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Career Opportunity for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Sc at Central Council for Research in Siddha - walk in | 18 posts

Clinical research courses

Siddha system of Medicine, Govt. of India, by  bifurcating the erstwhile CCRAS, formed CCRS (Central Council for Research in Siddha) with its headquarters in Chennai and six Research Institutes/Units in four states namely, Tamil Nadu (Chennai, Mettur & Palayamkottai), Puducherry (Puducherry), New Delhi and Kerala (Thiruvananthapuram). Siddha is a science of holistic health emphasising both drug and diet for human health care.

Walk in interview for various posts required in IMR research projects will be held in the above address as per details given below. Relaxation will be given to SC/ST/OBC candidates as per GOI Rules. The engagement will be purely on contract basis and no claim for continuation or regular appointment will be entertained. Applicant should bring their original certificates. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the walk-in-interview. The Asst. Director in-charge reserves all the rights to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.

Name of the post/Project title : Research Associate(Siddha) in the IMR project entitled “Siddha Encyclopedia and Android Application for Research Community and Health Care Institutions(T.V.Sambasivam Pillai Medical SEARCH Dictionary)”
No. of posts : 4 Nos.
Qualification :Ph.D / M.D(Siddha) from a CCIM recognized Institution and Enrolment in the Central/ State Register of Indian Medicine/Siddha as the case may be. Minimum one research paper in science citation Indexed(SCI) journal.
Desirable Qualification: Publication of any Siddha books.
Age: not to exceed 40 years as on 17.03.2017. Relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules.
Fellowship: Rs.36,000/- + 30% HRA p.m .
Period: 2 years or till completion of project, whichever is earlier.

Name of the post/Project title : Junior Research Fellowship(Siddha) in the IMR project entitled “Status of Labeling , Drug information and branding in marketed Anti-diabetic Siddha formulations ; cross sectional study; Chennai, Tamilnadu-2016”.
No. of posts : 1 Nos.
Qualification :BSMS/MD (Siddha) with M.Sc- Epidemiology, MPH, MAE, DPH/PG Diploma in Bio Statistics/ M.Sc, Medical Sociology (or) any other allied Sciences.
Age: not to exceed 30 years as on 17.03.2017. Relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules.
Fellowship: Rs.25,000/- +30% HRA p.m.
Period: 6 months or till completion of project, whichever is earlier


Name of the post/Project title : Junior Research Fellowship(Siddha) in the IMR project entitled “Status of Labeling , Drug information and branding in marketed Anti-diabetic Siddha formulations ; cross sectional study; Chennai, Tamilnadu-2016.
No. of posts : 1 Nos.
Qualification :BSMS/MD (Siddha).
Age: not to exceed 30 years as on 17.03.2017. Relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules.
Fellowship: Rs.25,000/- +30% HRA p.m. .
Period: 6 months or till completion of project, whichever is earlier.

Name of the post/Project title : SRF(Pharmacology) in various IMR projects
No. of posts : 1 Nos.
Qualification :Master degree in Pharmacology.
Desirable Qualification: Experience in experimental animal handling and in-vivo preclinical screening.
Age: not to exceed 35 years as on 17.03.2017. Relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules.
Fellowship: Rs.28,000/- + 30% HRA p.m
Period: 1 year or till completion of project, whichever is earlier.

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Name of the post/Project title : JRF(Pharmacology) in various IMR projects
No. of posts : 1 Nos.
Qualification :B.Pharmacy/ Master degree in Pharmacology.
Desirable Qualification: Experience in experimental animal handling and in-vivo preclinical screening.
Age: not to exceed 30 years as on 17.03.2017. Relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules.
Fellowship: Rs.25,000/- + 30%HRA p.m
Period: 1 year or till completion of project, whichever is earlier.

