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National Seminar on Fundamentals and Research in Clinical Pharmacy and Practices at Balaji College of Pharmacy

Clinical research courses

Balaji College of pharmacy was established in the year 2005 as a branch in the Balaji Educational Society under esteemed management of Dr. Palle Raghunatha Reddy Garu, Honourable Chief WHIP, Govt, of Andhra Pradesh, with a motto of providing standard education to the students seeking professional excellence. The institute was awarded with ISO certification in the year 2012 for the excellent infrastructure and PCI certification in the same year.

About the Seminar
The main axiom of the seminar is to prepare generalist, entry-level pharmacists to deliver high-quality pharmaceutical care and take part a pivotal role in healthcare decision making.

National Seminar on

Fundamentals and Research in Clinical Pharmacy and Practices

27th December 2018 (Thursday)

About Workshop:
MICROMEDEX is a suite of databases offering comprehensive drug, disease and toxicology oriented information for health care professionals and patients. It is a collection of many different drug databases, including Martindale, the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR), DRUGDEX, DISEASEDEX, POISONDEX, and several alternative medicine databases and hence the current workshop is focused to train all the students and scholars who are practicing pharmacy.

Registration Fees
PharmD Students : 200 INR
PG Students : 300 INR

Organized by
Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA)
Hospital Pharmacy Division

Organizing Secretary
Dr. T. Rajavardhana Asst. Professor & Hospital In charge,
Department of Pharmacy Practice,
Balaji College of Pharmacy,
Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India +91 7013542084


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