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August 2020

Clinical research courses

M.Pharm, M.Sc Recruitment at Translational Health Science and Technology Institute

ECHS Polyclinics invites applications for post of Pharmacist

ECHS invites applications to engage following staff on contractual basis for its ECHS Polyclinics located as under for a period of 12 months for Ex-Servicemen and eleven months only for civilians.

Plasma Donation – Doubts & Answers

Corona spread is expanding day by day. Some are losing their lives. In this context, the Indian council of Medical Research (ICMR) says that plasma therapy can be used to get rid of the corona. The plasma collected from those who conquered Covid (Warriors) and transfused into the diseased, producing an abundance of antibodies in the body, claiming that they would recover. Medical professionals are calling on the Warriors to come forward voluntarily for this. In this background Dr.

PharmaDrug Inc. is delighted to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, Interrobang Ltd. is acquiring the Target Smart Shop. The acquisition is anticipated to be done before the end of August, 2020. It will mark a significant move in the company's goal to become Europe's largest seller of psychedelic goods.

Classification of ointment bases

1. Oleaginous bases :- It is consists of oil and fat. It is anhydrous non- washable and do not absorb water.
• Petroleum (soft paraffin) :- Semi solid hydrocarbon + lubricating oil
I. Yellow soft paraffin :- obtained from petroleum also may contain anti oxidant like vit.E and BHT. Melting range :- 38 to 56°c
II. White soft paraffin :- obtained from petroleum. Melting range:- 38 to 56°c

Research jobs for Ph.D, M.Pharm, MSc at CCRH | Govt of India Jobs

Opportunity for M.Pharm as Project Assistant at NCL

Walk in interview for Principal, Lecturer at Dr. R.N.Lahoti Institute of Pharmacy

Adarsha Bahhuudeshiya Shikshan Prasark Mandal’s, Dr. R.N.Lahoti Institute of Pharmacy, Sultanpur is an organization that acquainted pharmaceutical instruction with Sultanpur. Having built up the Diploma in Pharmacy course in 2015 we have shown magnificence since commencement, as obvious by great execution of our students at the college examinations. Our graduated class are spread everywhere throughout the globe and are known for their solid essential pharmaceutical information and abilities the calling needs. "DR.

Job for Biotechnologist in National Reference Laboratory project at NJIL&OMD

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following project position for the project entitled “National Reference Laboratory (NRL)” a long term project under National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP).The project is funded by Central TB Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India and executing agency is ICMR- NJIL&OMD, Agra.

Vacancy for Freshers B.Pharm in Production at Virchow Biotech Pvt Ltd | 25 posts