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Research jobs for Ph.D, M.Pharm, MSc at CCRH | Govt of India Jobs

Clinical research courses

Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) is an apex research organization under Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India which undertakes, coordinates, develops, disseminates and promotes scientific research in Homoeopathy.   The Headquarters of the Council are situated in New Delhi and multi-centric research is conducted through a network of 26 institutes/units all over India.

Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, an autonomous body under the Ministry of AYUSH, invites applications through e-mail for the following positions for which on-line interview will be held. The positions are to filled up purely on contract basis initially upto 31st December, 2020.

Research Associate (Microbiology) 01 post
Emoluments : Rs.47,000/- + HRA (consolidated) Per Month 
Age limit : 40 years
Educational Qualification : Ph. D in Microbiology. OR Three years of research, teaching, and design & development experience after M.Sc. in the relevant subject (Microbiology) with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.
Date of On-line Interview : 28th August, 2020

E-mail for sending the applications :,

Research Associate (Pharmacology) 01 post
Emoluments : Rs.47,000/- + HRA (consolidated) Per Month
Age limit : 40 years
Educational Qualification :
M.D. (Pharmacology) OR Master’s Degree in Veterinary Science (Pharmacology) OR Master’s Degree in Pharmacy (Pharmacology) Experience 03 years research experience after acquiring PG qualification.

Date of On-line Interview : 28th August, 2020

E-mail for sending the applications :,

Research Associate (Biotechnology/ Life Science) 01 post
Emoluments : Rs.47,000/- + HRA (consolidated) Per Month
Age limit : 40 years
Educational Qualification :
Ph. D in Biotechnology/ Life Science/ Bio-Medical Science/ Bio Science. OR Three years of research, teaching, and design & development experience after PG Degree in the relevant subject (Biotechnology/ Life Science/ Bio- Medical Science/ Bio Sciences) with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.

Date of On-line Interview : 3rd September, 2020

E-mail for sending the applications :,

General Instructions:
1. The number of vacancies may vary depending upon the requirement. The engagements are project based.
2. On-line interview will be held with the shortlisted candidates. After screening of applications, such candidates will be informed of the details of interview by e-mail/ phone. Candidates are advised to indicate their e-mail id’s and phone number prominently in the application form.
3. The candidates will be engaged against different programmes of the Council and duties will be assigned including, field duties accordingly.
4. The selections will be made for the Institute as indicated in the advertisement. However, the selected candidates are liable to be posted in any other Institutes/units of the Council.
5. The eligibility of the candidates will be determined as on the date of interview.
6. The candidates who fulfill the eligibility requirements may send the application in the prescribed format (Annex-I). through e-mail to the respective office.
7. Scanned copy of photograph and other documents, namely, certificates of qualifications, mark- sheet, degree and birth certificate, duly self attested by the candidate, are to be submitted along with application form.
8. In case of selection, original documents will have to be produced for verification.
9. The candidate, if employed with any Autonomous/Govt. or private sector, may bring NOC from their employer at the time of joining.
10. The competent authority reserves the right to postpone/cancel the recruitment exercise at any stage.
11. In case applications from large number of candidates, the competent authority reserves the right to shortlist candidates by adopting appropriate criteria. If necessary the interview may be held next day also.
12. The selected candidates shall have no claim for appointment on regular basis by virtue of their being engaged on contractual basis.
13. Interested candidates may also in their own interest ensure that they fulfill the eligibility conditions.
14. Candidates are requested to see Council's website ( on regular basis for any new announcement in this regard.
15. Canvassing in any form or on behalf of a candidate will be a disqualification.

The applications may be submitted by e-mail latest by 21st August, 2020 to the respective office.

Research Associate (Microbiology) : Dr. Anjali Chatterjee
Regional Research Institute (H), 50, Rajendra Chatterjee
Road, Kolkata - 700035.

Research Associate (Pharmacology) : Dr. D.P. Rastogi Central
Research Institute (H)
A-1/1, Sector 24, NOIDA

Research Associate (Biotechnology/ Life Science) : Indian Institute of
Engineering of Science and
Technology (IIEST), P.O.- Botanic Garden, Howrah -
711103, West Bengal.

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