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Recruitment for Project Scientist at CCMB | Salary upto Rs 67,000 pm

Clinical research courses

Recruitment for Project Scientist at CCMB

CSIR-CCMB is a premier constituent research Institute of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, conducting research in frontier areas of modern biology. The objectives of the Centre are to conduct high-quality basic research and training in the areas of modern biology and promote centralized national facilities for new and modern techniques in the inter-disciplinary areas of biology.

Project Scientist I (Post Code PS-I)
Upper age limit : 35 years.
Fellowship : 56,000/- p.m. + HRA as applicable/admissible
Essential qualification : PhD (Medical Biotechnology / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology/ Life Sciences/ Biomedical Engineering) in monogenic  and /or polygenic disorders like sickle cell anemia with specific focus on Molecular Genetics / Next Generation Sequencing/ High throughput data analysis to understand the genetic basis and genotype-phenotype correlation analysis in complex phenotypes.
Desirable qualification : Minimum One (1) year experience in generating high throughput genomic data using a variety of techniques including microarray, NGS, whole genome sequencing, etc. and performing bioinformatic and statistical analysis, preferably in sickle cell anemia. Appropriate scientific details of the experience should be provided.
Place of posting : CCMB, Hyderabad

Project Scientist I (Post Code: PS-I-CG)
Upper age limit : 35 years.
Fellowship : 56,000/- p.m. + HRA as applicable/admissible
Essential qualification : PhD (Medical Biotechnology/Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology/ Life Sciences/ Biomedical Engineering) in monogenic and/or polygenic disorders like sickle cell anemia with specific reference to clinical, biochemical and genetic epidemiology. One year experience in public health domain and working knowledge of clinical field studies, overseeing organizing screening, data collection, various measurements and analysis.
Desirable qualification : Minimum One (1) year experience handling large data and working knowledge of statistical analysis for large population data, preferably in sickle cell anemia. Appropriate scientific details of the experience should be provided.
Place of posting : Raipur/Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh)

Project Scientist II (Post Code PS-II)
Upper age limit : 40 years.
Fellowship : 67,000/- p.m. + HRA as applicable/admissible
Essential qualification : PhD (Medical Biotechnology/Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology/ Life Sciences/ Biomedical  Engineering)  focusing on epidemiology of monogenic and/or complex disorders like sickle cell anemia and understanding the genetic susceptibility of various traits/complex phenotypes. 3 years’ experience in cohorts related work, in generating high throughput data using NGS technologies and performing bioinformatic and statistical analysis
Desirable qualification : Experience of handling field studies and organizing camps and training workshops. System-based analysis of next generation sequencing data and assimilate with clinical, biochemical, metabolomic data to draw meaningful conclusions related to disease susceptibility, preferably in Sickle cell Anemia.
Place of posting : CCMB, Hyderabad

Project Scientist II (Post Code: PS-II-CG)
Upper age limit : 40 years.
Fellowship : 67,000/- p.m. + HRA as applicable/admissible
Essential qualification : PhD (Medical Biotechnology/Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology/ Life Sciences/ Biomedical Engineering) in monogenic and/or polygenic disorders like sickle cell anemia with specific reference to clinical and genetic epidemiology. Minimum two years’ experience in handling clinical field studies, cohort and follow-up studies and data analysis, organizing camps and training workshops, genetic screening of subjects. Desirable qualification    Minimum 5 years of experience in genetic testing and pre-natal diagnosis, as well as clinical, genetic and community counselling, preferably in Sickle cell Anemia.
Place of posting : Raipur/Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh)

• Project staff will be entitled for one day’s leave for each completed month’s service.  However, in extra-ordinary circumstances Principal Investigator of the project and/or Director, CSIR-CCMB may provide relaxation in the rules considering the exigency.
• Project staff will be provided OPD medical facilities through CSIR-CCMB dispensary, for self only.

General Terms and Conditions
• CSIR prevailing guidelines are applicable to these positions.  Positions are purely temporary & on contract basis and are co-terminus with the project’s tenure.
• Eligible candidates are required to submit applications online.
• Candidates who have completed their degree with requisite educational qualifications only need to apply.
• All qualification & experiences must be from Govt./Govt. recognized Institute.
• Candidates will be shortlisted for interview by the Screening Committee based on qualifications as specified in the advertisement.
• Candidates may be called for interview in person/online.  All the communication in this regard will be through e-mail only.
• No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate for appearing for the written test/interview.
• The engagement under project does not confer any right/claim whatsoever, either explicitly or implicitly on the appointee for regular appointment in CSIR/CSIR-CCMB, against any post or otherwise under any legal conditions or precedent.
• The performance of project staff would be reviewed periodically so that candidates not found up to the mark, could be terminated.
• The terms and conditions of engagement of project staff may be amended from time to time as per CSIR instructions.

Last Date : on or before 02.05.2021


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