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July 2014

Clinical research courses

PharmaTutor Magazine - August 2014 is released | Read online or Download

(31st July, 2014); Indian Patent Act does not allow patent to be granted to inventions involving new forms of a known substance unless it differs significantly in properties with regard to efficacy which is major concern for US pharma companies. This indigenous rules agitated US multinational companies for doing fruitful business in India.

Job for B.Pharm/D.Pharma as Pharmacists in District Drug De-Addiction and Rehabilitation Society, Ludhiana | Walk in

District Drug De-Addiction and Rehabilitation Society, invites Application for the following posts at the District level for the proposed district Rehabilitation centre, Ludhiana.

Post: Pharmacists

(31st July, 2014); U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved EYLEA® (aflibercept) Injection for the treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema (DME). The recommended dosage of EYLEA in patients with DME is 2 milligrams (mg) every two months (8 weeks) after five initial monthly injections. Although EYLEA may be dosed as frequently as 2 mg every 4 weeks, additional efficacy was not demonstrated when EYLEA was dosed every 4 weeks compared to every 8 weeks.

Walk in interivew for Guest faculty (Assistant Professor) in Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University

The Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow is one of  the youngest central universities in the country. The jurisdiction of this residential University is over the entire state of Uttar Pradesh. The campus Vidya Vihar is located off Rae Bareli Road, about 10 kms south of the Charbagh Railway Station, Lucknow. The objects of the University IS to promote advanced knowledge by providing instructional and research facilities in such branches of learning as it may deem fit.

Applications are invited for Guest faculty (Assistant Professor) on the following positions for the various courses; interested candidates may appear before selection committee for the interview on 06.08.2014 & 07.08.2014 as per time & venue mentioned below. Candidates are required to bring duly filled prescribed application form alongwith a set of self attested copies of mark sheets and other supporting documents as well as original documents at the time of interview.
The post are purely temporary and honorarium shall be paid as per UGC/University rules. Essential qualification and other experience will be as per UGC Regulations, 2010.

Required for Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor in MET Group of Institutes

The Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh, India) is an affiliation body that regulates and permits higher education in Engineering and related disciplines across the state of Uttar Pradesh.
As of October 2008, there were 466 colleges affiliated with the UPTU. Of these, eight are government-financed, and the remaining are private. As of July 2008, some 286 of these were operational, where with 66,024 students enrolled
Moradabad Educational Trust (Met) Group Of Institutions Faculty of Pharmacy Moradabad is an Affiliated College.

Post: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

Career opportunity for Scientist/ Sr. Scientist in IICB

IICB Institute was established in 1935 as the first non official centre in India for biomedical research and was included within the aegis of CSIR in 1956.
IICB today is engaged in research on diseases of national importance and biological problems of global interest, employing sophisticated state-of-the-art technology in keeping with the rapid and unprecedented momentum that life science research has gained globally over the last 50 years.

Post: Scientist/ Sr. Scientist

Walk in interview for Jr.Executive/Executive/Sr. Executive in Biocon

Biocon is a research-driven, global healthcare company with a strong matrix of capabilities along the biopharmaceutical value chain. Focusing on unmet medical needs in cancer, diabetes and inflammatory diseases, it offers novel therapies on a platform of affordable innovation.
Biocon together with group companies employs more than 2500 employees with approxmimately Rs 1,000 crore turnover and is expected to grow further during the current financial year.

We are looking for skilled and dynamic experienced professionals for our (API, Parenteral and Biologics) facilities in Bangalore.

Post: Jr.Executive/Executive/Sr. Executive

Walk in interview for Scientist, Technical Assistant in National Institute of Nutrition

Eligible candidates are invited to attend a WALK-IN-INTERVIEW on the following dates at 9.30 A.M. sharp for the following posts on the ad hoc research project entitled “Nutritive Value of Indian Foods – Integrated Indian Food Composition Tables” at this Institute. The essential qualification, experience, consolidated salary and service tenure are as under:

Post: Scientist, Technical Assistant

PharmaTutor Magazine | Volume 2, Issue 8 for August 14