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Require Project Assistant at Central Food Technological Research Institute | M.Pharm, M.Sc

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CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute is a premier Research Institution under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi and is engaged in research and development in the field of Food Science and Food Technology. Over the years, the Institute has been continuously enhancing its capabilities to achieve the high quality research through training, strategic innovations and recruitment of qualified personnel for its R&D activities. To supplement the above objectives, CSIR-CFTRI is carrying out externally funded, Grant-in-Aid / Sponsored / Consultancy Projects and in-house projects. In order to execute projects within the stipulated time additional manpower in the form of Project Assistants, on purely temporary basis, are engaged.

Project Assistant (Level-I)
Position Code : PAT 1
Essential Qualification : I Class B.Sc in Biology / Botany / Computer Science / Chemistry /Physics /Zoology OR I Class B.Lib after B.Sc First Class Diploma in Electrical & Electronics / Mechanical / Computer Engineering of three years duration
Consolidated Stipend : Rs.8000/- P.M As per Funding Agency Norm
Maximum age limit. (Relaxation is applicable for SC/ST/OBC as per GOI instructions) : 25 years

Project Assistant (Level-II)
Position Code : PAT 2
Essential Qualification : I Class M.Sc Botany / Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry / Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Biosciences / Microbiology / Zoology / Food Technology / Food Science / Food Science & Nutrition / Fisheries Science / Environmental Science / Environmental Chemistry / Computer Science OR I Class BE / BTech in Chemical / Computer / Polymer / Electrical and Electronics / Mechanical OR I Class MCA OR I Class M.Com / MBA (after B.Sc) with Computer Proficiency OR I Class M.Lib OR I Class M.Pharm
Consolidated Stipend : Rs.12000/- P.M As per Funding Agency Norm
Maximum age limit. (Relaxation is applicable for SC/ST/OBC as per GOI instructions) : 28 years

Project Assistant (Level-III)
Position Code : PAT3
Essential Qualification : I Class M.Sc Botany / Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry / Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Biosciences / Microbiology / Zoology / Food Technology / Food Science / Food Science & Nutrition / Fisheries Science / Environmental Science / Environmental Chemistry / Computer Science OR I Class BE / BTech in Chemical / Computer / Polymer / Electrical and Electronics / Mechanical OR I Class MCA OR I Class M.Com / MBA (after B.Sc) with Computer Proficiency OR I Class M.Lib OR I Class M.Pharm
Consolidated Stipend : Rs.14000/- P.M As per Funding Agency Norm
Maximum age limit. (Relaxation is applicable for SC/ST/OBC as per GOI instructions) : 32 years


Project Assistant (Level-IV)
Position Code : PA 4
Essential Qualification : Ph.D in Science / Engineering I Class M.Sc Botany / Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry / Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Biosciences / Microbiology / Zoology / Food Technology / Food Science / Food Science & Nutrition / Fisheries Science / Environmental Science / Environmental Chemistry / Computer Science OR I Class BE / BTech in Chemical / Computer / Polymer / Electrical and Electronics / Mechanical OR I Class MCA OR I Class M.Com / MBA (after B.Sc) with Computer Proficiency OR I Class M.Lib OR I Class M.Pharm
Consolidated Stipend : Rs.20000/- P.M As per Funding Agency Norm
Maximum age limit. (Relaxation is applicable for SC/ST/OBC as per GOI instructions) : 35 years

Project Assistant (Level-V)
Position Code : PA 5
Essential Qualification : Ph.D in Science / Engineering I Class M.Sc Botany / Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry / Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Biosciences / Microbiology / Zoology / Food Technology / Food Science / Food Science & Nutrition / Fisheries Science / Environmental Science / Environmental Chemistry / Computer Science OR I Class BE / BTech in Chemical / Computer / Polymer / Electrical and Electronics / Mechanical OR I Class MCA OR I Class M.Com / MBA (after B.Sc) with Computer Proficiency OR I Class M.Lib OR I Class M.Pharm with 2 years relevant experience.
Consolidated Stipend : Rs.20000/- P.M As per Funding Agency Norm
Maximum age limit. (Relaxation is applicable for SC/ST/OBC as per GOI instructions) : 37 years

