About Authors:
Department of Pharmacology
P. Rami Reddy Memorial College of Pharmacy,
Andhra Pradesh, India.
Objective - The objective of the present work was to study the antipyretic activity of rhizome Curcuma amada Linn. belonging to family Zingiberaceae, known as “Amargandha” in Sanskrit & “Mamidiallam” in Telugu Materials & Methods: The ethanolic extract was taken for the study and evaluated for antipyretic activity using Brewer’s yeast induced pyrexia in Wister strain albino rats. The ethanolic extract at a dose of 100mg/kg & 200mg/kg were evaluated for antipyretic activity. Result - The extract of Curcuma amada plant showed a significant (P < 0.01) dose dependent antipyretic effect in yeast induced elevation of body temperature in experimental rats. Conclusion - The ethanolic extract of Curcuma amada Linn. plant have significant antipyretic activity when compared with the standard drug. So. It can be recommended for further studies.
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