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Job for Research Assistant, Project Assistant at ACBR

GPAT courses

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research (ACBR) is a unique center under the University of Delhi where a multispeciality group of scientists work as a cohesive team and participate in active teaching and research. The absence of formal departmental setup provides an excellent environment where each faculty is free to interact with each other and contribute to better teaching and research in the complementary areas.The emphasis of research investigations has been mainly on chemistry and biology and is being carried out in some of the frontline areas of basic and applied biomedical sciences such as Drug Discovery and Drug Development, Medical Biotechnology, Molecular Modeling and DNA Diagnostics, Molecular Oncology, Immunology, Genomics & Proteomics, Medicinal Chemistry, Cancer Genetics, Human Genetics and Neuropharmacology.Within a small span of time, ACBR has earned its name and fame both at National and International level.

Highly motivated candidates are invited to participate in the exciting cutting-edge research on drug discovery and next-generation diagnostics for the neurological diseases at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research (ACBR), University of Delhi.Enthusiastic candidates with curious mind are required on contractual basis for the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) sponsored project.

Project Title : “Integrative translational investigation of diabetes-linked neurovascular targets of cerebral amyloid angiopathy”.

Duration of Project : 3 years (extendable)

Research Assistant - 01 post

Essential Qualification : M.Sc./M.Phil. in Biomedical Sciences/Life Science/ Neuroscience/ Biotechnology or equivalent.

Desirables : Ph.D. (Thesis submitted/awarded) in biological sciences. Experience in cell culture, molecular biology or clinical studies.

Remuneration : Rs. 20,000/- per month (consolidated) or as per candidate’s fellowship.

Project Assistant : 2 post

Position 1

Essential Qualification: B.Sc./B.Tech. in Biomedical Sciences/Life Science/ Biotechnology or equivalent.

Desirables: M.Sc. in biological sciences and experience in cell culture, molecular biology or clinical studies. National exam NET/ GATE/ ICMR/ CSIR qualified preferred.

Remuneration: Rs. 17,500/- per month (consolidated) or as per candidate’s fellowship.

Position 2

Essential Qualification: B.E./ Computer Science/IT or other related field

Desirables: Strong interest in biomedical science. Image processing or deep learning skills will be preferred. Languages known:Python/ Matlab/ R or any other data science related language. Hands on experience in machine learning/ Data mining/ Computer Vision/ Artificial intelligence.

Remuneration: Rs. 17,500/- per month (consolidated). Stipend will be higherfor GATE/ JRF/ NET qualified candidates, as per the candidate’s fellowship from the funding agency.

Interested candidates are required to apply for this position through sending their full detailed CV / biodatawith research experience to Email: Last date of sending your CV / biodata with research experience on dated August 26, 2019. Only shortlisted candidates based on qualification and desirable experience will be called for the interview.

Note: No TA & DA will be paid to the candidate for attending the interview. Please provide the duration and details of the work/research experience clearly in your CV/Biodata. The Center reserves the right to fill or not to fill the positions, depending on the qualifications/credentials of the candidates applied etc. The appointment does not confer any entitlement of right over the job and will not be considered as University service. All positions are contractual basis. Application will be accepted only through Email: Principal Investigator: Dr. Itender Singh, Room No. 310, ACBR, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007.

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