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Job for B.Pharm/D.Pharma as Pharmacists in District Drug De-Addiction and Rehabilitation Society, Ludhiana | Walk in

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District Drug De-Addiction and Rehabilitation Society, invites Application for the following posts at the District level for the proposed district Rehabilitation centre, Ludhiana.

Post: Pharmacists

No.of post: 3 (Gen-02, SC-01)

1. B.Pharmacy/Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized Institute.
2. The applicant must be registered with the Punjab State Pharmacy Council.

Consolidated Salary: Rs. 15000/- per month

1. The number of posts can any time be increased or (decreased as per the policy guidalins by the Deportment of Health and Family Welfare, Punjab.
2. The recruited persons will purely work under the aegis of the district drug De-addiction and Rehabilitation Society which will run the proposed Rehabilitation Centre.
3. As regards posts at point number 1 and 2, preference will be given no male candidates.
4. All posts will be on contractual basis initially for one year and subsequent extennsion/renewal will be given depending upon the functioning/performance/work and conduct of the staff and the policy guidelines/ instructions as and when issued by the Department of Health & Family Welfare. Govt. of Punjab.
5. Age Limit: 18-38 years, as on January 1, 2014. Age relaxation for Scheduled caste candidates shall be as per rules ot Govt of Punjab.
6. The candidates applying for more than one post shall have to apply separately,
7. Only candidates having a minimum of one year relevant experience in the said  field or branch should apply.
8. A written test he conducted on August 9, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at Kairon Kissan Ghar. P.A.U. Ludhiana.
9. The syllabus of written test for the above mentioned posts shall be as per the eligibility qualification, Candidates clearing the written exam will be called for the interview.
10. Only those candidates who have a passed Punjabi subject in Matriculation standard are eligible to apply.
11. The SC Category certificate Should be in accordance with the insturctions of the department of welfare, punjab.
12. The last date of applying for the above mentioned posts is August 5, 2014(Till 5 p.m.). Completely filled in application forms must reach the office of deputy medical commissioner (Civil hospital), Ludhiana.
13. The applications can be sent through registered post or submitted personally to the above mentioned office. No applications will be entertained after August 5th, 2014.
14. Admission will not be responsible for any postal delays.
15. Eligble candidates qualifying the exam will be called for an interview on August 20th 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at the office of civil surgion, Ludhiana.
16. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing for the written test and interview.

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