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Job for M.Pharm, M.S Pharm in DST funded research project at Mizoram University

GPAT courses

Mizoram University is a Central University being set up on modern standards with excellent academic infrastructure and research facilities including a Central Analytical and Preparatory Facility consisting of sophisticated equipments. Mizoram is one of the most peaceful states in the country despite being located in the NER. Aizawl is connected by Air from Kolkata and Guwahati (daily flights). Nearest railhead is at Silchar (180 km). The climate is mild both in summer and winter.

Post : Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Walk-in Interview will be held for one JRF for the ‘DST funded research project entitled “Development and evaluation of endophytic actinobacteria based formulation against clinical MRSA and VRSA strains” at Department of Biotechnology, Mizoram University, Mizoram. The project is in collaboration with Department of Pharmacy, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan.

Eligibility: M.S. Pharm/ M. Pharm (Natural Products/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Analysis/ Pharmaceutics). The selected JRF will work at Department of Pharmacy, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan.

Emoluments: Rs. 25000/-per month for the 1st and 2nd Year and Rs 28000/- for 3rd Year.

PhD admission: The selected candidate will be allowed to register for Ph. D program of BITS, Pilani as per their procedure, subject to availability of seats and fulfilment of other essential criteria advertised by BITS Pilani.

Project duration: For three years (December 2018-Decemebr 2021).

General Terms and Conditions
• The term of service is initially for one year which may be extended further depending on their performance and/or other conditions prevailing at that time for another two years. Fellowship amount and age relaxations will be as per norms of DST, New Delhi. The post is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the project. The appointment does not confer any entitlement or right over the job and will not be considered as formal service.
• Candidates having strong interest and dedication towards the objectives of the project and who will work at least for minimum two years period need to apply.
• The walk in interview will be on 27 August 2019 at 2:30 PM at Department of Biotechnology, Mizoram University. Applications, neatly typed on plain paper along with attested photocopies of mark sheets and certificates should be submitted on the date of the walk in interview. All the Original certificates should be produced for verification at the time of interview.

• Outstation candidates may opt for telephonic/skype interview. This should be clearly mentioned in the application form.
• No TA & DA will be paid for appearing in_BITS the walk-in interview.

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