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August 2011

Clinical research courses

Applications are Invited for SRF/JRF at BHU - Government Jobs

Banaras Hindu University ranks among the first few in the country in the field of academic and research output. This university has two campuses, 3 institutes, 16 faculties, 140 departments, 4 advanced centers and 4 interdisciplinary schools.

Submitted by admin on 1 August 2011

QUESTION about Pharm.D

1.which jobs can do a Pharm d candidate in India?

2.Can he work as a lecturer in B.pharm Institute?

3.Can he work in Pharma manuacturing companies?

4.Can he works as a C.R.A./Reaserch scientist/Pharmacovihilance.?

5.Is Pharm D is equivalent to the Ph.D?

6.What is the average salary of Pharm D candidate in U.S.A. & INDIA ?

Eisen Pharmaceutical Co. Pvt. Ltd. Invites Medical Representative - 20 Openings

Eisen Pharmaceutical Co. (P) Ltd. was established in 1957, with the vision to provide quality healthcare products, supporting growing medical fraternity & serving the needs of patients.
They make speciality pharmaceuticals formulations. Their brands are prescribed in therapy areas like paediatrics, gynaecology, cardiology, diabetology.

Work as a Sales Manager at Shalina Healthcare

Shalina Laboratories is a 100 export Pharma company in existence for the last 25 years. The present sales turn-over is around Rs. 187 Crores, and poised to grow to Rs. 450 crores in next 2-3 years. Our performance has been outstanding with growth at 35% year on year. Our products are marketed and sold in Central African Avenue that is Democratic Republic Of Congo, Nigeria, Ghana & Angola.

Executive / Senior Executive - Downstream ( Protein Purification) Require at Kemwell Pharma

Kemwell Pvt Ltd., established in the year 1972 at Bangalore, Specializes in contract manufacturing for pharmaceutical formulations for various reputed multinations in India. For its expansion plans is looking for yound dynamic personnel.


About Authors: Shoeib Afroz Mohammad,
M.Pharm (Pharmacology),
Vaagdevi College of Pharmacy, Kakatiya University

Reference ID: PHARMATUTOR-ART-1087

By the 1930s, scientists had isolated and determined the structure of the steroid hormones and found that high doses of androgens, estrogens or progesterone inhibited ovulation. The first oral-contraceptive formulations marketed in the United States, in 1960 and1961, contained 2 to 5 times as much estrogen and 5 to 10 times as much progestin as the oral contraceptives now in use. Since introduced in May of 1960, these pills have provided reliable contracep¬tion for millions of woman throughout the world.They were given in a regimen consisting of 21 active tablets containing estrogen and progestin followed by 7 days of placebo tablets (21/7 regimen). The 7 days of placebo was designed for menses to occur during that time. The use of these high-dose formulations was linked to increased risks of ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, and pulmonary embolism in healthy young women. The estrogen and progestin were reduced rapidly during the 1960s and 1970s because of concern about safety and because the reduction of the doses did not reduce the contraceptive effectiveness.The reductions in the dose of estrogen are believed to have decreased the risk of venous thrombosis. The combination estrogen–progestin oral contraceptives that are now on the market contain estrogen at doses ranging from 20 to 50 μg of ethinyl estradiol or, uncommonly, mestranol. Currently there are over 70 different brands on the market. 1

Multiple vacancies in Dr. Reddy's Lab - Production, QC, Process Engineering

Dr. Reddy's Laboratories (NYSE: RDY) is an emerging global pharmaceutical company with proven research capabilities. The company is vertically integrated with a presence across the pharmaceutical value chain. It produces finished dosage forms, active pharmaceutical ingredients and biotechnology products and markets them globally, with focus on India, US, Europe and Russia.

Manager- Int. Operation - Manager-Int. Op in Torrent Pharmaceuticals

Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited, is a dominant player in the therapeutic areas of cardiovascular (CV) and central nervous system (CNS) and has achieved significant presence in gastro-intestinal, diabetology, anti-infective and pain management segments. Torrent Pharma’s competitive advantage as a manufacturer stems from its world-class manufacturing facilities.