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Walk in interview for M.Pharm, M.Sc in Drug Targeting Project at IIAR

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for position of JRF in DBT sponsored project in Biophysics INDIAN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED RESEARCH, UNIVERSITY OF IAR, KOBA, GANDHINAGAR-382 007, Gujarat

Walk-in Interview for the position of JRF in a DBT-sponsored project “Biophysical characterization of adenylosuccinate lyase- a potential drug target from Leishmania donovani- a computational and molecular approach” with Dr. Anju Pappachan, Biophysics & Bioinformatics Lab,  IIAR (Part of UIAR)

Post: Junior Research Fellow

No.of post: One

Salary: Rs. 25,000 + 10% HRA

Essential Qualification:
Post graduation with minimum 55% marks in any discipline related to Life Sciences (Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Zoology, Microbiology, Biochemistry,Pharmacy etc). Candidates having cleared CSIR-NET/GATE will be preferred.


Desirable Qualifications: Candidates having experience in cloning, protein purification, molecular biology techniques and bioinformatic tools.

General Conditions:
1.The appointment will be initially for a period of six months and extended further depending upon satisfactory performance of the incumbent.
2. The engagement for the projects is purely on temporary basis and is co-terminus with the project.
3.It is not an appointment with the institute and will not confer any right to the incumbent to any claim implicit or explicit on any position.
4. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Outstation candidates have to make their own arrangement for their stay.

Candidates, appearing in the walk-in interview are requested to bring the hard copy of application addressed to Dr. Anju Pappachan with latest photograph, CV mentioning qualifications, work experience and name of two referees and one page write up as to why you would like to join the project.

Applications made through e-mail would not be entertained at all.

Walk-in Interview on 7th April 2017 at 10:30 am

Dr. Anju Pappachan
Indian Institute of Advanced Research (IIAR),
University  and Institute of Advanced Research,
The Puri Foundation for Education in India,
Koba Institutional Area,
Gandhinagar- 382 007, Gujarat, India.

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