etc. for his/her record. Such information having already been provided, no RTI Application in this regard shall be entertained.
18.15. Answer key of the question paper shall be put on the official website of Commission after the written examination. Candidate should file objections if any within specified period along with prescribed fee. Thereafter, no objection shall be entertained and all objections so received shall be forwarded to Chief Examiner. On the basis of decision informed by Chief Examiner, the final key shall be prepared and evaluation shall be done on the basis of final key so prepared. As the commission is not a subject expert, the decision of the Chief Examiner shall be final and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. 
18.16. If any document is required to be renewed/re-issued,candidate must bring both old and new documents.
18.17. In case an examination is conducted in more than one shift, the Commission may adopt Normalization method/process as deemed suitable.
18.18. Qualifications i.e. degree, diploma, certificates, experience and other terms & conditions of eligibility will be determined with regard to the last date fixed for receipt of online applications also termed as closing date.
18.19. If on verification at any stage starting from submission of application form till appointment and any time even after appointment, it is found that any candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility condition or it is found that the information/document furnished is false or incorrect, his/her candidature will be cancelled and he/she will also be liable to be debarred and criminally prosecuted. This is irrespective of whether the candidate was benefitted by furnishing the false or incorrect information in his/her application. If the candidate is selected, his/her recommendation may be withdrawn
18.20. Candidates, who have obtained degree(s) or diploma(s) or certificate(s) for course(s) from any Board/Institution declared fake by the University Grants Commission or not recognized by Haryana Government shall not be eligible for being considered for recruitment to the post(s) advertised and no representation in this regard shall be entertained.

Date of Publication of Advertisement 02.08.2024
Opening date for submission of online applications 05.08.2024
Closing date for submission of online application 15.08.2024 (11:59 P.M.)
Fee Details No Fees is required to be deposited by any candidate for applying against any Post(s).


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