Lecturer- Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutics in Karnataka Public Service Commission
Prior to 1921, there was no Central Authority constituted in the State to advise Government and other Appointing Authorities in the matters of recruitment to the state civil services. Government and Appointing Authorities were making appointments in accordance with the principles laid down by Government from time to time. Through order No. 1827:80 E.A.G.308, dated:16-05-1921, the Government constituted for the first time a central agency for recruitments, named “Central Recruitment Board”. This Board was attached to the office of the Government Secretariat till 1940. Government appointed a Public Service Commissioner for the State in its Order No. 3685-3735-C.B. 103-39-1, dated: 19-01-1940.
The Public Service Commission was constituted under the provisions of the Constitution of India on 18-05-1951. In accordance with the provisions of clause 14 of the Public Service Commission Regulations 1950, the staff of the Public Service Commissioner as it stood on 18-05-1951, was continued as the nucleus of the staff of the Public Service Commission.
Post: Lecturer