Applications are invited from the eligible candidates in the prescribed proforma along with attested copy of certificates in support of qualifications, experience. date of birth address proof, and caste certificate, for filling up of the following technical Posts on temporary basis:-
Post: Pharmacist(Allopath)
Educational & Essential Qualifications: 1. 10+2 with Scicnce Stream (Physics/Chcmistry/biology)
2. Diploma in Pharmacy from an Institute recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India and registered pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act 1948.
No.of post: 04 (Gen-1, OBC-3)
Pay Scale with grade pay: Rs. 5200-20200+2800/- G.P.
Age: 18-30 years
The upper age limit is relaxable in accordance with orders issued by the Govt. of\ India. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of application from the candidates. The candidates processing the above qualification and experience etc. and registered with Employment Exchange should apply, to the Additional Director, Central Government Health Scheme, 2nd Floor Sangam place. Civil Lines, Allahabad giving full particulars in the application form (Annexure-A). The last date of submission of application in the prescribe form (Annexure-A) is 28.08.2014, after that no application will be entertained.
1. Any attempt bv anv candidate to influence the selection process will result in disqualification of the candidate from taking any further part in the selection process.
2. The Additional Director, CGHS, Allahabad has full right to cancel or decrease/increase the above said vacancies at any time without assigning any reason.
3. The candidate must submit an envelop written with self address, duly stamped of Rs. 17/- from local candidate and Rs. 39/- from outside of Allahabad candidates.
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