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International Conference on “Challenges, Opportunities and Newer Directions of Pharmacovigilance and Clinical Research in India” at Parul University

Clinical research courses

About Parul Institute of Pharmacy
Parul Institute of Pharmacy was established in 2004. The institute is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), New Delhi and recognized by the Government of Gujarat. The institute was accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and the National Board of Accreditation (NBA), manifesting its commitment to provide quality teaching- learning and research. The institute is housed in sprawling lush green campus with an imposing building and most conducive atmosphere for academic excellence. The state-of-the-art infrastructure and instructional facilities of the institute includes well- equipped laboratories, voluminous library and spacious lecture halls. Parul Institute of Pharmacy is amongst the top ranking institutes in Gujarat. The Institute has grown impressively in both size and reputation and has become the preferred choice for many among all other self-financing institutes. At Parul Institute of Pharmacy, we provide our students with distinguished knowledge and top class facilities to meet the highest benchmarks. We have well experienced and learned faculty, scholastic curriculum, diverse educational exposure and various on-campus facilities which collectively focuses on all round learning experience and rewarding opportunities forthe students.

About the Conference
We at Parul institute of Pharmacy promote research by organizing such interactive and informative Conferences/ Symposiums /Seminars/ Workshops / FDPs, etc by inviting eminent National and International speakers, where exchange of thoughts and knowledge encourages the students and faculty towards research.

This international conference will facilitate the delegates to learn newer horizons of clinical research, a branch of health care science that determines the safety and efficacy of medications, devices, diagnostic products and treatment regimens intended for human use. The Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI) started by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India will help to monitor the effects of marketed drugs especially to identify and evaluate previously unreported adverse reactions in Indian population. The conference will promote and strengthen the spontaneous reporting amongst medical / paramedical and pharmacy professionals. The expert sessions will help the delegates to become conversant with the newer career prospects and horizons in the profession.

AICTE Sponsored International Conference on

“Challenges, Opportunities and Newer Directions of Pharmacovigilance and Clinical Research in India” 

by 5 - 6 January, 2018

Thrust Areas
• Preclinical and Clinical Trials
• Drug Discovery and Development
• Regulatory Updates on Drug Safety in India
• Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI)
• Developing Pharmacy Practice: A Focus on Patient Care
• Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacoeconomics


Target Audience
Persons working in any of the following sectors can be the participants.
• Clinical Research Organizations (CROs), Site Management Organizations (SMOs), Research Site (Medical Research Centers/ Multispecialty Hospitals).
• Pharmaceutical Industry
• Pharmacovigilance and Data Management Organizations.
• Regulatory Affairs and Biostatistics.
• Students of Pharm.D, B.Pharm, Clinical Pharmacy, M.Pharm, Researchers, etc.
• Academicians involved with Pharmaceutical and Health Care.

Call for Paper
The abstracts in the thrust areas are invited for oral and poster presentation. The paper should not have been published or under consideration for publication or presented elsewhere.

Abstracts can be submitted online on the conference website on or before December 16,2017 as per the guideline available on the website. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and intimation of the acceptance will be sent to the presenting author through email by December 19,2017.

All accepted abstracts for oral and poster presentation will be scheduled at session/s specified during the conference. Presenting authors must registerforthe conference on receipt of acceptance otherwise, the abstract will not be considered for publication in abstract book.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission

December 16,2017

Intimation of Acceptance

December 19,2017

Final Registration for Paper Presenter

December 23,2017

Delegate Registration

December 23,2017

Delegate Registration with late fees

December 31,2017

• Poster should be of 1mx1m size.
• Oral presentation will be for 10 minute followed by 5 minute question answer session.
• Presenting author should be a registered delegate to the conference.
• Authors whose papers are accepted but have not registered their paper will not be published.
• For more detail pleasereferconferencewebsite

Best papers in poster and oral presentation will be rewarded with exciting prizes



Registration Before 23rd Dec 2017

Registration after 23rd Dec 2017


Rs. 1000

Rs. 1500


Rs. 1500

Rs. 2500

Industry persons

Rs. 2500

Rs. 3500

Foreign delegates



• Registration fee covers hospitality during conference days, proceedings and kitforthe Delegates.
• Registration fee is non-refundable. However, change in nomination can be permitted only on request.
• Registration will be confirmed only on payment of registration fees.
For details of registration refer our conference website or Contact us on email id:

• Accommodation for students will be arranged in Boys / Girls Hostel at an additional cost of Rs.500/- for 2 days with Dinner.
• Accommodation in Hotels can be arranged on request.
• The Organizing Secretary may be contacted for any further assistance

Faculty of Pharmacy, Parul Institute of Pharmacy
Po. Limda, Ta. Waghodia.Dist. Vadodara - 391760, Gujarat, India.



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