* The facility of Ph.D registration shall be allowed to those Project Assistants who have worked for minimum period of two years and have at least cleared CSIR-UGC lectureship (NET), or GATE examination or published 2 papers in international peer review ISI indexed journals. However, at any given time not more than 30% of Project Assistants shall be allowed to register for Ph.D. Over and above CSIR-CFTRI may fix the criteria to control the quality. It will be ensured that Ph.D registration does not become a tool for extension of the tenure of Project Assistants beyond five years.
* Project Assistants will not be entitled for any medical facilities either through CSIR-CFTRI Dispensary or through CS (MA) Rules. However, under emergent circumstances, CSIR-CFTRI may provide emergency treatment/consultation, but they will not be eligible for reimbursement or medical expenses.
* Project Assistants will be entitled for one day leave for each completed month's service.. However, in extra-ordinary circumstances Principal Investigator of the Project and /or Director, CSIR-CFTRI may provide relaxation in the rules considering the exigency.
* TA/DA : Project staff will be entitled for TA/DA as per JRF,SRF and RA respectively while on official tour.

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  1. Mere submission of application/hard copy of application(s) will not vest any right on a candidate for engagement for the position of Project Assistant/Associate.
  2.  The terms and conditions of engagement of Project Assistants may be amended from time to time.
  3. The engagement is purely on temporary and contract basis under the externally funded/sponsored/Network/other project undertaken by CSIR-CFTRI.
  4.  The engagement under project does not confer any right/claim whatsoever, either explicitly or implicitly on the appointee, for regular appointment in CSIR /CFTRI, against any post or otherwise under any legal conditions or precedent.
  5. Candidates who have completed their degree with requisite educational qualifications only need to apply.
  6. The position of Project Assistant/Project Associate is not transferrable to other project(s).
  7.  On completion of tenure in one project, in case, one wants to apply for engagement in another project, he/she will have to go through the process of selection, if advertised.
  8. Appointment under new project would be made only after submission of 'No Demand Certificate' in previous project.
  9. The performance of Project Assistants would be reviewed periodically so that any one not found up to mark, could be replaced.
  10. Offer of engagement could be given for short duration, i.e. 6 months/1 year, which may be extended further based on the recommendations of the Project Investigator(s)/Leader(s).
  11. Submission of resignation before completion of tenure for sake of engagement in another project(s) will be discouraged.
  12. The tenure of the Project Assistants so engaged is co-terminus with the duration of the project.
  13. The maximum duration for which Project Assistants/Project Associates could be engaged in different projects taken together, will be 5 years.

Other things being equal, candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC community will be given preference over General candidates to ensure their representation.


* As and when manpower requirement comes under a Project, the Principal Investigator/Project Investigator of the Project shall notify an advertisement in Institute website inviting applications for Project Assistants, specifying the number of manpower, level, duration of engagement, qualification ( as per project requirement and in accordance with above qualification/Guidelines and as per prescribed format (downloadable from the website) for various levels of Project Assistants) etc., giving 1-2 weeks time to submit applications.
* On completion of notification period, the Principal Investigator/Project Investigator of the Project shall screen the applications received against the advertisement and shortlist the probable candidates (maximum can be up to seven candidates/depending upon the number of applications received) and submit list of candidates to the Chairman, Committee for engagement of Project Assistants for Externally funded Projects at CSIR-CFTRI.
* On receipt of request from the Principal Investigator/Project Investigator, the Chairman shall constitute a Sub-Committee comprising of the Principal Investigator/Project Investigator, Head of the Department of concerned, one or two subject experts and a member from the Committee for engagement of Project Assistants for Externally funded Projects at CSIR-CFTRI.
* The above Sub-Committee shall interview the candidates, shortlist and recommend the candidate(s) to be engaged under concerned Project to the Chairman, Committee for engagement of Project Assistants for Externally funded Projects at CSIR-CFTRI.
* The Committee for engagement of Project Assistants for Externally funded Projects at CSIR-CFTRI, shall endorse the recommendations of the Sub-Committee and forward the same to Administration for taking further necessary action for issue of offer of engagement(s) etc., after complying requirements of the Project in consultation with PMC and TTBD Department and Finance & Accounts with regard to manpower requirement and funds availability for the Project. The Principal Investigator/Project Investigator of the Project would co-ordinate in complying with the requirements with Administration.
* Inter-changing of Project Personnel /jumping from one project to another project by tendering resignation before completion of tenure in previous project, shall be discouraged. If a Project Assistant engaged under a project wishes to apply against a position under another project, he/she shall be considered as a fresh candidate, subject to (i) certification of Principal Investigator/Project Investigator , that he/she has completed his/her tenure under present project or shall join under new project on completion of present tenure, if recommended for engagement and (ii) Performance under previous project.



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