Name of the post/Project title : JRF(Chemistry) for Estimation of Copper IMR Project
No. of posts : 1 Nos.
Qualification :M.Sc., Chemistry/ Analytical Chemistry.
Desirable Qualification (i) CSIR-JRF/NET, (ii) 2 years of Research/Industrial Experience with field of Expertise in Analytical Chemistry and hands on experience in sophisticated instruments like AAS/ICP-OES/ICP-MS. (iii) The candidate should be well versed with analytical method development and method validation concepts.
Age: not to exceed 30 years as on 17.03.2017. Relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules.
Fellowship: Rs.25,000/- + 30% HRA p.m
Period: Three years or till completion of project, whichever is earlier.

Name of the post/Project title : JRF(Chemistry) for Geo Chemical Characterization of Muppu IMR Project
No. of posts : 1 Nos.
Qualification :M.Sc., Chemistry/ Analytical Chemistry.
Desirable Qualification (i) CSIR-JRF/NET, (ii) 2 years of Research/Industrial Experience with field of Expertise in Analytical Chemistry and hands on experience in sophisticated instruments like UV-Visible spectrometer. (iii) The candidate should be well versed with analytical method development and method validation concepts.
Age: not to exceed 30 years as on 17.03.2017. Relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules.
Fellowship: Rs.25,000/- + 30% HRA p.m
Period: Two years or till completion of project, whichever is earlier.

Name of the post/Project title : Research Associate (Siddha) for Geo Chemical Characterization of Muppu IMR Project
No. of posts : 1 Nos.

Qualification: M.D (Siddha) from a CCIM recognized Institution and Enrolment in the Central/ State Register of Indian Medicine/Siddha as the case may be.
Desirable Qualification: The incumbent should have sound knowledge in drug preparations as per Siddha literature.
Age: not to exceed 40 years as on 17.03.2017. Relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules.
Fellowship: Rs.36,000/- + 30% HRA p.m

Period: Two years or till completion of project, whichever is earlier.

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Name of the post/Project title : DEO in the IMR project entitled “Siddha Encyclopedia and Android Application for Research Community and Health Care Institutions(T.V.Sambasivam Pillai Medical SEARCH Dictionary)”
No. of posts : 4 Nos.

Qualification: 1. Any degree from a recognized University. 2. Typing Skills (Tamil & English)
Desirable Qualification: Diploma / Certificate course in computer applications. Preference will be given to candidates having previous working experience in research projects.
Age: not exceeding 27 years as on 17.03.2017. Relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules.
Fellowship: Rs.16,000/- p.m(consolidated).
Period: 1 year or till completion of project, whichever is earlier.

Name of the post/Project title : JRF(Chemistry) for “Isolation of chemical marker from selected plants used in RCH”
No. of posts : 2 Nos.

Qualification: M.Sc., Chemistry/Organic/Analytical Chemistry.
Desirable Qualification (i) CSIRJRF/ NET, (ii) Experience in Organic Phytochemistry and hands on experience in HPLC, method development and method validation concepts.
Age: not to exceed 30 years as on 17.03.2017. Relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules.
Fellowship: Rs.25,000/- + 30% HRA p.m
Period: 3 years or till completion of project, whichever is earlier.

Name of the post/Project title : JRF(Chemistry) for “Inorganic composition of selected plants used in Siddha system”
No. of posts : 1 Nos.
Qualification: M.Sc., Chemistry/Inorganic/Analytical Chemistry.
Desirable Qualification (i) CSIRJRF/ NET, (ii) Experience in Inorganic chemistry or Analytical chemistry and hands on experience in XRD. (iii) The candidate should be well versed with analytical method development and method validation and data interpretation.
Age: not to exceed 30 years as on 17.03.2017. Relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules.
Fellowship: Rs.25,000/- + 30% HRA p.m
Period: 3 years or till completion of project, whichever is earlier.

Date of Interview 17.03.2017 at 10.30 A.M.

(Central Council for Research in Siddha, Chennai, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India)
Anna Govt. Hospital Campus,
Arumbakkam, Chennai – 600106,

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