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Vacancy for Technical Associate at NIBMG

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Vacancy for Technical Associate at NIBMG

National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG) Kalyani is an Institute of Government of India, Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Biotechnology. The Institute has created necessary physical infrastructure and critical platform technologies to support research, translation and training in biomedical genomics.

Technical Associate (Experimental)
No. of Positions : 02
Consolidated Remuneration [INR] per month : Rs 73,500/-
Essential Qualifications :
1. MSc or equivalent(or BSc with 3 years laboratory experience) in Genetics/Life Sciences/Biochemistry/ related discipline
2. Minimum 5 years of experience of working in high through put genomics platforms (massively parallel sequencing and microarray)
3. Proficiencyin massively parallel sequencing library preparation and/or operation of sequencing/microarray platforms

Desirable Qualifications :
1. Experience in wholegenom e/targeted sequencing, RNA-Seq, GWAS and Methylation Array
2. Experience in laboratory automation platforms
3. Experience in a servicelaboratory
Nature of Duty : Hands-on massively parallel sequencing, microarray data analysis, data analysis pipeline operations as well as other related laboratory activities

Technical Associate (Computational)
No. of Positions : 02
Consolidated Remuneration [INR] per month : Rs 73,500/-
Essential Qualifications :
1.M. Tech/MSc/MCA degree/equivalen t in computer science / Bioinformatics or a related discipline 2. Minimum 5 yearsof experience ofworking in analysis of massively parallel DNA sequencing data 3. Proficiency of working in Unix(Linux) environment and demonstrated experience in UNIX command line.

Desirable Qualifications :
1. Experiencein handling and installation of softwarepackag es, genomicdatabas es and data analysis pipelines
2. Proficiency in programming in C/C++ or python
3. Strong knowledge in variant calling and RNAseq analysis.
4. Experience in a servicelaboratory
Nature of Duty : QA/QC and analysis of raw sequence data generated by massively parallel DNA sequencing and microarray platforms, Programing, design and operation of massively parallel DNA sequencingdata analysis pipelines as well as other related activities, Data management and data delivery, Report writing.

These positions are contractual and appointments will be initially given as per tenure of the project (06.09.2021), extendable depending upon performance and requirements of the project. Please apply through email ( with your CV and name of the position mentioned in the subject line (no other form of application will be accepted). The last date of application is 08th May, 2021 upto 5PM.

Only the shortlisted candidates will be called for online Interview. The decision of NIBMG in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of application, mode of selection, and conduct of interviews will be final and binding on the candidates. In exceptionally meritorious cases, the eligibility requirements may be relaxed by competent authorities relaxed by the competent authority.

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